Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A possibility

Perhaps you've noticed a slight change in my tone lately. Yes, there is a reason. About a month ago, I met a guy. It was a very random meeting, that revolved more around our mutual adoration of Hot Doug's than anything else. My train friend had told me that she and her boyfriend and his friend were heading to Hot Doug's on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. I totally invited myself along - as any mention of Hot Doug's gets me salivating. Plus, to be honest, I've been looking for an opportunity to hang out with train friend B outside of just chatting on the train with her every day. I think we're working our way towards being actual friends, so this was a good opportunity. Anyway, I invited myself along and train friend B let me do so. Back to the guy. He's funny and smart and interesting. Ok, sure, he doesn't live in Chicago, ok, he doesn't live in Illinois, but these are things that I don't think really matter right now. I'm interested in him, and I'm thinking he might be interested in me too. We've been emailing back and forth for a couple of weeks, and have begun to text every now and then. Of course it's slow going, as all things like this should be (in my opinion, any way). I'll be honest, I look forward to his emails, and try to be witty and bright in my responses. So, we'll see. That's the reason that I've been in a better mood lately. God, I am such a 16 year old girl some times......

Just sharing - back to your regularly scheduled day.

Blushing now, need to find something to be snarky about.


Jennifer said...

Just be yourself and you'll be "bright and witty". :) You don't need to try, silly Von!

Hot Doug's... yum. Unfortunately it's Wednesday... no french fries fried in duck fat. God, that sounds so terrible when I read it, but lord are they good.

I hope things go the direction you would like!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

vonn, vonny, von.

Stay away from those Wisconsin boyz.

But show him your Zombeez.

Vonnie said...

Oh, if only he was from Wisconsin! Nope, he's from Georgia. But thanks for the advice!!

blue girl said...

Yay Von! Being in like is so much fun! Puts a little spring in your step!

French fries in duck fat? Interesting. lol

SIL1X said...

So funny because I swear I almost commented on your New York post, "Von, you sound almost, dare I say, cheerful!"

Poptart said...

Sounds like things are going well! Glad to hear!

Jennifer said...

French fries in duck fat? Interesting. lol

BG- don't knock it till you've tried it! It's totally excessive, but oh so yummy!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

a couple of people were rhapsodizing about duck fat cooking over at Sadly No the other day....