Monday, November 15, 2010

Hating the Holiday Haters

Say that ten times fast. I'm back, and angry as ever. Today's topic? The Holiday Lite. Aka WLIT, aka 93.9 on your Chicago radio dial. VonSis and I have (generally) vastly different musical tastes. Except when it comes to one thing. Christmas music. Specifically, when 93.9 WLIT "turns on the Holiday Lite" and switches over to 24/7 Christmas music. In recent years, the lucky day has been November 1st. Not so this year. So, every day from 11/1 onward, there's me and VonSis each checking 93.9 every time we got in our cars to check. Awww. Nothing. Friday night, I'm in Michigan with Shannon, drinking some beers, playing some games. I get a phone call from VonSis. There's things and stuff going on at home that compel me to answer the call. "Hello?" "IT'S ON!!" "What?" "The Holiday Lite! It's on!!!" So, since yesterday I've been listening to nothing but Christmas songs. For me, it's not truly the Season until I hear "Do They Know It's Christmas". It's a long sappy story, but that's my Season kick off song. Yes, I have Noelly tunes on at work. Right. Now. People can mock, bitch, piss and moan on teh FB as much as they want. Um....turn the damn channel, bitches. Yesterday, I was driving home from some errands, and was sitting at a red light. Well, "Last Christmas" by George Michael was on, so I started rocking out with my bad self in my car. Swaying, yell/singing, the whole nine. Across from me two women started mocking me. I gave them the double finger. Don't mock when I've got my Holiday Rock Out going on. I may be festive, but I will still cut you. ho ho hooooooo


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Nothing says "Holiday Spirit" like the double finger!

Ho Ho Ho!

Kathleen said...

let me introduce you to my Pandora Holiday station.

also, we are getting our xmas tree this week.

Kathleen said...

also the Gm Last Christmas video is the most painfully awkward this I've ever seen

Jennifer said...

I thought they didn't start until the day after Thanksgiving! I love the pre-Thanksgiving time as that and have a slew of Thanksgiving movies I love to watch, but after that, bring on the sappy Christmas music!

Hope you had a good break, Von!

mikey said...

There are about a million internet radio streams of holiday music. I tend to avoid them until mid december, but for all I know at least some of them are available year round.

For me, the holiday season starts at whatever point my sister is in her car and Jose Feliciano's "Feliz Navidad" comes on and she calls me and leaves as much of it as she can on my voice mail. Gets me every year, and it totally cracks me up every time.

Jennifer said...

The Youngest Lamblet is playing Feliz Navidad on the guitar for her winter concert. She just needs some shades and she'd be ready. :) It's Feliz Navidad 24/7 here.

Vonnie said...

Mikey - awesome story!! That would crack me up too.
J - YL can call me on the phone and play me some Feliz Navidad. That's cool.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I have an AWESOME holiday playlist. Featuring Barenaked Ladies, Mojo Nixon, Bruce Cockburn, The Chieftains, Weird Al, Sonic Youth, Henry Rollins, and The Mighty Deer Lick among many many others.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Also, it's repeat season:

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I'm partial to the Ramones' Merry Christmas (I Don't Want to Fight).

Of course, A Fairytale of New York is required listening at Christmas.

Brando said...

For me, it's not Christmas until I eat so many cookies I can't fit into my pants.

fish said...

I am pretty much a grinch (zip it!), but I do love Buster Poindexter's cover of Zat You Santa Clause?

fish said...
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Vonnie said...

Brando - you and TLB are officially invited over. Guess who makes batches and batches and batches of homemade cookies?