Monday, November 1, 2010

A Hallmark moment

You know what I dig more than birthday gifts? The cards that come with the gifts. The things that say what people want to say, and yet don't say. We're supposed to be all cool calm and collected all the time. In my world, we are also supposed to be bitchy and on the offense more often than not. So This year, in honor of my softer side, the one that used to love writing cards and letters, I'm starting a new tradition. I bought a card for someone else. I bought it on my birthday, and will be giving it to her next time I see her. The card itself is humorous, but I intend to write in it what an awesome, delightful, grounded, normal, fun and important part of my life she's been over the past year, and that I hope she'll be in my life a long time. I'm excited to do this every year, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I will admit, I do also love the shiny and colorful balloons that come with cards and gifts, and the cards that are hand made and huge and have a tall boy PRB attached to them.


Kathleen said...

that's so nice! shout out to cards!

mikey said...

Know what they should have??

That's right.

PORN Cards.

Seems like they'd be kind of popular.

In addition to the Porn, they could have funny, thoughtful, porny sayings in them. And think of the possibilities for Charly Brown and Lucy alone!

Vonnie said...

Kinda like the way Mikey thinks.

Jennifer said...

I'm sure they do have porn cards... they probably just don't sell them at the Hallmark. Maybe the Whoremark, or something like that.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Cards are people, too.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Ballmark... heh heh.

I'm not down with the PBR, but a card attached to a bottle of beer would be A-OK.

Vonnie said...

Free beer is good beer!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

...unless it's Bud light.

Vonnie said...

Amen, Z, Amen.

Jennifer said...

Or Milwaukee's Best...