Monday, February 15, 2010

To get a read

I need to learn how to get a better read on people. I've got a bit of a conundrum. I should know better by now, though. For about 20 years now (I was very very very young!), I've been around a lot of musicians, actors, dancers, artists. I thought I had developed a good read on people, primarily artistic people. See, the thing about them is that while some a generally nice, warm, outgoing people, others are just pleasant enough to get you to come to their show/expo/whatever. I had been very good at separating the wheat from the chafe on this topic. Case in point, my very very good friend JB. I consider him my best guy friend. We've been friends for 17 years. In those 17 years he has been in many many bands. He's currently in three or four - I can't keep up. I do go to his shows when I can, because I enjoy the music, and his band mates are awesome and I like hanging out with them. JB is my friend, really and truly. Supporting his music is something I do, not something he expects of me. That being said. I have some other people around, acquaintances more than friends, that I can't get a good read on. They are mostly musicians and dancers. The problem could be that they have been artists for so long, that maybe they don't even know whether they are trolling for ticket sales or being open and friendly. I don't know how to figure it out. This is not a huge thing, just something that's been bouncing around my brain for a while.

Friday, February 12, 2010

An update, and a request

Here's the update: Man A: The shy one who digs me some - we're getting together tonight. No clue what we're doing, I think I'll leave that up to him. I'm tired. Exhausted really, after a late late night of partying with some wacky Germans. Weiberfastnacht (I think?) = crazy good times. Anyway. I'd be happy if we either have a couple of drinks, or hang out. Not too much. There better be some good kissing this time. Man B: The one that may be losing interest - I called him out via email. Still can't get a good read, but those that I've let read the email think he's not dis-interested, just super busy and not sure what he wants right now. Mmmm hmm. Because I look like the grrrrl that will sit sighing by the phone, waiting for him to decide he has time for me? Not.So.Much. So, out with Man A tonight. Here's the request: You all will be my Valentines. Okey dokey? Actually, this is not so much a request than a demand. The way you all zardoz the hell out of me, laugh with and at me, raise me up, keep me in line, care about me, care less about my flaws - you all are the perfect Valentines, so you are MINE ALL MINE ALL MINE!!!! Sending chalky pastel candy hearts your way. xoxo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man troubles

I having some man trouble. So, no posts right now, while I work things out. Things like Man A likes me a lot. A lot a lot. But he's shy, among other strikes against him. He makes me sigh, in a not great way. Man B all of the sudden likes me not so much. Like ALL OF THE SUDDEN. As in 180 people. And he will be called out on it. Soon. He makes me sigh, in a sad way. I'm taking a mini break from this blog (like, this week) and a mini break from them. (like a day or two) Then I'll be back. Hopefully stronger than ever. Doesn't help with Sunday being Sunday and all.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blessed and Lucky.

So, I haven't written a post in a while, huh? Well, was busy last week taking care of some zardoz business over someplace else. Who was #400? Oh, yeah, that was ME!!! *ahem* here's the damn post I had been working on before I got busy and distracted....... I got an email last Wednesday, one that I assumed had gone to the entire volunteer community of the Old Town School of Folk Music. It said: We could use some help selling merchandise for the Rosanne Cash show at the Harris Theater on Friday.....blah blah blah. I deleted it. My first thoughts were that I didn't want to stay downtown after work on Friday. Usually Fridays by 4:30 I'm so ready to head for the hills, or at least out of the Loop and closer to my own digs. Last Thursday morning I woke up, and Woke the F UP. This is Rosanne Cash. As in nominated for a Granny Rosanne Cash. "Seven Year Ache" Rosanne Cash. A legend in her own right, not to mention who her dad was..... 8:00 am I email Old Town's volunteer manager: You wouldn't happen to still need help for the Rosanne Cash, do you? sit and stew stew and sit sit and stew 3:00 pm response received: Von, sure, we'd love to have you help out. Here are your instructions..... Instructions that included how to get backstage, and how to get my ticket to the show! The show was amazing. Beyond amazing. Fantastic. Her voice, I can't even talk about it. Which is saying something for me, because as a general rule I dislike female singers. I like some, but they have to have some distinct character to their voices for me to like them at all. For example, I like Stevie Nicks, Natalie Merchant, Joan Jett, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and now Rosanne Cash. There has to be something extra there for female singers to hold my attentions. (I know, it's a weird thing, but it's my thing, whatever) So after the show we have to return the merch and count the $$. Where do we do this? Backstage. We get there (all access pass? yes? go right through) and there's no more than 10 people there. And Rosanne Cash. As a rule, I leave the artists alone. This is true of me at Old Town, Folk & Roots, anywhere where I'm doing something that has musicians involved. They've done their job, it's rest time, leave them alone. As we were getting ready to head out, one of the other people I was working with (D) was stalling. "What?" "I don't know what to do?" "What? You want to meet her, don't you?" "Kinda. Yes. Yes I do" "Well, go do it. This is your only chance, probably ever. She's up for a Grammy in two days. Do it. Just go over there." We were overheard by our "boss" for the evening, an awesome staffer at Old Town, A. She took us right over to Rosanne and introduced us all. Rosanne was one of those genuinely warm people. You know the ones - she took your hand to shake it in both of hers. She leaned in to talk, made eye contact, touched your arm when she thanked us for helping out. I told her she was fantastic. Because she was. On stage, in person, just all around. After the big meeting, we headed out. We were in Millennium Park, and it was snowing. It wasn't cold cold, there was no wind. It was 11:00 at night, so there weren't really any other people around. The city was all clean and twinkly and quiet, just beautiful. I stopped walking (as I sometimes do) and just looked all around me, taking it all in, hoping to remember the entire evening forever. As I was getting in the cab, I thought 'Blessed and lucky. Some people, many people, would never even have a chance to have this experience. 1,000 people at that concert tonight would have paid big bucks to meet her. I truly am a very lucky girl.' I think the part of me that is finally growing up can see that I do have really amazing experiences in my life, and I need to stop taking them for granted. ** Side note. I highly, HIGHLY recommend you go and buy Rosanne's new album "The List", which is based on a list of songs her dad gave to her when she was 17 or 18. Amazing. With guest artists Bruce Springsteen, Elvis Costello, and others!**

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fridge Note

To: 3Bulls From: Vonfornow Dudes - I'd love to post many many comments over dere at your bloggy blog, BUT It keeps telling me that I'm basically SPAM, and doesn't want my comments. PLEASE FIX. okthanksbye

Thursday, January 28, 2010

In case I end up a Lifetime cautionary tale:

Dear Readers, I'm going on a "daaate" tonight. I use the word daaaate because it's not really a date. I'm meeting one of the Plenty of Fish people for a drink. NO, it's not the married one. I've cut married guy loose, and I think he finally took the hint. This guy is a transplant from New Jersey. We haven't talked on the phone, but we've texted. He's funny. He thinks I'm "awesome" We'll see. He already has one major strike against him - No car. This is a problem and potential deal breaker. You all know how much I hate driving, so my future ex-husband needs to a) have a car and b) be willing to drive me all over the damn place - like, say Milwaukee? - I'm actually not really excited about it. There's another guy that I think I will ultimately like much better (he's an author!). But for karma's sake, I'm going to meet Rob. Got that? His name is Rob. I met him on Plenty of Fish. He's from New Jersey. So if I end up MIA or dead (not cooly zombie-fied, just dead) or something - you've got some intel for teh police. kthanksbye **plus, I have a much more important first meeting on Saturday that I'd really like to be alive for**

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Remember a whillllllle ago I wrote a post about the twins that I wanted to get back in touch with? M & B? Well, through internet stalking and teh Facebookz I've found them both, and we keep in touch and stuff. Just found out on B's FB page that M is in Haiti. And he's in the hospital. Yeah, um, NO, he's not a doctor. He's a college professor. B says that he was taken to the hosiptal for "something minor". Well, it's Haiti, so I'm guessing it's not that minor, and I'm worried what kind of care he's getting. Please keep him in your thoughts/prayers/whatever.