Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yes, Michigan

Man, I sure would love to tell you all about happy Michigan fun times.
But I'm pretty sure that a detailed recapping is not allowed.
It's a what happens in Michigan stays in Michigan, even when it happens in Indiana kind of thing.
But maybe I can share some highlights without getting removed from the tricycle of awesome.
Let's see:
  • The sunrise sampler is truly the best value at Cracker Barrel, so why get anything else?
  • The staff at the Steak n' Shake in Elkhart Indiana are not only super-de-duper nice, but also they are all cute as buttons. The kind of people I have to make faces at, just because.
  • Seeing a movie when it's just you and your friends is really awesome. Even if the movie was XMen First Class and you wanted to see Transformers 3 but whatever.
  • Freedom drinks are delicious.  When you drink them out of a straw, you get knocked on your ass by the very first one, in about 30 seconds.
  • Shannon's freedom drink is stronger than anyone else's freedom drink.
  • TheMarty prefers that his freedom drink be made with "the good stuff", and not the juice that tastes "like ass".
  • When freedom drink is laughed into my lungs, it's not awesome. Nor tasty.
  • Shannon's college bound cousin Clare is now the streamers on the tricycle. Because really, what good is tricycle with no streamers?
  • Hodor makes a sub-par rescue word. When spoken it only gets a chuckle in response, and no actual rescuing.
  • The game Ticket to Ride is super awesome, especially when I win.
  • So is Uno, but only when I win.
  • Spicy farcle is not, because I never win.
  • When the weather man says 30% chance of rain two days in a row, he really means 0% one day and 100% the other. Good luck figuring out which.
  • Awesome Chicago storms only happen when I am not in Chicago, apparently.
  • Someone I know is nowhere cool enough to be asexual. This is a fact.
  • Creepy old men are everywhere. EVERYWHERE
  • When playing catch phrase, and the clue is "Von needs one of these......" the answer is NOT "breast implant"
I don't think I can give you anymore than that. 


Jennifer said...

Is there going to be a quiz?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

TheMarty prefers that his freedom drink be made with "the good stuff", and not the juice that tastes "like ass".

Sounds like one of them elite-tests I read about at 3Bulls!.

Lauren said...

When playing catch phrase, and the clue is "Von needs one of these......" the answer is NOT "breast implant"

Of course not. The answer is "teleporter to Boston."


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

But I'm pretty sure that a detailed recapping is not allowed.

Von should not have to follow rules.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

•Creepy old men are everywhere. EVERYWHERE

So are creepy young men.

mikey said...

But c'mon now, let's hear it for creepy old women!!!

Vonnie said...

I typically do not follow rules, however as a member of the tricycle of awesome, I have to abide by those rules.

I am not a creepy old woman. I am niether creepy nor old.
BUT I am a woman....

mikey said...

I have no doubt that is true.

However, if it were not for creepy old women, the overwhelming likelihood is that mikey would be terribly lonely.

So I'm sure you'll understand my bias...