Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jingle Jangle

Ever have something stuck in your head that isn't a song (per se)? I've got some really old jingle in my head. I don't even remember what beer it's for. It goes like this: "If you've got the time, we've got the beer" It's cute, and short, and it's not really bothering me, yet. I can see if I still have this jingle in my head in three hours how I might find it annoying, but right now, it's entertaining. I am curious what beer it's for. I am having a shit week. I'm having a rough week at work. My third date with S was kind of a bust, and now he's being weird. Yesterday I was perplexed/upset, today it's a 'meh'. I'm leaving it up to him. If he texts, great, but no breath-holding here. My friends are right, at least I'm back in the game. I fully intend to put myself in situations in which I can make out with some guys. Like, maybe this Saturday at Urban Golf? Per chance it could happen. I'm extremely sleep deprived. For the most part, I do love to sleep. This week, it's just not happening. Tuesday night (third date night) ended after midnight, and I was wide awake - perplexed - at 5am. Wednesday night I was exhausted, but going out for a Spaten and some carbs w/ Poptart was the better idea than going home. I headed home at 11, and was so beyond tired. Maybe it's the lack of sleep that I have really old jingles dancing through my brain. If anyone knows what beer it's for, please let me know.


Mendacious D said...

Miller High Life.

Which reminds me, I need to take another trip to Portland.

Vonnie said...

Thanks MenD!

Anonymous said...

Ay yes. The get weird after the 3rd date routine.

AG is quite familiar.

If you make-out with boys, we want the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm kind of upset that once again your coming down to the South Side and I might not get to see you.

Poptart said...

Totally ... add "Miller Beer!" at the end of that jingle. Well, sounds like you aren't obsessing about the weird 3rd date thing. He's gotta step up. You *are* the life of the party, you know...

Brando said...

At least you didn't have the "...and TWINS!" one stuck there. I think The Daily Show did a bit where they revived that old jingle and I had it in my head for a goddamned week.

I also wanted to say thanks for my cheese! I can't wait to pop it in the car and crank it as I drive around.

Vonnie said...

Hell - you're not coming?! You know how rare my excursions on the south side are...
Poptart - thanks :) I'm trying to not obsess. It's not easy.
Brando - Yay! I'm glad you got it! Remember, it's a whole lot of cheese! be prepared to eye-roll, and chuckle, and maybe bop your head a little

Anonymous said...

Well, we're going out to dinner for my dad's birthday. He usually doesn't care about birthdays, but he's turning 65. He's stoked about being a senior citizen.

I'll be there later, but I don't know how long you'll be there. I'm hoping I get there in time!

Shannon Erin said...

Best. Post. Ever.