Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh Crap

I sat down last night, just me, my iPod and my computer and drafted not one, not two, but three blog posts. I deleted them all, because, well, they all sucked the big one. Really really sucked. I wouldn't bother reading them, and it's my blog! Oh crap. Apparently I have bloggersblock. Please advise how I can shake the disease.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little busy

So, yeah, I'm a little busy these days. Tonight, I'm volunteering at Old Town from 5:30 until 8:00ish. At 9:00 ZOMG - 90 minute "Sons of Anarchy" 90 minutes!!! I'm off work tomorrow, but I've got to go to teh gym (yes, again, shut up) and I have a thing at Old Town for my new very very very part time job that I got there, followed by german school. Thursday work/VonMom's/Deb's Friday work/Old Town Saturday OMG - LaurenfromBoston Ijustloveher! is in town. Will be spending some quality time with her, TheMarty and ChokingDan. I just might be choking Dan, but he could choke on his own, so he's ChokingDan. After that quality time I have my first night of training for the new job at Old Town. Excited! Sunday Not Your Momma's Book Club final meeting for the year. There will be wine. Lots and lots and lots of wine. And maybe some carbs. Sooooo Maybe I'll post next week. Yesterday I mentioned I'm taking an internetz dating break for the week. It's actually going to be a home computer break for the week. Try not to miss me. I will mail you a post card if you end up missing me too much.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I know

I've been remiss. Damn stooopid internet dating stuff takes up all of my good quality internetz time in the evenings. Embargo on the dating website this week. Hoping to write a blog post tonight. Hoping, because I've got nothing in the hopper. Well, one thing, but it was so much better/funnier/better/in-depth over a week ago when it started bouncing around in my brain. I'll try. Oh, and I'm going to the gym tonight. Yep, pick yourselves back up off the floor. That's my plan.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Dear Zombie

Dear Zombie, I have sent you an email to your real email address. Though unimportant in the grand scheme of things, I would like a reply. Preferrably with the information I am seeking. Please let me know if you have not received said email. Sincerely, V

Friday, October 30, 2009

So, I owed you some pictures.....

Picture #1: Yep - I know, I promised you this photo in May. This is my latest tattoo. It's the scorpio symbol, and the scorpio constellation. I love it, most people hate it. What can you. And no, it didn't hurt.
Picture #2: This is my cubey cube at work today. I put up the lights, LB "fixed" them, and then mailroom guy went bat-shit (pun intended) crazy with the fake spider web stuff. I LOVE it. I never want to take it down. I have to do a little limbo to get in and out of my cube, but it's awesome!!
Picture #3: This is a picture of my two zombies, made for me by my friend Krista. On the left, in blue is Zoe, she's been around for a while. On the right is Zeb, just got her last weekend. They live on my desk full time forever. I haven't yet learned how to make them, so for now I just throw money at Krista, and beg her to make me zombies.
Have a great fantastic wonderful weekend. I want to hear all about your shenanigans.


I just want to state AGAIN one of my main pet peeves. IF you are a doormat in real life, you do NOT get to pretend to be a bad ass in fake life. Define fake life? Well, thanks for asking!! Fake life = Blogs/tweets/facebook/etc. If you're mad about something and at someone in particular - Call them on the phone, or go visit them - tell them VIA SPOKEN WORD what they have done to piss you off, so it can be remedied like adults. Don't go all passive/aggressive and pretend to be a bad ass. Reminder, all you are doing is typing. In the relative safety of your home. In your jammies. Why is this a pet peeve of mine? Well, thanks for asking!! BECAUSE: What you see with me is what you get. I would never, WILL never write here or on facebook or anywhere else anything that I would not say aloud to the person who has offended me. I'm actually more likely to tell someone off and/or fix things than I am to post it here. I usually only post it here if I think it would amuse you all, my dearest readers. That being said - I expect the same from other people. I know, I expect a lot. But without lofty expectations, there would be no pet peeves, would there?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I adore them!

I'm going to take the entire Michigan Avenue Apple store behind the bleachers and totally make out with them!!! On Sunday, my beloved 4th generation iPod nano decided to stop working. Specifically, the click wheel no clicky-clicky. I make an appointment to bring sick little iPod to the Apple store this morning. Shiny happy nice people greeted me at the door, directed me to Genius bar and Mr. Awesome. Mr. Awesome ran some tests, did some stuff. Said: "Sooo. I think it cannot be repaired." and "Your warranty expired four days ago." at this point I got the cold sweat. Four days!!?!? C'mon!!! and then Mr. Awesome said: "There is no way I'm charging you for this. I mean, four days." Huh?What?Whozis? "I mean, there is no damage, and it barely just came off warranty, so I'm going to go ahead and get you a new one." Mmmmhmmmmm..... "No charge" No charge This never happens to me. Never never never. I'm so giddy. I have no iPod for a few days while I wait for the new one to arrive, but mine wasn't working anyway, so no big deal.