Monday, May 12, 2008

Sorry, but I'm pissed

I'm not going to give the weekend in review today. I'm kinda pissed off about something that seems to be a recurring theme in my life of late. Friends - stop treating me like shit. If you're too busy to answer the phone, then don't answer the phone. If your life sucks, don't treat me like it's some how my fault. I'd like to think that you treat all of your friends equally, but you don't. You have different rules for different people, and I'm sick of it. A lot of people that don't know me very well think I'm a bitch. That's true. I can be. I'm outspoken, honest, and self-confident. A lot of people that don't know me tend to be a little be afraid of me. This is all ok with me. The problem lies with my friends, those that do know me. These people have the ability to hurt my feeling more than other people. Lately, it seems they do - time and time again. A recent example is someone that I've been trying to become better friends with lately. She's awesome, and I look up to her. The other day she went off on my for something that should not have been a big deal. Don't fucking yell at me, when the person who is truly wrong, who really screwed up, is standing right next to you. I've been mad for a few days about this incident. I'm conflicted, because I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this one. Up until the incident, I feel that we had been making good progress to actually becoming friends. Now, I don't know what I want to do about it. She's someone I see on a regular basis at one of my things, so avoiding her is not an option. I'm waiting for her to blog about what a bitch I was, but it hasn't happened yet. I'll have to see how this plays out. I'm going to push it out of my mind (or try to) until Friday, when I have to see her again. I think I'll let her take the lead on this. If she is still a bitch, then game over. I have enough friends, I don't need another one treating me badly. If she's nice to me, I'll just let it go. Like I said - she's cool, and someone I thought would make a good friend. I don't want to get more specific, as some of my friends read this blog, and I'm not in the game of hurting feelings. I know that I told Shannon I would never be in the practice of blogging about people without naming them. I am taking exception here to not hurt feelings, or have a fight/discussion on the internet. I'll just say this - If you are reading this, and you think 'Maybe she's talking about me, and I've been kinda a shit friend lately.' then you're right, I probably am. Just know, friends, that I have feelings. I have a life. My life, my topics of conversation, my problems should be as important as yours. Yes, I have strong opinions, but sometimes, I'm right. I don't always understand what you do, and why. Don't say things you don't mean. **FYI - I just wrote this to vent. I feel better now. I do NOT want to discuss these issues further. If you think you might have been a shitty friend to me recently, then just fix it, and let's move forward.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Zoe Zombie

So, the above is Zoe (rhymes with NO). Zoe is a zombie that my friend Krista makes and sells. I got Zoe Friday night while I was learning how to crochet. Zoe's pretty awesome. I brought her to work so Charlie won't eat her. She has found a home under my monitor, with my shot glass I got from Team NY, and my Obama/Morrissey 08 picture. I love my desk. I have a cubicle (at my old job I had my own office for 10 years, so I'm still getting used to this cubestyle) and I'm trying to be myself while also trying to be understated. It's a work in progress. I don't think LB2 has even seen Zoe yet. Good thing. Zoe is not a toy - she's more of a statement. You may see Zoe from time to time here on the blog. She's learning to say more than "Brains! Feed me brains!" and growling.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some purdy pictures

Today, I'm offering you all a glimpse via my awesome purple Kodak easy share into my pretty great life. This first picture shows you the building I work in. I work in the one that's kinda behind the one that's all flat. Mine is the cool pointy one. Pretty awesome.

I've mentioned before how much I love this city, and love where I work. At lunch yesterday I went over to the park to take some pictures to help explain why I dig this place so much:

I am very very new at taking pictures. Or, what I consider to be "good/real" pictures. Photography classes are on my list of things to do before the end of the year. Shannon and I went to Ireland a couple of years ago. At the time, I didn't have a digital camera, just this crappy 35mm I've had since high school. I took lots and lots and lots of pictures in Ireland. I'll never forget when I was showing them to people, I had more than one person say to me "Huh, Von, some of these are actually good....". Inspiring words, really.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Slightly less lame weekend in reveiw.

My weekend was kinda less than. Friday night was good. I went to First Friday at Old Town, where I learned how to crochet. I was in a horrible mood when I got there, but after learning how to chain and turn, and drank a bit, and ate a brownie or two, I was in a much better mood. I really like crocheting. It did a lot to improve my mood. There's not a lot of thinking to the act of it, and it's just calming. I've been practicing whenever I've had some down time this weekend. Whenever I've had the t.v. on, I've been practicing crochet. I think I'm getting better. This first effort will probably end up being a blanket for Charlie. Who knows. Saturday was my god-daughter's First Communion. I don't go to Mass, like, ever. My parents were there, as was Laura and her family. (Laura's my best friend, has been for 19 years.) We laughed and laughed all through the 1 1/2 hour mass. It was great. Kinda creepy though - I'm not really down with Catholicism much any more, and all of those little brides of Christ lookin' kids with their up-dos and fancy white dresses. Creeped me out, that's all I'm saying. VonMom got annoyed with Laura and I and our chatting and laughing. I'm sure God was just happy I was in the hiz-ouse. Saturday night watched Juno. Eh. Good movie, funny and all, but the music made me want to rip out my ear-drums with my pinky nails. Sunday First Communions of both Niece and Nephew. Didn't go to Mass. Two days in a row is w a y too much for me. Polish banquet hall food after. I do think it's really funny that when I mention to my step-siblings that I learned how to crochet, and I love it, they ALL think that's code for something drrrty and bad. Hm. I know they think I'm some bad-ass rocker chick and all, but c'mon people. I had to explain to them that I am a diamond - all multi-faceted, and one of the new facets is that I crochet. I also love that VonSib Peter and I took the phrase "pure as the driven snow" and made it all drrty and hilarious, with Zamboni references, and plowing, good times. Ok, maybe I am a bad-ass after all. I also grocery shopped this weekend. I wouldn't mention it at all except that I wanted to mention that I really dug the Muzak this time. We went from James Taylor, to Jon Secada, to Backstreet Boys/N'Sync or whatever. Here's me, singing in the aisles (loudly, I don't care.) "I don't care who you are, where you're from, oh crap, I have to go back for refried black beans, as long as you love meeeee!!!" Yeah, I'm a lot of fun out in public. Oh, and I'd like to mention I came upon something at said grocery store that creeped me out - they now have these Slow Melting Popsicles. WTF?!? A)How many chemicals do you think are in those things that they don't melt the normal way? B) Really? Part of the fun of Popsicles is the brain freeze, and the sticky hands, and now you are taking that all away? Bleh. No thanks.

Friday, May 2, 2008

James Lipton R O C K S

Sometimes on the weekends, I'll stumble upon that Inside the Actors' Studio show with James Lipton. He's fun. He's cool with a capital C. My favorite part of the show is at the end, when he does that question and answer session with each guest. Some people give great responses, some are eh, but it got me to thinking. Two of my favorite questions in that segment are: What is your favorite word? and What is your least favorite word? So, I've come up with a little sampling of words that I love and words that I hate. *Disclaimer: This list is about ONLY the Word. Not what the word means, or represents, or anything. Just the word, so please don't get all word defensive in my comments. Thanks.* Words I Love: Bubble, Kiss, Smooth, Meander, Crystal, Klavier, Tryst, Skyscraper, Torrid, Clandestine, Bramble, Fire, Tramp, Vaudville, Smirk, Beatific, Harmony. These words make me smile and I like the sounds of them. Words I Hate: Kitchen, Fresh, Hook, Jejune, Trip, Smudge, Bus, Purse, Tangerine, Diner, Park, Pigeon, Spit. These words get tangled up in my mouth and I just don't like them. I could actually go on and on and on with both lists, but then this would be the post that never ends. Any words that any of you feel strongly about?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This little piggy went to the market

What Your Feet Say About You:

You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to.

You are a somewhat passionate person. A few things get you very fired up, but you're usually pretty laid back.

You are an assertive person at times. You'll pull out all the stops to get what you want, if it's worth it.

You take a while to fall in love, but once you do, you stay pretty attached to your partner.

You are not afraid of anything. You are brave and courageous, even when most people would be terrified.

You are very practical and down to earth. You're more concerned with action than thoughts.

You are an amazingly hard worker. You aren't spoiled and you don't mind getting your hands dirty.

You are easily influenced by other people. You're quite impressionable, so you should only be around people who are a good influence.

First off, thanks to Saying Yes for this fun little distraction.
Secondly, let me tell you the reality of my feet. Just a year or two ago I decided that I love my feet. For 30+ years I absolutely hated them. I hate shoes, I hate socks, and I hated my feet. Now, I love them with a deep seated l o v e.
I have the fattest, pinkest, funniest feet in the world. All summer long, I will show my feet to people and say "Look at them! Aren't they fantastic! I love my fat little feet!" See, I just love them. They are so unique, and fat and puffy and cute I can't stand it. I spend lots of money (ok, piss away lots of money) on pedicures just so I can show off my Fatty McFeetersens. The pictures are above. I know. You totally love them too, don't you?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Quick FYI

I won't be a part of our Block Party this summer. I've had a much better offer that I am really looking forward to.