So, y'all read why I'd want to move away.
I felt that way for the better part of a week. Then, this happened.
5/25: I met Brando and TLB for dinner and drinks. It was a lovely evening - warm enough to sit outside (with the heaters on) and spend some time. We had a great time. I drove home that night thinking about how I really like those two, and I hope that we can become better friends and spend more time together. Me being me, I had even told them that I'd like to hang out more often, and that I meant it. They agreed.
5/26: I went to the movies with John and Toni. John's parents joined us (a surprise to me) and I gave them great big hugs. As I watched the previews and looked over at these people, I realized that John and Toni are more family than friends, and I wouldn't be the same without them.
5/26: I worked a show at Old Town. It was an interesting show, something I'd likely not see anywhere else.
5/27: I went to Mars Cheese Castle with delightful God-daughter and her mom. It was 90+ degrees out, the car had no a/c, and yet we had such a fun time. Picking on God-daughter, making silly jokes about nothing. I gave them both big sweaty hugs good bye and told them I loved them. I thanked C a million times for taking me to the Cheese Castle. She looked at me like I was crazy. She thinks that when I need or want something, it's just on her to take care of it.
5/27: I went to a BBQ at T&C's house. T is someone I have known for years, but we have just recently started hanging out more. I really only know T&C, and not any of their friends. Their friends are very interesting and nice. Always willing to talk to the person (me) that didn't know anyone. I was included in many conversations, and it was nice that a handful of the people that I had met once before remembered me.
I left there realizing that there are millions of interesting people out in the world, and yes, even some in Chicago that I have yet to meet. There are also quite a few people that, while I have broken ground on a friendship, I have not put enough time or effort in to them. I need to work on that.
5/28: Another hot day, and a few plans in the hopper. I cancelled all my plans. I was exhausted and my house was a mess.
While I sat on my couch in the a/c that day, I let my mind wander over the past few days.
I had spent some time with some amazing people. People who I care a lot about. People who I could care a lot about. Some new, some old, some family, some little more than acquaintances, but overall - it was the people that made the weekend, not the things I was doing.
So, if I stay here longer than I think I will, it will be the people that keep me here.
And I'm actually ok with that.