Friday, October 1, 2010

Gentle reminder

*AHEM* It's October 1st. This is a gentle reminder There are a few people out there. four, I think Who have agreed/promised me a baked good featuring the aliens from Toy Story. Preferrably with the cute little alien mouth forming the "oooooh" as in "Oooooh, the claw!!!"

Better gets to bakin' people. You have 27 days to complete you mission - give or take.

I'll try to post pictures of what I get. Because, you know, there should be four different baked goods. Ok, maybe three. I just know one's from an artist, another from a Canadian, and yet another from 1/3 of the Tricycle of Awesome.

Anyone else want to give me some baked goods with the Toy Story Alien renderings on them?

P.S. - no fondant. Fondant is crap.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Not moi...I rarely turn the oven on.

I'll happily scold others, if that helps...

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Not me either, but hope you get something tasty and fun.

Vonnie said...

Scold away, my friend.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I'll try baking a cake using that "death ray" hotel in Vegas.

Like Thunder, I am not much of a baker. I tried to bake bread from scratch a couple of times, but I ended up killing more yeast than Monistat.

Vonnie said...

ok, first, AWFUL monistat reference.
But, you'd bake for me?
Send some limoncello, this is a nice substitution.....

Smut Clyde said...

The icing keeps falling off the cat.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Better gets to bakin' people.

It seems that baking people into cookies might attract attention from law enforcement, and zombies.

Vonnie said...

true, true.
ixnay on the baking people....

Jennifer said...

baking people

And again, we circle back to "How to Serve Man"... psst, it's a cookbook...

Snag said...

I know some people who don't mind getting baked.

fish said...

You need to use primer on the cat first.