Friday, November 19, 2010


I met the most, let me clarify THE MOST important person in my gigantic company today. He shook my hand. I "nicetomeetyou"d it was pretty awesome. Ahem. I tell you this because I am sitting here, at my desk at work way way way overdressed. I'm talking black dress, sweater, tights, real shoes, necklace, watch and earrings. Full face of makeup. Hair managed. On a Friday. I didn't do this for the big guy (solely). I did this out of my mad time management skillz. Tonight immediately following work I have an event for the Germans that keep me on their Board. I sometimes use this space to record (for me, not really for you) what I'm doing when I'm super busy. Sooo I'm going to do that for this weekend: Tonight: Lincoln Square Chamber of Commerce Holiday Dinner Tomorrow: Knee doc (really hope I'm coming to the end of these visits), guitar class, meet friends to go to Navy Pier for dinner and "HP 7 part 1" at IMAX. Sunday: Book Club at 4:00. John's band show at 8:00. I'm a little on the fence about that, but it's a Double Door show, which is huge. Also, I haven't seen the band in a while, so I'll likely go. This schedule is why I had a list of eight things to do at home last night. A list that I added to, and got through except for one item. I rock. I hope your weekend is fantastic, and maybe a little more restful than mine. Unless you are one of the two trolls that I'm sure are lurking. I hope your weekend sucks as much as you do. I'm sure it will, since you are morons with nothing of substance or value to do.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I tell you this because I am sitting here, at my desk at work way way way overdressed.
I'm talking black dress, sweater, tights, real shoes, necklace, watch and earrings.
Full face of makeup. Hair managed.

Pictures or it didn't happen!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'll be working on a loan.

Stupit appraisal isn't here yet, but the PCNA goes stale on Thanksgiving.

Coincidentally, it's a property in Wisconsin, between two lakes...

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Ha ha! Zombies can post, but trolls can't!!

I hope you don't my taunting, Von.

Vonnie said...

Not at all Zombie, taunt away.

Jennifer said...

I must have an inner-troll because I'm pretty sure my weekend is going to suck. Have fun for me, Von!!

Kathleen said...

awesome!! have a great weekend!

Brando said...

I haven't even gotten through making my list yet. You do rock.

mikey said...

That sounds exhausting. I'm going to make some biscuits and then while they're warm I'm going to put some of that awesome wild pig sausage on them with an egg. Then I'm going to do some chores, come home, take a nice saturday afternoon nap, and spend the evening with Sailor Jerry and a homemade turkey pot pie.

Tomorrow I'm going to hang out and watch football games and make a great big pot of 17 bean soup. Oh, I'll probably manage to work a nice sunday afternoon nap into that crazy schedule too...

W/V is thinks it is insulting me by calling me a dooph

Kathleen said...

17 different kinds of beans, or 17 beans total?

mikey said...

Truly, it is a minimalist kind of soup...