Monday, October 25, 2010

Not going to do it, wouldn't be prudent....

I was thinking about doing NaPoBloMo this time around. Then I thought - What, am I stupid? I don't blog for others, I blog for me. I would not be challenging myself, I'd be doing it because other people were doing it and when have I ever done something just people other people were doing it?* ** So, I'm not going to do it. I know what would happen, I'd come out strong out of the gate, loose steam, and start cat-vacuuming. Y'all deserve better than that. I've been informed that Zoe and Zeb (Zombies that unlive on my desk) may want to write a post soon. Well, Halloween is coming up, and they don't ask for much, so I might have to let one or the other of them go for it. *hey, grammar police, that's and intentional run-on sentence ** Ok, so I started smoking because the cool kids were doing it, but that was a loooong time ago.


Jennifer said...

That'd be the type of thing I'd sign up for and then would resent. Stick with not blogging, Von! Everybody's doing it! :)

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Hey now. I posted just yesterday.

OK, it was only one line, but the effort, you know?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

My goal is one post every other day.

Summer was good, because pictures!

October bad, because of WORK.

So No NaBloPoMo fo' moi.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


I heard the news.

Happy, Happy!

Vonnie said...

It's tomorrow.....but THANKS!

Stick to not blogging - sounds good to me!!

Jennifer said...

Happy Not Your Birthday, Von! It was probably supposed to be today, but the wind blew it into tomorrow.

Vonnie said...

LOl, True Jennifer!

mikey said...

Good LORD!

That is a stone GORGEOUS woman.

Claire Grogan you say.

Don't know how I missed that.

Only recently discovered Olive Thomas too.

Happy Birthday, young lady!

Vonnie said...

Birthday is tomorrow, and I'm not so young....

Vonnie said...

Birthday is tomorrow, and I'm not so young....

Jennifer said...

We heard you the first time! And yes you are young.

Jennifer said...

Also, if this wind keeps up, you're not going to need to blow out your candles.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

shouldn't all the blowing jokes be over in fishie's woody thread?

Jennifer said...

Happy Real B-day, Von!

Mendacious D said...

Happy actual birthday, Von!

Vonnie said...

Thanks pumpkins!!

Kathleen said...

Happy birthday!

Vonnie said...

Thanks K-Unit!!