Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weird verbal hangups of mine

Here are a couple of verbal hangups you likely do not know about me:
  • I cannot properly pronounce these words: bull, bowl, pull, pole. It hurts my throat to say them.
  • I always mis-say this word: vigilant. I ALWAYS say: viligant
  • Over the past few years, I've lost the ability to say neighborhood like a normal person. I now say "neighbaaaahood"
  • I've never been able to say the band name Fall Out Boy properly. It always comes out Faaaaaal Out Boy. This is unintentional, but it cannot be stopped.
  • I've recently begun calling people I like "Pumpkin" both in person and in emails.
  • I really like calling people "Pumpkin"
  • When I casually speak German, my pronunciations are flawless. When called upon in class to read, I get so nervous it sometimes sounds like I'm in day eins of Deutsch eins.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I briefly lost the ability to spell neighbor.

Vonnie said...

Thanks for sharing that Thunda!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I can never speel accomodate right.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

When I casually speak German, my pronunciations are flawless. When called upon in class to read, I get so nervous it sometimes sounds like I'm in day eins of Deutsch eins.

A wee nip of courage may help your pronunciation.

Mendacious D said...

I eagerly await a limoncello variant including this concoction.

Brando said...

German can be spoken casually?

Smut Clyde said...

A wee nip of courage

Kuemmel is sweet and sticky and disgusting. Stick to the akvavit. Bommerlunder from Flensburg is a nice German akvavit, though there is the danger that your flawless pronounciation will turn into Plattdüütsch.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I mispronounce quite common words: urticate, salpinx, bordereau.

Hamish Mack said...

I hate salpinx, whenever it comes up I just pretend to sneeze, and point.

fish said...

I now say "neighbaaaahood"

Too much time in Baahston.

fish said...

The other advantage of akvavit is that it turns you into a viking.

Vonnie said...

Fish - you're likely on target with the Boston connection. I do spend some quality time there.

fish said...

You know it is over when you need a quatah foah the metah.