Monday, April 26, 2010

Thank you,

Judgmental: 1. involving the use or exercise of judgement 2. tending to make moral judgements Apparently, this is what I am. Or think maybe some of my closest friends think I am. Sure, I have strong opinions, but if someone is my friend, they should know that pretty early on in the friendship. Here's me using it in a sentence: Because I'm judgmental, two of my best friends basically don't tell me anything anymore. How can you use it in a sentence? I could also use some help figuring out WHY my honest opinions are often dismissed as judgmental.


fish said...

Don't worry about it. Anyone who thinks you're judgmental is a total a-hole.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

How can you use it in a sentence?

Hi, I'm JUDGE MENTAL, Marvel's newest superhero!

Watch me throw Snag out of court for looking at me funny.

Mendacious D said...

I could also use some help figuring out WHY my honest opinions are often dismissed as judgmental.

No one likes to be called out, even when they should be. No one likes to be challenged if it means admitting fault.

This may be why I don't have many friends.

Vonnie said...

MenD, and this may be why you and I get along so well....
fish - thanks. yes, most people I know are indeed assholes.
Thunda - HIlarious. Thanks, I needed that!!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I could also use some help figuring out WHY my honest opinions are often dismissed as judgmental.

This seems judgmental to me.

Vonnie said...

Why, yes, yes, that statement IS judgmental.
Your point?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Don't judge me.

Vonnie said...

I don't judge you, just, apparently, everyone else.