"Didya have a good weekend?"
Because then I can answer:
"Of course! Have you met me?"
Sure, it makes me sound a little bitchy, but I really do have good weekends, pretty much all the time. This year's exceptions being when I am sick or injured.
Anyway - so this weekend I:
- Tried chicken and apple sausage. I was sure I would hate it. I didn't. I liked it. Yummy.
- Met up with two friends for some martinis very last minute, but so glad to see them and spend some quality time with normal, caring people. The friends in my life do not suck.
- Took my coveted photo print thingy I bought from BK (Blue Girl's talented offspring) to a frame shop. Very excited about my background-mat-thingy that is red and matches part of the photo, and the gold washed wood frame that brings out other colors. Pricey to frame, but soooo worth it. Plus I know someone at the frame shop, so I got a deal. Of course I "knew someone", this is Chicago. Every has either "got a guy" or "knows someone" just about everywhere.
- Painted my finger nails blue. That is how I roll. A shade of blue that also matches the above mentioned photo.
- Spent a very awesome evening with John and Toni and a couple of John's friends. Might be an interesting development coming from that evening. We'll see. "We'll see" is also the theme of the development. I will surely keep you all posted. But as of right now, this is all coming at me out of waaaaay the fuck in left field, so I need some time to process it and let it play out. Once there's something actual to tell, I will!
- Went to bed at 4am on Sunday, and was wide awake at 8:30 am on Sunday. I can still hang.
- Was completely useless on Sunday - to the point that I spent the entire day watching all of my dvr'd shows. Shit, I watch A LOT of summer t.v. programming. Help me, I'm turning into my mother on that front.
- Purchased all of the ingredients for a dinner meal dish thingy that I would like to make and eat. Then, the temperature went way way way up, so no cooking in my house for this week. But I'm excited to try to cook something, and will do so as soon as it's ok for me to use the oven/stove top whatever!