Monday, September 27, 2010

Guess who's sick?

Yep, and I'm thinking it's more of a flu than a cold. But I'm being stubborn, and turning my achy shoulder on it. go.away.illness. Germy Germans. I'm blaming Oktoberfest for this new development. And yesterday I thought I just had a hangover. Huh. Shows what I know. Damn it. I'll post when my head is more clear. Right now, I'm just praying for this day to be over so I can go home and climb into bed. pass me a tissue.


Jennifer said...

You probably got it from MenD's post.

Feel better!!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Are germy Germans germane to the topic?

Poor Von, I thought alcohol was supposed to kill germs.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I got a flue shot last Friday, and this Friday I stayed home from work with the flu and also got to enjoy it for Saturday and Sunday.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

zombies don't need no flu shots.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

...also, sorry to hear it Miss Von.

Vonnie said...

Thunda - I never get flu shots for that same reason.
Better today, kinda, but also rocking the Claritin D 12 hour.
Wishing for it to be time to go home and crawl back into bed.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

here's a tissue.