Monday, June 27, 2011

Vegas, Baby

It's been another whirlwind in this life of mine.
Last week I was in Vegas for my work's annual meeting.  Much like the losers at the Oscars, my position is the same - I'm just happy to be invited.  It is not common at all in the big huge company I work for that coordinators ever get to go to these things.  I have been to every one since I've been here.
This was the first time since I've started that it hasn't been in New York.  It was a crazy, busy, active, exciting, delightful few days.
Here's some of the highlights:
  • Saw my first ever Cirque Du Soleil show - we saw Mystere the first night we were there. Lovely. Weird, but lovely.
  • Watched all of my team ride the Big Shot - at the top of the Stratosphere hotel. Too cool.
  • Had dinner and drinks at the Foundation Room at the House of Blues compliments of Dan Akroyd. Yep, you read that right - Dan Akroyd. Now, go out and get you some Crystal Head vodka, because it's delicious.
  • Had cocktails in the Minus 5 ice bar.
  • I drank $120 worth of tequila, but because I am me, and turned on the charm, I got them all for free. Now go out and try you some Don Julio 1842 and Sauza Three Generations. Expensive? Yes, but trust me.
  • 113 is truly survivable because it's a 'dry heat'.
  • and last but not least I RODE IN A HELICOPTER INTO THE GRAND CANYON. We landed IN the Grand Canyon and had drinks and walked around.
  • See above - I rode in a fucking helicopter.
And oh yeah, there was a lot of work stuff going on too....

Today I'm taking care of a sunburn, due to the fact that I rode a float in Chicago's Pride parade yesterday. Another once in a lifetime experience! DANK Haus had a float, and I went along for the ride. Sure, I saw a lot of things in the crowd I wish I had never seen, but wow, what a crazy time.*

So, I live, the ankle continues its slow recovery, and it's back to business as usual.
I'm off to MI with Shannon and TheMarty for the annual rest/recovery/Freedom drinks/4th of July trip.  We leave Wednesday afternoon. Not a moment too soon. We'll be back on the 4th.  So, you may not hear from me until after that, but I'll try.

Stay classy.

*Me? Nope, not a lesbian, I'm straight as they come, but I do support the rights of everyone. And Pride parade is a wonderful celebration of all things awesome, unique and diverse.  I was proud to be there. Like one sign I saw said "Gay for a Day" sure, I'd say that was it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full moon crazy

This full moon has got me full on crazy.

Last night, I was just mopey and bummed out for no reason. Then I called Shannon, and we laughed and laughed and laughed.  Then I went to bed mopey and bummed.

Today? I'm all giddy and singing and chair dancing*. And happy, and having a good ole time.

Full moons and Scorpios get along about as well as I do with 2011.

The fight with real shoes continues.  Out of seven pairs of real shoes (aka work/dress shoes) only one has fit on my bad foot so far.  And as of Monday I'll be needing to wear real shoes for the week at our annual sales meeting.  Huh, not going so well.

*Jennifer - chair dancing is NOT lap dancing, it's dancing while seated at the desk, in the chair.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Back to decent

Thought you'd all like to know I am at work today sans crutch. Just me and an ace bandage.
And clothes, of course. *

I decided that this past weekend would be the return to my normal way of life, aka Busy.

Friday night, though wicked cold and foggy/drizzly, I went to see the Judds with my sister and nephew.  About two hours before they were picking me up, I found out that we would be meeting them.  mini Squee. I mean, whether you like country music or not, these ladies are Legends. Yes, capital L Legends.  So we line up back stage pre-show, get our talking to - No autographs, only one picture by their photographer, no purses, crutches, etc.....  I got it. I paid attention. Don't want to get tossed pre-photo op.  In walks Naomi and Wynonna.  I actually giggle and clap my hands together. Again - Legends.  Sister, nephew and I opt for a picture with all three of us in it. Minimal chatting, and I go to leave.  I grab my crutch from who I'm pretty sure was Wynonna's daughter, and start to hobble out. I feel someone touching my sleeve. I turn around - it's Naomi "Thanks for coming Sugar!" she says and beams at me. I mumble thanks and get out of there.  We had really awesome seats for the show. Wynonna sang two Elvis songs and one Foreigner song.   I had forgotten what fantastic entertainers they both are.  A good time, overall.

Saturday my ass was up at the crack of dawn for VonParents' neighborhood garage sale.  It's a big deal - the whole neighborhood gets involved. It's crazy.  I made it for about one hour when my ankle said 'F you, lady, that's enough!' and I hobbled back to VonParents' house to relax.  Ran some errands, then worked the Booker T show at Old Town. Which was awesome.  Really awesome.

Sunday I ran many many errands for many hours.  Sunday night is my t.v. night, with both Game of Thrones and The Killing on.  I made a pizza and rested up.

So, a great weekend with my back in the swing of things (for the most part - I do still hobble) and a lot of great great music.

*Dirty birds, I know you went there

Friday, June 10, 2011

New (to me) music Friday

So, this guy sang the national anthem at the White Sox game I went to recently.
And he Blew.My.Mind.
So I went on the ole iTunes and bought an ever-lovin' shit ton of his music.
Because, you see...
He Blows.My.Mind.

If you've already heard of him, that's awesome, and you are way cooler than me.
If not, get thee to the iTunes and buy massive quantities of his songs. You will not be disappointed.

And I have to say - this song? It's just SEXY

And yes, I did break a sweat posting that video.
Happy Friday, bitches.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

People I want to beat with my crutch

A mish mash of sorts, just to clear my head.

So, my intern started this week.  A nice girl, a very quiet girl. A girl who over-stated (by a city mile, people) her computer skillz/knowledge.  It's going to be a looooong 10 weeks.
People, please, tell your children - they aren't doing anyone any good by lying on their resume.  I'm going to have to develop the patience of a saint. Today, I just want to beat her with my crutch.

It's 96 here in Chicago. I will not complain about this.  I hate snow, and ice, and winter and blizzards.  I can tolerate 80 at 7am. I work in a/c. I live in a/c. I have cold water, and movie theaters, and frozen fruit. I also have cold beer. Cold New Glarus beer.  The people that are complaining about the heat? I want to beat them with my crutch.  Seriously - if you hate the weather here all the time? Then get the fuck out. We don't want your kind anyway.

The people that do not let me sit on a bench, on the train, or on the bus? I want to beat them with my crutch.

The guy who is causing me stress regarding home improvement 2011 I want to beat with my crutch. This story is still developing -stay tuned.

The "wildings" or "flash mobs" who are attacking people in the neighborhood that I work in.  A) Not cool beating people up for the fuck of it B) Not cool tarnishing the term "flash mob".  I still want to do a flash mob - a fun one, involving dancing or singing or some such thing - and now that'll be all messed up thanks to them.  I want to beat them with my crutch, soundly, for every person they've beat up in recent days/weeks.

The stars of Hangover II I want to beat with my crutch, and I haven't even seen it.  I have no desire to see it. Over Kill.

The makers of Plants vs Zombies I want to beat with my crutch. And the zombies  in the game that I cannot defeat in level 5-3. Love to hate you, PvsZ.

Aaaand scene.
I feel better now.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Beginning to hate the boot.

This weekend is Maifest. One of my favorite weekends of the year, and one of my favorite things to do.
I'm never so cute as when I'm pouring a beer.
Of course, this year, I'm not allowed to be at the fest.
Not that DANK didn't find other things for me to do.
All day sitting down inside things.
I thought I'd be happy to be inside, in the a/c, watching the fest from my seat.
Turns out it's not so awesome.  Sure, I got to finish the book I was reading, and I did get to update teh fb with some witty tidbits to entice people to attend the fest, but other than that it just depressed me further, and I think delayed my recovery a bit.  I've been in the boot all day every day, and not elevating.
I'm not getting up that often, I just think I'm putting in too many boot hours, when I'm working towards getting out of the boot all together.

I really don't want to turn VFN into a big schmoopy whiny thing, so I'll just stop right there.  Here's hoping that I'll be boot free and into a much cooler, much easier to move around in ace bandage this week. Like, tomorrow even.  I'm still going to be using one crutch, just to be safe, but the sooner I can shake the boot, the better.

So, let me live vicariously through you for now. Fill me in on your wild and crazy weekends.

Monday, May 30, 2011

As requested

I received a lovely, funny, concerned email from a friend....requesting a post.

So, I'm alive.  I worked from home last Tuesday - Friday, spending time resting, elevating, icing.

I saw two very cool Sports Medicine docs on Friday.  They both let me know what a good job I did on my ankle, and then sent me to x-ray just to be sure.
Again, not broken.
Looks like I'll be in the boot and using a crutch for the next few weeks.  I have some exercises I need to do to avoid physical therapy down the line.  I'm trying. They aren't easy.

The swelling is down (finally!), but the bruising is up and gross.  I'm moving around my house with either an ace bandage or nothing, carrying a crutch just in case.  The pain is still there, but in different spots, and the movement is restricted.

VonSis did my laundry and made a couple of awesome meals for me this weekend.  VonParents brought me some of my favorite snacks from Trader Joe's.  Peapod sent me a superhot delivery man and all of my groceries.

I'm going back to work tomorrow.  Work means definitely boot and one crutch.

So, I have nothing witty or awesome to say.  I'm sure my friends are developing a "what now" attitude about me.  I can't play guitar because of my hand still recovering.  I can't go too many places.  This is my fourth major health thing this year, and frankly I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of pretending it doesn't bother me.   I just keep knocking wood, and trying to right my karma, and praying for some calm healthy months.