Monday, July 28, 2008

Still.....or again....who knows

SO, still or again, no facking internet at home. Quick recap of my second weekend in the NOrth Woods. It's all about the wildlife. We saw: A bald eagle (AWESOME!!) A skunk A porcupine (we saved it's life. It was the cutest non-cartoon animal EVER) A pair of loons (the real kind, not freaky people) A kingfisher (I'm usually not a bird fan, but this thing was TheAwesome!) Ok, I'm off to harrass and whine at my landtyrants for the millionth facking time. Sigh. AG and MenD are coming to Chicago to tear up the town with me, Shannon, and TheMarty this weekend. Chicago can't handle the truth. *Revision: I did NOT see a kingfisher. I saw a Blue Heron (or Herring) it was huge and still TheAwesome! **Still no internet at home.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Back to the Woods

My internet at home is not working. A G A I N. I intended to write a post about the John Mayer concert I went to. I intend to still do that. Hopefully next week. I am going back up to Wisconsin in a few hours. Another 6 hour drive. Should be a good trip, just not looking forward to getting back in a car for that long. Tonya did say I get 5 vetos for songs. That should help. Instead of posting the list of songs on the Best of Cheese CD, I've decided that will be the next Name that Tune game. There will be prizes. Just ask BP, Brando and Zelmo about my prize giving abilities. Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So I slept under a strange man for three nights

Our trip to TheMarty's beautiful North Woods cabin was incredibly perfect and fantastic. The theme sone for the weekend for me was "Sailing" by Christopher Cross. There were many games played: Charades - my favorite one that I got was Man Boobs, and my favorite of all was Daisy Chain - Yahtzee, Hoopla, Catch Phrase (during which I was named "flinchy". This game got heated. Team Wang is a bunch of fierce competitors), and a fun game called Munchkin Fu (which kept us up on the last night until 2:30 am and we got about four hours of sleep before heading home). I go-go danced on the boat to a song that Hil picked out just for that purpose. We were in the middle of a lovely lake when I did it. TheMarty peed off the back of the boat. All of the sudden we hear him say "No! Don't look back!" He was talking to the poor sweet old lady that he was in the process of showing his junk too. She should have never looked back, I blame her. I did indeed sleep under a strange man. Or a normal(ish) man who was a stranger. In A Bunk Bed. (Dirty. Your minds are all drrrrty.) Eric is his name and he is awesome. I also heart my other roomates Lauren and Greg. A lot. Not one of them ever mentioned my snoring. Hil and Dave are extremely fun people. I would have totally hid in their luggage and let them spirit me away to live with them in Boston. I already miss my new friends from Boston. Slow single tear. A moment of silence for the lovely bottle of Petron that was sacrificed for our complete and total merriment. MMmmmmm. Leinenkugel's, Coronas, Freedom drinks, Heineken's, 3 Buck Chuck, Stoli cranberry and Bacardi kept us hydrated from noonish until bedtime every day. I think my liver is tired. Any trip in which "A dingo ate your baby" is a catch phrase is an awesome trip. I've learned to never 'take it outside' with someone I don't know. Who knew Dave had wrestled in school? Oh, that's right - everyone did but me. I got one hell of a spanking. "HellNight" is a fantastically bad horror movie. Linda Blair is in it. I haven't laughed so much and so long probably ever. So, since we didn't get those cheesy plastic covered autograph books for everyone to sign, I'm taking a moment to send shouts out to my fellow Wisconsin travelers: THeMarty: He invited me along on this special trip, and was a wonderful host. He loves it there, and really wanted to share it all with everyone, which was awesome. Shannon: A fantastic cook, marathon driver, and keeper of my best stories and secrets. Like the palm-reader said about 8 1/2 years ago, we were meant to know each other, and be important in each other's lives. Dave: Funny as hell. Kicked my ass. Also the only other person I know who has seen and appreciated "Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!" (best murderous go-go dancer movie EVEH) Hilary: A kindred spirit. Whip smart and lightning quick with the comebacks. Most contagious awesome laugh. Lauren: Owner of the cutest t-shirts I've seen in a long time. Wicked awesome hair (I'd kill for hair like that). Funny and smart - knows more about books and authors than anyone I know. Greg: I wouldn't want to start a fire with anyone else. Has great taste in music and is awesomely chill. Eric (my bunkmate): Quick with fantastic one-liners, very entertaining. Wears a broken straw hat with mad style. There was much mirth, mayhem and shenanigans. I speak in generalities as whatever happens in Three Lakes should probably stay in Three Lakes. I am totally inviting myself on Shannon and TheMarty's trip to see them all in October.

Post pending

Weekend review is coming. Promise. Trying to put teh awesome to words....

Friday, July 18, 2008

Couple of thoughts

First of all, I had some fun on Thursday. I had a few errands to do after work. I am in an incredibly good mood, so I kinda went everywhere with a grin on my face. Ok, it may have been smirk-ish. But definitely a smile type thing. People really do look at you like you have a secret when you walk around with a smile on your face. I'm going to try it more often. Not because I'll be happier more often, more to watch the reactions of others. Secondly, one of my errands tonight was to get a pedicure. I was feeling very happy. And very daring. My toes are a color called Just Groovy. It's a lovely bright sky blue. Hell yes. Next, a pet peeve of mine came to light today from an unexpected source. Let me just say this: I will have intelligent conversation with just about anyone about just about anything. HOWEVER. Please know what the fack you are talking about. It's cool to have a difference of opinion - keeps things interesting. BUT you need to have an informed opinion. Please don't just spit at me this morning's biased headlines (often inaccurate, as was the case with today's conversation). If you feel strongly about something, care enough about it to do a little research. Don't just spout off some b.s. soundbite you heard somewhere. I expect people to be able to back up what they are saying. Finally, in about 24 hours I am off on a North Woods vacation with two of my most favorite people (duh, Shannon and TheMarty) and 5 of his closest friends. 5 complete strangers. I am excited and a little nervous. I know for a fact I won't be able to sleep tonight. Which is good, because I am being picked up to start this little adventure at an un-Godly hour.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No blog for you

I didn't have time to write a "real" entry for today. Too busy burning the CDs I need for my new friends this weekend. See, 8 people going to the North Woods and we are supposed to bring something for everyone. I created a masterful CD entitled "The Best of.....Cheese". Next week I'll post the songs that are on it. I want it to be a surprise for those getting a copy first. Have a nice day.

Monday, July 14, 2008

SO Happy

Just checked my hotmail. Just got an email from M. From Haiti. He's back in the states at the end of the month and promises to get in touch. I am so happy!