Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm not quite sure how to get GermanClassCrush to love me when he never comes to class the same weeks that I do. We seem to be on this weird blow off class on alternating weeks thing, which sucks. In other news Not that any of you besides Saying Yes would even be aware of it, but I've had an obsession the last two days. back story: Woke up yesterday to go to work, and as usual, the first thing I do is turn on WGN news. There was a dog running on the expressway. And then swimming in the river. And then running down the expressway. Yes, there were cars on the expressway. Here's me: "Where ya going baby? Huh? Be careful? Someone help him!" yes, I was mostly speaking to my t.v. I went to all day for updates, and nada. I guess the little guy got tired and ran into some woods. I figured I'd keep checking for updates today. So Wake up this morning, turn on t.v., wrong new on. I see - a dog, running down the expressway. I say "A day late and a dollar short with your news...." Then I see the little icon that says LIVE I switch over to WGN and "So if you're just tuning in, no this is not a joke, that dog is back, running on the expressway again" and here's me: "Where ya going baby? Huh? Be careful!! Where is animal control!?!? OMG don't hit him!!!" I had to turn it off when he almost very nearly got hit by a semi. Get to work Checking WGN The poor thing got tired and got arrested. For realz. He was last seen in the back of a squad car. Allegedly he's a pit bull named Boxer. I see, he ran away because of the identity crisis in being a pit bull named Boxer. I'd really like to take his stupid owner, have him go for a little jog on the highway, followed by a swim in the river, a night in the woods, and then another run on the highway. Stupid people should not be allowed to own dogs.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Quick Geeeetar Update

So, sitting in our final Guitar 1 class Saturday, getting ready to go up to the auditorium to "graduate" by playing a song on stage, our teacher noticed our nervousness. To make us feel better, he said: "Don't worry. There is absolutely NOTHING riding on how well you play this song..." well, that was not an accurate statement, as you all know I had A LOT riding on this song. We let the teacher know what the deal was: "Von does. She has to do well, or her dad won't let her keep the guitar" "Oh. Ok, here's what we're going to do - Von will sit next to me....." We got on stage. We played "Dark Hollow" We didn't suck. Went to lunch with VonParents immediately after graduation. I sat with my geeeetar, like it was my date. Lull in the conversation I say: "So.....?" VonDad **smirk** VonMom "Oh, I think you can keep using it." weird flutter of the hands, kinda like a pshaw, we're done with this conversation VonDad "For now." My plan? Get to Guitar 3, or even Guitar 4ever, and then open up discussion about the Guitar being MINE 4ever. My evil plan is in the works...... stayed tuned.....(music joke, kinda, hahahaha)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank you,

Judgmental: 1. involving the use or exercise of judgement 2. tending to make moral judgements Apparently, this is what I am. Or think maybe some of my closest friends think I am. Sure, I have strong opinions, but if someone is my friend, they should know that pretty early on in the friendship. Here's me using it in a sentence: Because I'm judgmental, two of my best friends basically don't tell me anything anymore. How can you use it in a sentence? I could also use some help figuring out WHY my honest opinions are often dismissed as judgmental.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You are on notice:

Please note Friends, Lovers, and those I cuddle with. If you DO NOT post within 30 days....... You do NOT get to live at the top of the list. that's just how it is. Get off your asses and write a post or two. C'mon.

Things that make you go hmmmm

The other day I was getting ready to to out. While getting ready, I was blasting Q101. Q101 happens to be Chicago's alternative radio station. It tends towards heavier bands, which is what I dig. The louder, the faster, the better for me. I love the same types of music I always have. My age has not mellowed me out. I love Korn. Slipknot, Rise Against, NIN, Breaking Benjamin, Sick Puppies, 30 Seconds to Mars - all these bands and more are what Q101 plays. The problem? Turns out I am so NOT their target audience. Neither my age nor my gender make me someone that they cater to. Yet, I can't stay away from it; At home, in my car, at work (when I'm not listening to XRT) I just wonder if I'm an anomaly. Am I supposed to no longer like hard/fast/edgy music after I reach a certain age? Is that what happens? I mean, I do love allll of my various types of music, this just happens to be the one that I come back to the most. Am I one day going to wake up and crave adult contemporary? *shudder* Or show tunes? I can't let that happen. I just can't.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I reckon (or, actually, didn't)

I don't regret much from my younger years. Truthfully, from time to time I even wonder if my best years are behind me. But, that's a subject for another day. One thing I totally regret, and am trying to make up for now is this: I never realized how amazing R.E.M. is. I mean, amazing. Sure, I have "Out of Time", I think there was a rule that all high school seniors had to have that CD. I gave it a good amount of play time, but there was always some other band stealing away my attentions. Either something new, or an old standby, R.E.M. never really stuck with me. Until recently. I can kinda remember when it happened, too. I was driving and I heard a song by Michael Stipe and Natalie Merchant. It was a song I've never heard before or since. It was beautiful. And it got me to thinking. I bought "Nightswimming" on iTunes. I dusted off "Out of Time". I revisited "Lifes Rich Pageant" What was I thinking?!?! Why wasn't I cool enough to know and appreciate this for what it was?!?! Why wasn't I paying attention? So now I'm on a mission. An R.E.M. super appreciation mission. I'm eating them up like candy. Every song I can, every lyric mentally broken down for meaning and movement. I may have been blind before, but now I'm all over this. I'm sorry, Michael Stipe, for not being smart enough to get it.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Guitar Goddess!!

ZOMG Not only can I play a passable version of "Free Fallin'" NOW I can also play that cool part of "Paint it Black" you know the part the bing bing bing bing bing byong bung bong.... That part! Guitar 1 graduation, T minus 6 days!! OTSFM, Saturday 4/24, 12:15, be there or be square