Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I'm no hypocrite
Because Julia called me out on this:
There was another Crosstown Classic this past weekend, whilst I was in MI.
The White Sox swept the Cubs.
That's one way to look at it.
Between the six games played between these two Chicago teams, an even split.
I'm saying it now:
See you in October, South Side.
(I myself will be far far away from Chicago should that happen. The city will Implode.)
Monday, June 30, 2008
I'm Baaaaccccckkkkk
Hopefully for good!
Got home, and the internet is being good to me today. Hopefully that will last.
Best. Weekend. Ever.
Shannon, TheMarty and I had a great weekend in MI. Good times. I have a photo or two that my very tired ass will upload for you later in the week.
There are so many great quotes, and great moments, as there always is when in MI. A sampling:
"I WILL eat Martian asparagus before I die." (OPB, in the car, on our way)
"It's Ok. My toes are in the cool waters of Tahiti." (OPB, in the car on the way home)
Followed by:
"Yeah, well my ass is firmly planted in the Sahara."(Shannon, awesomely voicing her displeasure at the leather seats in the car.
And, finally, one of my own:
"Well, this blows fainting goats."
I may or may not provide additional quotes. I didn't have my little notebook handy at every moment (though I should have, there were some classic lines), and there was quite a bit of drinking. God bless Freedom Juice. Have Shannon make you one or three sometime - it's masterful.
Weather was mostly awesome.
Shannon and Marty picked me up at work at noon on Friday from work. TheMarty had requested that I stand on the curb, thumb extended, much like the hitchhiker I was. I so totally did.
Got to MI no problems. Boat ride. Uno. Awesome.
Saturday was a beautiful day. After some breakfast shinanigans at Cracker Barrel we went out on the lake. I had my first ride as a passenger on Shannon's wave rider thing. She's a good driver. I trusted her, literally, with my life. We ran into some nastiness in the form of choppy water and bad juju from a speed boat with a waterskier on back. I was SURE we were going to fall off, but I had the death grip and Shannon handled it, so no problems. The problem occured when we tried to dock the damn thing. We were in the right place, but no clue as to what to do once we got there. So, we waved our hands at neighbor Dave until he came out, laughing, to assist. His sage advice to us was: "Well, just keep going til you run out of gas, you'll drift to someone's house." That said he then helped us out of the water. Then more drinking and Phase 10.
Sunday bad weather, bad movie. We went to see The Happening. To that I say Meh.
Drinking, game playing, you get the drift by now.
Monday, sadly, it was time to come home.
TheMarty forced me to listen to some comedian, David somethingorother Cross maybe? I'm glad he did - David whatever is a funny funny guy.
There may be more on this trip topic later this week. I'm exhausted, and it's back to work tomorrow.
Ahhh - it's good to be back~!
Friday, June 27, 2008
An update
But let's not hold our breath.
Landoverlord (aka VonBroinlaw) hinted at getting me my very own internet connection last night. At 8:30. While I was packing. I asked VonSis if it could be put off by, like, a day as I was busy at it was late. It has been put off.
One would hope while I am in Michigan VBIL gets it all squared away.
Have a great weekend.
Come hell or high water next week there will be another Name that Tune.
Nothing says Independence like Name that Tune.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Giving up for the week
Still no internet. About to send a nice yet stern email to my landpeople. I'm threatening them with an infiltration of one of my techie brothers to fix it. That Might get them to act. We'll see.
I'm out of town this weekend with OPB and Shannon. Should have something to talk about next week. If. If I have internet.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Still Nada
I'm guessing I still don't have internet at home. I didn't check last night, because I was busy having awesome dinner at Feed with my most favorite cousin Jyl. A dinner at which I told her I have a blog. HI JYL.
So, real quick - every day I walk over to get my free RedEye newspaper at work. Every day I have a little giggle. See, some smooth operator with an exacto knife or somethin' change the word "Free" on the side of the paper dispenser thingy to "I Pee" I don't know why this is funny every freaking day, but it is.
Fingers crosses I'll have internet soon.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Oh, and regarding the Crosstown....
In case any of my out-of-town friends wanted to know:
The Chicago Cubs S W E P T the Chicago White Sux over the weekend.
They play each other again this weekend. I will be out of town. With a bunch of south siders.
Fingers crossed the Cubbies will sweep again!
Still broken
HOme internets still broken.
LOve job too much to blog at work.
MenD has admitted to being the cause of the problem.
Again, stay tuned.
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