Thursday, May 24, 2012

Denver Day 2

Then, things got a little ugly.....

C had to go to work on Saturday. This, I knew.  It was agreed that I would do whatever I wanted until he got home from work.  Which could include staying at the house and relaxing.
Since we got home around 3am, and since I drank A LOT, I decided to sleep in.
11:30, I wake up to C's ex wife SuperBitch standing over me.  Backstory - the whole reason I went to Denver was to check on C, because his wife, SuperBitch cheated on him.  They are stuck kinda sharing the house until they can sell it in November.  I hate SuperBitch for what she did to C. SuperBitch teaches piano out of the house on Saturdays.
"Um. Von? I need to know what you are going to do today. My classes end about 2:45, and I'm going to need you out of the house after that. I don't want you in the house when no one is here...."
"SuperBitch? If I wanted your shit, I'd guy buy it at Walmart and Claire's and Hot Topic.....I wouldn't bother to steal it from you...."
"I, um....:"
"Let me text C, see what's up."
I text C, he immediately calls me, then immediately calls her. I decide I don't want to deal with the drama, so I jump in the shower.  While I'm drying off, there's a knock at the door:
"**sniff sniff** Von? Can I talk to you for a minute?**blows nose**
"Well, I'm naked,but whatever...."
"No! NO, just come upstairs when you have a second...."
Grumble,sigh, fuck me....
I get dressed and head upstairs.  Pounding headache, hunger pangs and all....

For the next HOUR, SB tries to convince me that she never cheated on C.  That he was terrorizing her.  All lies and b.s.  She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.
I'll save you the details. Suffice to say, I let down the nice shield, and gave her the business.  Some of my better statements:
"You really don't know how hard it is for me to not climb over this table and beat the shit out of you, do you?"
"Friends? We were never friends. I don't do friends who are unbelievable sluts"
"Please, SB, give me a reason to hit you"
"You are a heinous bitch. The worst part is, everyone knows what you did, yet you still continue to lie about it.  This makes you pathetic."
After an hour of this, I told her I was going to go for a walk and to get something to eat. I made her promise she'd be there when I got back.  Ok, well, it went more like this "God help you if you lock me out, and C has to leave work early to come let me in...."
I went for a walk. I found Taco Bell (God loves me!!!).  I checked my phone.  C had called 9 times.  I called him back.  Apparently he had visions of me pinning SB to the floor by the throat and punching her in the face repeatedly.  I assured him that this did not happen, and would fill him in on everything later.
Got back to the house, SB was there, just standing in the middle of the living room.  I walked past her and went down to the basement.  She followed me down and said
"Well, I guess I will never see you or talk to you again..." more tears
She left, I slept.

Saturday evening was a whole lot of plans.  First C and I went to get something to eat, and to catch up.  I told him all of my business, he judged me, forgave me, and we moved on. 
Went to a nicer bar/restaurant for his friend's 30th birthday party.  Of course, she thought I was hilarious and awesome, and offered to take me out on Monday.  LOVED HER.
Of course, she is NOT the girl C is dating now.

Off to meet C's girlfriend.  Drama part two coming up!! Can you just feel it?!?
We went to this amazing venue called The Gothic Theater to see a band that C knows.  - They're called Nautilus, check them out -
C finds GF and walks up to her.  GF is HAMMERED and wants to make out with C.  Did I mention, GF is hammered?  She's slurring and trying to say Hi, but it's not happening.
I go to the bathroom and have a little talk with myself.  It went like this:
'Von. Calm down. You are 10 years older than this little shit.  You already had a lengthy fight with SB today.  Time to try to be nice again, m'kay?'

I walk over to the bar, where GF is leaning with her friend.  I smile and offer to buy them beers.
GF spins around to look at me, glares at me, says "Who ARE you?!?" and kinda falls over.  Her friend looks at me all 'I'm sorry!' and waves me off.
Yep. Fuck it. I'm finished.

I walk back over to C.  He says "So?"
"Well, the BAND was great!!"
"What does that mean?"
"GF, she's wasted, I'm not down.  Baaaaad first impression."
C immediately get pissed at me, says "What, she can't get drunk?"
I say fuck it, and go sit down.  I didn't figure that was the time or the place to tell him about the "beer incident"
Apparently, GF's friend decided to tell him.  He asked me why I didn't tell him.  I ignored him and drank myself silly.
Drama drama drama, GF is coherent enough to know that she messed up with me, big time.  There's tears (Von makes people cry out of state too!!), and C putting her in someone's car and sending her home.  He's now not mad at me at all, and kinda embarrassed.  We watch another band - Black Lamb look them up too - and leave.
We then went over to the bar he works at, Bender's, and I'm obsessed with that place.  The people are awesome, it's huge, and I'm pretty sure if I lived there I'd be at Bender's just about every night.
Evening saved.
1:30ish, head home, time for bed........

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Denver - Day 1

I had such an amazing fantastic drama-filled time in Colorado, I'm making it a mini-series of blog posts.

Day 1

Got to Denver no problems.  It's hot as Hades, and I'm a little nervous as no actual "plan" was made on where C was going to pick me up.  I headed out to the American arrivals area (I only had to ask one person for directions) and waited.
Up pulled C - all speeding and slamming on the brakes and grinning.
There was a gigantic long hug, and then we were off.
C had to go back to work for the afternoon, so we agreed he'd drop me off downtown.

He dropped me off near 16th Street Mall.  I wandered around looking for something to eat, and ultimately ended up at the Hard Rock Cafe - don't judge, they had air conditioning and inside seating available.  I ordered up a very large beverage and some snacks and then another very large beverage or two.

After I was full and tipsy, I headed back out.  I found this free shuttle bus thingy that takes you all up and down 16th Street. I rode it's full length twice, and made note of some places I wanted to go.  I lept off at the Money Museum, giddy with the notion that they would give me some $$.  No such luck.  Wandered around some more, found the Aveda Institute.  While I was getting a manicure, I mulled over the idea of getting a burgundy stripe in my hair.  Decided I didn't have time that day, but would return on Saturday to do it.


C called and asked me to meet him "Up the Capital" and gave me some vague cross streets. 
I only had to ask two people how to get there.  I guess "Up the Capital" means up the very steep hill to the Actual Capital. 

We headed over to his band mate's house to load up for the show that night.  I walk in to this lovely house only to be met by the largest dog I have ever seen in my life - Dakota, the super sized Great Dane.  Dakota was busy eating a cow or something when we walked in, so he ignored me.  Only later, after he sized me up and figured out what a sucker I am for canines, did we make friends.  And by make friends I mean Dakota thought it would be awesome to sit on my lap.  I couldn't breathe for a while there, but it was ok.

We headed up to Fort Collins in the Band Van - I felt  Anyway, sitting in the band van, having some beers, getting to know C's band.  Awesome.

Get to Ft Collins, have my first ever Five Guys burger.  Um, yes, please - I will have to find the nearest FG in Chicago.  Go back over to Road 34 Bike Shop - This is a bicycle shop / deli / bar / music venue - I shit you not. 
Anyway, head back over there, see C's band play.  They were pretty good, considering the piss-poor sound tech and that it was the drummer's first show with them.  Beers were DIRT cheap, I mean dirt cheap.  Got my drink on, then got stuck at the bar until the very end.  C and I were a little annoyed we had to stay that late, so we sent each other text messages mocking not only the closing band, but also the other bar patrons.  Oh, we were standing next to each other while we were texting!
Headed back to Denver, finally got to C's house around 3:30 am.

I could already tell, this was going to be one kick ass weekend......

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Uh oh


Or, as I've begun calling it, NATOggedon.  Remember Snowmaggedon Chicagoans? This is like that, but longer and more annoying.

My train? Packed.  Wicked packed. Wussy suburbanites who can't sit their precious asses in traffic have started infiltrating my mode of transportation.  OH AND on Monday there are all these horrendous rules for the trains - no backpacks, no bottles of water, no food, no bag bigger than this x this, no breathing, no talking, no nothing at all!

My walking around downtown land? Awful - trust fund baby "protesters" with their $500 designer pre-torn up jeans, iPhones, Bulgari watches and look-at-me-I'm-bad-ass faux-hawks aplenty.  I'd really like to ask just one of them if they can fully explain to me what they are protesting, but I don't have the time or bail money......

My office building?  Still the least secure building in the entire downtown area.  Their idea of "enhanced safety measures" include laminated badges that a 2nd grader with some free time can duplicate (no photo, no bar code, nothing), a thin nylon thing that prevents you from going up a flight of stairs, a security dude outside "walking the perimeter" (which translates to ogling chicks).  Yep, I feel so safe now!! And from who? Protesters? Terrorists? Not quite sure on that one.

The lazy people at work, the ones who beg for a snow day the second the flurries start, have begun their campaigns to work from home Friday and Monday.  Mmm hmmm  - I am SO sure that you will be actually working! In the safety of your living room, with your kids climbing all over you, your t.v. on, etc.  You're right! You are totally trying this b.s. for your own well-being!

Everyone who does not live in the Chicagoland area - please stop asking me about NATO.  I don't have an inside track on it, I am not an expert on any NATO related topic, and honestly I could care less.

Oh, and guess what!?!?!?  Y'all know how incredibly smart I am, right?
Yours truly is FLYING OUT OF CHICAGO ON FRIDAY AND BACK IN ON MONDAY. Yep, that was the brightest decision I've made all year!!! O'Hare airport, in the middle of NATO traveling traffic.  Lucky me.  At least that should make for some interesting blogging next week......

Friday, May 11, 2012

Good deed

My good deeds do not come cheap.
I try to be kind to strangers, but typically when I do, something bites me in the ass.
So, I've kinda stopped doing it.

Unless something like today happens.

This morning on the train, there was this woman sitting in the seat in front of me.  She's very pretty, put together, quiet.  I usually do not pay her any mind.
Today, though, she started having major allergy issues.  Sneezing, coughing, etc.
I said "God bless you", but tried to ignore the rest.
So, all of this was happening as we are getting close to the station, so the aisle was full of people.  I noticed this dude kept looking over at the sneezing lady.  Finally she gave him the look of death and put up her hands like "What!?!?!?"
He quickly looked away and turned red.
She sighed.
I tapped her on the shoulder and gave her a brand new packet of tissues.
She tried to take one and give them back to me, I told her to keep them.

She thanked me a bunch of times before getting off the train.

Silently, I thanked her in my head for providing this morning's amusement.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why did I get weepy at guitar graduation?

First, we played this:

Then, another class played this:
 And then I kinda lost it.
Damn song lyrics, get me every time.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bad advertising, with the bad attitude

All over my train station, there are these ads.
They have sullen, angry looking kids with their arms crossed staring out at you.
The tag line? "Where is the Love?"

The ads are supposed to convince me to foster these poor children.

Um, WHY do I want a sullen, cross-armed angry young person living in my home?

Oh, I see - there's this kid getting arrested.  There's another sleeping on a park bench.  And another waiting on school steps.

I see - they are trying to guilt me in to fostering these poor souls.  That part might have worked.  The part that turns me off, though, is the main image.

These kids look like they will stab you with your own kitchen knives.

No thanks.

Advertising fail.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Because I know you

See, I know you are all smarter than me, this has been proven time and time again....


A friend/coworker of mine is leaving. Her last day is tomorrow  She's been here 12 years, and was one of the first people who was really nice to me when I got here.
So, for a little over a week now, we've been sending each other videos that are relevant to the situation.
Songs about goodbyes, songs about leaving jobs, etc.

Tomorrow being her last day, I need a song that is EPIC.  It has to be so relevant, and get a laugh, and be a little bitter sweet.  But mostly get a laugh.

So, help??

Leave your suggestions in the comments. 

Oh, and to sweeten the deal (I'm not above bribery), the winning entrant will get a prize.*  No, an awesome prize, I promise.

SO have at it.......

*A picture of boobs.  Sorry, joking. I could not help it.  Wink and nod to my lady friends on that one.

POST SCRIPT - you all lose, and you all suck.  I went with Scandal and White Lion.

no prizes for you