Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Recap #1

Ever have one of those day/nights that you just cannot get drunk, no matter how very hard you try? That was my Christmas Eve. I drank, and drank, and drank some more. I didn't eat very much, as is my new practice around VonMom. (I don't want to hear her comments on my eating habits) And still, I remained sober. Well, way too sober for that occassion. Blissfully tanked is how I get through my Christmas Eves. Christmas Eve 2009 was one of the best on record, when I lost abou 45 minutes of the night. Anyway. Sober me was trying to be all nice and festive. Then time to open presents happened. Hm. I actually got a couple of presents. This is new. And they were good presents. This is even newer. But then the person I had in the grab-bag opened my present. I thought I was in the clear, as I had purchased off his Amazon list. Now, I too have an Amazon wish list. And I know it's my responsibility to keep that list updated, as I know people go to it for gift ideas. If I get something off the list, I take it off. Easy peasy. Apparently eldest nephew is not hip to the concept of list updating. And was a total child about it. He's 24, by the way. He made a mini-scene upon opening gift. Which would have been bad enough. But he kept at it. I told him I didn't feel badly because I got it off of his list. He said he felt bad because he didn't update his list. I said, well, that's on you. Because it is. And I didn't and do not feel bad about it. He was still complaining about it as they were packing up to go home, hours later. GROW UP. On the flip side - next youngest nephew loved loved loved his gift from me, the awesome aunt. Over the summer he told me how when he runs and trains (he plays varsity baseball at his high school) he falls down because his shoes are old. I filed this info away. And I bought him new shoes. Here in Chicago, we call them gym shoes (regardless of if you wear them in a gym). You may call them sneakers. Whatevs. They were Nike running shoes, and they cost me a pretty penny. But he deserved them. He's a good kid all the way around. I love picking on him, and that he takes it so well. As he looked at the largish (he's a size 13) wrapped box in front of him, he looked at me and said: "It's from you, Aunt Von" "Yup. What do you think it is?" "$0.50 taped to the bottom of an empty box?" (he can dish it out as well as he can take it) "Open it and see" And then he loved them. And tried them on. And they fit. I even got a follow up email thanking me for the shoes. He said he also got new basketball shoes, which will be his every day shoes, but he's planning on wearing the ones I gave him for training and running. (which is why I bought them) The best gift I received that evening was a Dalek key chain. And when you turn it over, it's a bottle opener. I love this gift the best because VonBrother#2 bought it for me. A) he never has bought me a Christmas gift before 2) he bought it after I mentioned how much I'd love something like that when he told me he was going to a Dr. Who convention the day after Thanksgiving. And he remembered I said that. That is the best gift giving there is. Not at all the dollar amount, more of the thought behind it. It was interesting (though I guess it was supposed to be endearing?) when VonMom told me to "Go to bed, so Santa can come." I translated it to "Go to bed, I have nothing further to say to you today, and don't you need some beauty sleep? Those bags under your eyes aren't getting you a boyfriend." And this was just Christmas Eve.... So much more to tell you.......


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Ever have one of those day/nights that you just cannot get drunk, no matter how very hard you try?

Only when I run short of booze.

Jennifer said...

we call them gym shoes (regardless of if you wear them in a gym). You may call them sneakers.

I still call them tennis shoes, or rather, tennishoes... even though they're not just used for tennis.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

And I bought him new shoes.

Insert "Christmas Shoes" joke.

The best gift I received that evening was a Dalek key chain. And when you turn it over, it's a bottle opener


Vonnie said...

just spit water across my keyboard at the thought of the daleks yelling INTOXICATE!!

Kathleen said...

Ever have one of those day/nights that you just cannot get drunk, no matter how very hard you try?

that describes almost all of this holiday vacation

fish said...


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


P.S. "$0.50 taped to the bottom of an empty box?" - That made me laugh, at work...which is extra credit to Von nephew.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Is that NOT what they were saying? Crap, that would have made a difference to my behavior!!

....OK, maybe it wouldn't.

mikey said...

Hmm. I suppose I should WikiGoogle "Daleks" so as to understand the above no doubt quite humorous references, but for one thing, I'm frightened.

And for another, I can't be arsed...

Vonnie said...

Daleks are from Dr. Who. They are baaaad.