...umm, mainly drunk-blogging. Well, there's that.
OH! week before last was SUPERB in music releases.
do tell?
We busted Kathleen's. And 3Bulls (Now NOBODY can comment there).
that's sad....
sigh. my life is so dull.
Says the dude who hangs out with one of his favorite bands.....
ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...
I hurt my foot chasing some deer with the dawwg.
I am sad for you. I will take that darn dog off your hands and send you some ice packs.
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
See, thunder, I TOLD you Von wasn't off being roadie and guitar tech for Whitesnake.
The less you know, the less I have to deny......
fish said...
I totally had Von pegged as a Warrant kind of girl.
See above. Von is nothing if not.....versatile.....
Michael said...
I was involved in a science experiment while you were away. Although I'm told that I should avoid getting angry, and to buy a lot of purple pants. So there was that... but you were missed.
I thought that was you, looking all serene, rocking some purple pants. This response color is in honor of you.
Big Bad Bald Bastard said...
I've joined another fantasy baseball league. That is now two for me for this year.
Can your two teams play against each other?
Von versus Von!
I don't think ANYONE wants to see that. It would be....interesting, at best.
mikey said...
Say, would that be Uncle Johns Band?
The first days are the hardest days
Don'tchu worry any more
'Cause when life looks like easy street
There is danger atcher door...
I don't know if you read the comics but here's a favored take on fantasy sports:
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
While I do not think I was missed very much
jeez, Von, I spent nearly every comment in the last couple of threads hassling you for not being around. What do you need, a show-stopping number?
(sigh) ...OK, here goes. Hit it, Sam!!!
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
I'm itching to call another blogger on the phone and have a chat. For the first time ever. It could happen this week. Any guesses who I am calling?
No one guessed. But due to a nasty stomach ailment, I didn't call. But I will.
Oh boy is there an evil answer I could make to that one....
Go for it. Don't forget I know where you live. I may not be able to drive there, but there's a train and a taxi that seperates us, that's all.
Smiley back!! :)
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
It's no longer Monday. New Bruce Springsteen album today.
True. It is now Thursday. And I really really dig all that I have heard of the new album.
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
No one left me any Skittles vodka in my absence.
It's like you don't even know us.
I can haz Skittlez vodkas?
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
Because I was wicked busy doing the worky work things!!! All the things!
Mendacious D said...
My comments aren't even registering. This must be karmic retribution for 3Bulls. All of it.
I used to have a MenD. He doesn't come around these parts too much anymore. I miss him.
mikey said...
Von seems to have some kind of...I dunno, Life or somedamnthing.
She doesn't seem to place the appropriate level of focus on us imaginary friends.
I will work on it.....
I honestly can't imagine what she does all day and all night...
Send your mind to the gutter, then go darker, then you have your answer.....
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
mikey, right? She definitely needs to re-order her priorities to be more in line with the attitudes of well-balanced individuals like you and me.
I'm working on it!!!!
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
Hey Von! Want a Mekons poster?
Is this bribery I see before me?
zombie rotten mcdonald said...
The comments. They are rather superior to my writings this week!!!
I very much like you all. Very much like.
Stay golden, Pony boy.