Thursday, August 19, 2010

And then....

This morning: I come out of my house about 10 minutes early. I have to run to the bank and the gas station. VonSis and VonBroinlaw are standing next to her car, which is parked directly behind VonCar. They are talking animatedly. Lots of hand waving. I say: "I cry when mommy and daddy fight" they start kissing I say: "I vomit when mommy and daddy are kissing" I get to my car um, shit The door is not quite closed. I say: "VonSis, don't go anywhere, looks like I didn't close the door all the way, the battery might be dead." I go to get in my car AND MY SHIT IS ALL OVER THE PLACE glasses, cassette tapes, directions, bags, notebooks, GOD DAMN IT, SOMEONE RIFLED THROUGH MY CAR I jump back like something bit me "SOMEONE WENT THROUGH MY CAR!!" VonBroinlaw leaps into action "What?!" VonSis starts digging around in my car. "You don't have anything in here anyway, right?" Right. I don't. I would never leave money or anything in it, hence why I don't lock it. But bloody hell, people, unlocked or not, it's not your fucking car!!! Thankfully, nothing was missing - what, cobag, you didn't want that Rush Roll the Bones cassette tape? No? But still. I feel kinda violated. It bothers me that something nasty was digging around and touching my stuff. Now, I get to call the police non-emergency line and fill them in. Because that sounds like fun.


Jennifer said...

Oh Von... you leave it unlocked? You're right, it is your car and it's not their bloody stuff.

I've had too many vehicles broken into here and in the city. I leave nothing. NOTHING.

Ok, now it's time for the Vortex of Shenanigans to stop messing with people. A little bit was funny. Now?? No. This is too much.

Feel better! Maybe the skunk blasted whomever broke into the car.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

So sorry to hear that Von, Been there also, several times.

but...they left the Rush tape? Was it....JENNIFER??!?!?

Jennifer said...


Jennifer said...

I go to get in my car

You know, I first read this as, "AND SHIT IS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!"

I thought the skunks had gotten inside and done their business. :(

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I always lock my car. Let the alarm do its thing if they (whoever they is) try breaking in...

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I've had a car stolen in a nice section of the Bronx, and a car radio stolen (out of a $300 car!) in a bad section of the Bronx.

What a horrible feeling, to think that someone's messing with your stuff.

Brando said...

Von, that sucks. Although lucky for you they clearly had no taste in music.