Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Because I'm a saint

I'll be missing "Sons of Anarchy" tonight. Even though it's going to be awesome. Really awesome. Jax is all back in the club and stuff, and now they know about Gemma, and what are they going to do about it? and oh my goodness is the cop going to get it from Clay because he kept it a secret? and Jax may or may not get naked again..... but I digress Because I'm a freakin' saint - I'll be volunteering at Soldier Field at a fundraiser for the Muscular Distrophy Association. Immediately after work until pretty darn late for a school night. Volunteering, it's how I roll. That, and someone super awesome works there, and asked for my help, so of course I said yes, because did I mention she's super awesome?


Jennifer said...

Volunteering, it's how I roll.

It makes the world go 'round!

And... I think... due to your sacrifice, Charlie Hunnam will show up at your door to massage your tired, volunteering feet...

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I will watch for both of us, Von.

Although I will close my eyes at bare-boy-butt, because I am a tender zombie....

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...



We'll all be worshipping a nuclear bomb in a cave, in a couple a years.

(FYBlogger, it does have two pees. No cup.)

Vonnie said...

Jennifer - I like the way you think!
Zombie - let me know the major details! So glad you're watching too.
Thunda - C'mon now....t.v. is goood. mmmmm....t.v.....

Brando said...

I like the sound of St. Von. Patron of volunteers and DVRs.

Vonnie said...

Sigh. I have no DVR. too poor.