Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

And I remain....

Two years ago, a reader asked what Von for now meant.
At the time, I was not prepared to answer that question.
This being my 500th post, I think it's a good time to try to explain it.

Hi, I'm Yvonne
Before I popped out of VonMom, in her head, I was to be Yvette.
She forgot.
No, I'm not kidding. She found the note in her purse a few days after she had me with Yvette written on it.
"Close enough", she thinks she said. Thank GOD, because I am so not an Yvette.
Though she tried really, really hard to get the world in general to call me EJ (middle name is actually Jae. Cool, for the mid-70s, I guess). It didn't stick. There's one person in my life who calls me EJ to this day, and I call her Sissy even though her name is Diane.  EJ is ok, but like I said, it didn't stick.
VonSis wasn't down with either Yvonne (fyi, pronounced EEEEE-von, and do not fuck it up, or I will killz you) or EJ.  She had her own mind, even at 1 1/2 years old.
She decided on Vonnie.
And it stuck.
From birth to mid high school. I was Vonnie to just about everyone. Even the places I worked.  The Girl Scouts of Chicago organization only knows me as Vonnie.
Yes, I have corrected about nine million people that No, my name is not Bonnie. It's Vonnie. But it became second nature, like breathing.

There started to be variations, after a while: Vonster Monster, Y-von (pronounced Why-von), Y, you get the drill.

Eventually, I met Shannon. She doesn't really like nicknames, and she had a best friend growing up named Yvonne, so I started the slippery slope back to my "given name".
But I was uncomfortable in this Yvonne-skin. 
Yvonne is me at work, when networking, when working at Old Town. Yvonne is very serious and task driven.
Yvonne is NOT me, at least not 100% of the time.

Then I met SIL1X, who has nicknames for just about everyone in her life.  Sure, who she met was Vonnie, but who she named was Von. 
I LOVED Von, pretty much more than I've ever loved a name I'd been given (ok, except for "Tuesday Night", but that's another story for another time).
Von is the social butterfly made of metal. She was a teenage anarchist. She is the music loving, wishing to dye her hair blue to this day, rebel who still owns her black leather motorcycle jacket.  Von, it turns out, is pretty bad ass.
No wonder some people who had been in my life longer than others did not take to Von. Not only did they not take to it, they hated it.  Perhaps Von is not the person they think I am, or want me to be.

So, when I decided to start this whole blogging thing (holy shit, 500 posts ago!), I started thinking about a name.  I didn't want anything trite, lame, bland.
I realized that I am not a still pond.  I am a roiling ocean - ever changing, ever challenging.
As I change, so does my name. As I grow, so does my life.

So there you have it.  I am Von, for now.

And as it is my 500th post - I want to say part of who I am today, mostly the good parts, I thank you all for. Most especially: Jennifer, Mendacious, Zombie, Brando, Becky, BG, K-Unit, Mikey, B4, Snag, Fish, Thunda, my beloved New Zealanders and Mandos. Wicked props to TheMarty and of course Shannon, for showing me this wacky wonderful world of blogging.
Hope you all keep reading, and I'll keep writing.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A GENTLE reminder

I NEVER got my Toy Story aliens (THE CLAW!!!) cake last year.
Y'all have 48 days to get that done.

Here's a picture, to get your creativity all awhirl.

Just saying

My personal laptop is on the fritz. Again.
Normally this would freak me out, I mean, if I don't buy at least a handful of songs on iTunes, I go through withdrawal.....but anyway.
This time, I took a deep breath
and called my brother.  Both brothers have mad skillz when it comes to anything computer related, but I called the one that has a link up installed on my computer.
"Hi. My computer is broken."
"Yes, again."
"Ok, so it won't connect to the internet, like at all. You fix?"
"So, um, can you get into my computer and look around?"
*chuckle* "You don't have internet. So no, I can't get in and look around"
It would be funny if it wasn't so unfunny
Because he's awesome, he agreed to come over last night and check things out.
After about two hours of messing and digging and digging and restarting and me whining that I was hungry he offered to take it home so he could mess with it when he had time.
Of course I agreed to that.
I also agreed to tag along to dinner with him and his lovely wife. 

Which he paid for.

The point of my boring Friday tale?
See, I spend a lot of time talking about how awesome my friends are, and how much more they are to me than my own family.
And then something like this happens, and I have to say to myself
"Hey, my family is pretty cool sometimes too"

Now go hug a family member or something

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Random schtuff

  • Yes, blogger, I am aware I have 4 three posts to go before the big 5-0-0. I'm still thinking about that one.
  • When it comes to people in general, I am wicked good at dealing with them, when it comes to men I fancy, I have zero clue what I'm doing.
  • I CAN survive and stay awake for a 6 + hour drive that begins at midnight after working seven hours and being up all day without a nap.
  • I can do the above because Shannon is hilarious, and incredibly easy to talk to, and my best friend.
  • I can also survive the car ride when the destination is the North Woods of WI. So so so pretty. Too bad it was such a short trip.
  • Sometimes my food allergies and food hang ups (ie, I do not eat ribs or chicken wings simply because I cannot eat meat on the bone. If my teeth hit bone, the meal is over for me) make me very shy and self-conscious.
  • New people can be entertaining, but pretension can be annoying.
  • New Glarus beer is my favorite beer right now.  Again? Still? Either way, yum.
  • I do not like the show "Big Sexy". The girls on it make fun of skinny girls. Not cool, ladies.
  • I will always help clean up any mess I made, but will punch someone if I have to clean up a mess I had no part of.
  • Playing games is super fun. I don't think I play enough games. I need to start scheduling some game nights or something.  Plus, playing games often leads to fantastic inside jokes - even if you just met someone.
  • I fear a man who carries a machete around for fun.
  • I cannot go two and a half days without listening to my music, or music I like. Sorry TheMarty and Shannon, I needed it like a drug on the drive home.
  • Eight people in a cabin, five men and three women, and only one bathroom. Not a problem. This time.
  • I'll be in Boston in eight weeks. Who's counting? I'm counting. Didn't make it out there last year, missing it like a phantom limb.
  • L's favorite band is Rush. I know this is a problem for some friends, and a bonus for others. I think it's funny.
And how was your weekend?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Just thinking

I don't watch reality television, pretty much ever.
Sure, I'll admit to recording (dvring?) every episode of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding over the weekend, and staring transfixed at that for hours, but beyond that, I don't do it.
I don't count Food Network shows (Iron Chef, the Best Thing I Ever Ate, Dinner Impossible) as reality tv.
I saw a promo that intrigued me.  Some channel is debuting a show called "Big Sexy". I think it's just a few episodes, following some charmingly chubby chicks in some big city, New York, likely.  I think they do or want to work in fashion somehow.  There's like five of them or four.
See how well I pay attention?
What I found interesting in the promo was how one of the women said
"Some people don't get that not all fat chicks want to be thin"
I could totally be friends with these girls. It appears we are like-minded.
I saw bravo to the network (not sure which one) is going to be airing this show, and double brava to the women in the show. 
I'm all for fat acceptance, and promoting body positive ideas. I hope the show does well. 
I won't be watching it, because it's still reality tv.  I believe more in getting out and living my life, rather than sitting on my ass watching other people's lives on tv. 
My life is WAY more fun and interesting than anything I could watch on tv.

Monday, August 29, 2011

That's what friends are for....

I've got the greatest friends EVER.

You know how I know?

Because they are there for me, at the drop of a hat, every time.

Thought I had plans Friday night, turns out I was wrong. Found out late Thursday night, when L deigned to spend about an hour with me.

Woke up Friday morning in a panic - I was in NO mood to stay home Friday night. That would have been pretty awful, considering my mood lately.

I calmed the F down, and made a quick list in my head.  Texted first person at 7:45 am.
"You free tonight?"
Alas, no.
Texted next person on list at 8:01 am.
"You free tonight?"
"Yes I am!!"
Ah, the tricycle of awesome is truly awesome.
Shannon got us a reservation at Hearty Boys Restaurant.  Wow, we had a fantastic meal!! And some good honest conversation, which I needed. And some drinks. I'm SO off the wagon.

Saturday was Toni's big 4-0 birthday dinner.  Spent a perfect evening at Old Oak Tap. So good. Good food, good company.  Sure, L didn't show up like he had said he would, but I didn't let it ruin my evening.

Sunday, the first person I texted on Friday texted me.....
"What are you doing today?"
My response was that I had to work at Old Town at 5, but was free before then. 
Her response:
"Come over at 3 for fried chicken!"
As in, homemade fried chicken.
Ended up having a fantastic dinner with four people that I really love spending time with.  It was a shame I had to leave so soon, but it was still a blast!

Got to Old Town right on time, and immediately fell into massive crush mode with the entire band Mountain Heart.
They were fantastic, adorable, talented, did I mention adorable, fun.... I highly recommend you check them out. Whole lotta fun. And adorable.

So, while I remain disappointed in the L situation, I'm more than making the best of it.  It helps when you have the greatest friends in the world.