Friday, September 9, 2011

A GENTLE reminder

I NEVER got my Toy Story aliens (THE CLAW!!!) cake last year.
Y'all have 48 days to get that done.

Here's a picture, to get your creativity all awhirl.


Jennifer said...

I was just thinking of that the other day. :)

Only frosting... no fondant, correct??

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

As I non-chef, I will be happy to cheer-lead.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I'm strictly a stove-top operator, not a baker. Hell, I'm so bad at baking, I've killed more yeast than Monistat.

mikey said...

I'm gonna have to second the bastard. If you wanted a space alien pierogi or maybe a space alien pot pie, I'm your dood.

I'm pretty sure I could make a kickass space alien curry, and the first real fall weekend I'm already planning an all day space alien lamb stew undertaking.

Perhaps a little closer to your original intent might be space alien scones or a rich, custardy space alien quiche. I can do these things.

But cakes, and their brethren? I am not the chef you are looking for...

Mendacious D said...


Vonnie said...

J - Yes, no fondant!
Thunda - I have your pom poms ready to go
B4 - Best sentence ever.
Mikey - you are not the chef I'm looking for....
MenD - this word, I do not know what it means.....