Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Get her out of there!!!

Dear Readers, Please. Please please please. Help me get Patti BlagoBitch off that t.v. show!!! For those of you unawares.....she's on that "I'm a Celebrity get me out of here!" show. There was nothing else on last night, so I watched this show - mostly because Speidi are on it too. There PB, and she's lying LYING about why her husband got fired, and all of this b.s. Oh, AND Today the charity that she thinks she's playing for has declined her offer, so basically she is playing for HERSELF. The longer she stays on the show, the more $$ she makes for herself and that evil piece of sh^t she is married too. So, I ask a favor - please turn this show on long enough to get the phone# that will get her kicked off. Thanks for your cooperation, V


Poptart said...

You are SO funny! I didn't know it was actually happening until it made the trib that she ate a tarantula or something. She has slept with RB, which is worse than anything they can do on the show...I'll totally call the # next week. Have to set up my digital box thingie I guess...

Jennifer said...

Yes, but she got immunity... which they'll keep giving her since it ups the ratings.

Maybe her husband will get immunity as well when he turns everybody else in.

Vonnie said...

I was SOOO mad when they gave her immunity!! Grrrr....I will be blowing UP the phone lines the second she can be eliminated!!

Adorable Girlfriend said...

I'll do what I can. I stand united with all of us in our efforts against putting crazy peeps on TV.