Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full moon crazy

This full moon has got me full on crazy.

Last night, I was just mopey and bummed out for no reason. Then I called Shannon, and we laughed and laughed and laughed.  Then I went to bed mopey and bummed.

Today? I'm all giddy and singing and chair dancing*. And happy, and having a good ole time.

Full moons and Scorpios get along about as well as I do with 2011.

The fight with real shoes continues.  Out of seven pairs of real shoes (aka work/dress shoes) only one has fit on my bad foot so far.  And as of Monday I'll be needing to wear real shoes for the week at our annual sales meeting.  Huh, not going so well.

*Jennifer - chair dancing is NOT lap dancing, it's dancing while seated at the desk, in the chair.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

This Scorpio had a recent fight with shoes. A high blood pressure medicine I was prescribed made my feet swell up so much I could jam them into and old, stretched out pair of New Balances, and nothing else.

But I like the full moon!

Jennifer said...

This Leo loves full moons. Hear me roar!

Von- perhaps you could give the full moon a lap dance... show it who's boss! Just sayin'.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...
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Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Von- perhaps you could give the full moon a lap dance... show it who's boss! Just sayin'.

How about mooning the moon... that's meta.

mikey said...

Can't see the moon from here. Hard to know when to behave oddly. Perhaps, to be safe, I should simply operate from the premise that every night is a full moon.


That'll work...

Brando said...

I like the full moon as well because I tend to look less hairy compared to some other folks on those nights.