Friday, November 21, 2008

A happy dose of awesome

So, I was going to just grumble about how tired I am. See, I had to go to this thing that I didn't want to go to, from which I didn't get home until 11:30ish. After which I woke up this morning with 7 minutes - 7 minutes - to get up, dressed, teeth brushed, out the door to go to work. However. Two awesome things happened yesterday. Maybe three. First: At the thing I didn't want to go to, there was a silent auction. I zeroed in on this Lincoln Square print. I had seen this print all over the place over the summer, but I just didn't buy it. I regretted not getting it, and when I went looking for it, of course, it was gone. Sigh. Well, there it was last night, up for auction, in a package with two bottles of wine (nice), two darling wine glasses, an embroidered Lincoln Square tote, and a tie with all of the Chicago neighborhoods all over it. I said to myself: "Self. I WANT THAT". So I bid. And bid. And was forced to bid again. AND I WON. Sure, is it all really worth $160? Dunno. Do I really have $160? Not really. But the print all all of the goodies are Mine, m i n e, MINE!! And, I am trading sister the tie for the sonicare toothbrush she won as part of an auction item. Sweet!! Second: I got home all cold and tired and excited with my winnings, when what to my wandering eyes should appear in my mail? Ok, yes, bills. But also......(this is a drumroll.....) an envelope from BillyRottenPilgrimMcDonald!!!! Oooooh. I opened it, and there are not one, but TWO CDs!!! And, as I recall, BPRM gifts music to those he likes. He likes me! He really likes me!!! I cannot wait to listen to them! For all of the things I forgot this morning, like my lunch, my water bottle, my phone charger- remember, 7 minutes from bed to car - I remembered to bring the CDs!! I am about to give them a listen! I already know two important things that make these CDs like gold a) The man has awesome/fantastic/extensive musical tastes and b) we have very similar taste in music. This is going to r o c k. Kinda third: I'm not going to lie. I did enjoy people telling me I looked nice yesterday. I wore a black dress, black tights, black shoes, awesome black and white headband and silver jewelry. Those that matter most (sister, sil1x) told me I looked nice, among others, and more said it more than once. I will admit part of the reason I looked nicer was I wanted the germans to know what they are missing out on, and that I could have represented them well, professionally and with style. Too bad for them, so sad. I might be a little inspired to dress/look a little classier in 09. Not sure how committed to that I am, we'll see. But it was nice to get compliments. A little bit of snark: I will admit to one snarky/bitchy moment last night. When one of the newly elected board members asked me if I will be attending the Bach concert this Sunday at the place that finds me unworthy, I said "No, I'm working a show at Old Town. They remain my first volunteering priority." and under my breath "they like me there". It may have been a little to soon for me to be there, I think. Ok, must go listen to the CDs. Have a lovely weekend. I hope it is warmer wherever you are. *Chicago current temperature? 18 degrees*

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Quirky? Bleh.

I am not quirky. I know of a few folks who think, nay, pride themselves on being "quirky". I think they define themselves by going against the grain. What grain? Who's grain? What are you against exactly? They shop at thrift stores. I'm sorry you're broke - stop drinking so much, you could at least buy one or two items at, say, Target for the $$ you spend on booze. They decorate weird. Ikea - ever heard of it? Beats the hell out of old garbage picked milk cartons. They look down upon those who either a) aren't quirky like them or b) don't put them on a pedestal for being so gosh darn quirky. Get over yourselves. You know, they think they are unique. Let me fill you in on something, when all of their friends, and a lot of the people they associate with look Just.Like.Them, show me what is so unique about that. To each their own I guess, but they annoy me. Me? I'm just me. A little of this, a smidge of that. A dash of that other over there. Never the same way too much of the time. I'm a diamond - too many facets to count. But a regular, plain old diamond. Who'd buy a quirky diamond anyway?

Monday, November 17, 2008


My weekend. Sigh. A varied and interesting state of affairs. Upside: Lauren!! Got to see her Saturday night, and Sunday! Friday night dinner at Olive Garden (I don't care, I love it there!) with my sister, Sil1x, and Bubbles. Met new best friend. Heard some wonderful news. Brunch at Tweet OMG so freakin' good! Lovely party for Shannon's birthday. Fantastic foods, beer, free parking, watching La Pequena and Dan Band videos on UTube. Started back again at FatCamp (oh, uh, AKA Weight Watchers) Saw Sil1x AGAIN on Sunday! Not-quite-red but scrumptious red velvet cupcakes. Made from scratch. Little hot fudge sundae made with peppermint ice cream, meant to make me feel better. Downside: Measurable snow. Self-important assholes. "Made of Honor" not so good, even with McDreamy and McKidd. Missing Charlie a lot on the weekends. People drank my beer. Started back at FatCamp (W2) Got some startling news. Though we begged and pleaded, Lauren went back to Boston. Didn't finish reading the book I was sure I'd get through this weekend. Nailpolish put on yesterday, already chipping. People dragging me into the extremely childish bull shit. A bunch of germans let me know that I am not good enough to represent them. So, yeah. Some big highlights, and some sucky lows. What can you do? TGIM? Does that work? Thank God it's Monday? We'll see.... ***Happy Birthday Shannon!*******

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yippee! It's here!

Just got the official word, and I couldn't be happier! For those of you in the listening area of "greater Chicagoland" 93.9 is now officially the Holiday Light!!! Yep, they flipped the switch at 8:30 this morning. All Christmas music all the time, until like midnight 12/25 or something. Doesn't matter when it ends, it's on right now! George Michael is crooning all about "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away...." as I type this! *for those of you who aren't familiar with the Holiday Light, they are notorious for starting Christmas music on November 1st for the past few years. They didn't do it this year, and I for one have been anxiously waiting to see when they would start.

A mixed bag

First things first: Some people just can't handle the snark. I got a somewhat nasty email today from one of the stepsisters in response to my humorous email requesting holiday gift lists for her offspring. Seriously? Shit. If I am spending my hard earned $$ on your kid, you should know my sense of humor by now. Especially if you are "family". Geesh. I basically told her to get a sense of humor, and get me a freakin' list. Topic two: I like the word asinine. I like it a lot. It randomly popped into my mind today, while I was listening to an asinine conversation at work. I was annoyed at the forementioned conversaton, until I got distracted by my love of the word asinine. Am I even spelling it right? Don't know, just love it. Next: Lauren is here!!! Squeee! I will see her Saturday night, and Sunday, and I love the company that she works for that sent her here for a conference or meeting or something! And then: I only officially decided a few days ago that I will be decorating for the holidays this year. I wasn't going to (mostly because we lost Charlie) but then I realized that I'll probably be more chipper this season if I do. Now that I've made that decision, I can't WAIT! My sister found the exact trees I was looking for, so I'm trying something new this year, and I'm so ready to get started.

I am currently having some weird brain thing going on. I've noticed in elevators that when my mind starts to wander, it starts listing band names, A to Z. For example: 'Abba, Black Sabbath, Credence Clearwater Revival, Dr. Dre, ELO, etc, etc, etc.... This is a game Shannon, TheMarty and I played on that final stretch home from Boston, when we were in a whiteout snow storm in Indiana. This was more than 3 weeks ago. I don't know what my problem is.

Have a nice weekend. (betcha at least ONE of you - I'm looking at you, Rotten, is running through band names alphabetically now too....)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Und you vill b a k e

So, yeah. It's that time of year! As one of Four esteemed judges in this year's RoD Holiday bake off, I implore you to get involved!! I await your criscocarbychocolateycreations! Go here for details: And for realz, as I am the judge with the nut allergy, and I think y'all like me a little - No Nuts. On behalf of Claire, Shannon, and TheMarty, thank you in advance for your participation!! Let's make this FIERCE. My fingers are crossed for another video of snark or two this year, that was Fantastic last year!! Now, get thee to thy kitchens.....I'm waiting!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Full moon or something?

It's gotta be a full moon. Or Something. I've been a little feisty of late. Examples: Saturday I went to see Zack and Miri with Laura. Somehow Laura made friends with this awesome really old dude walking from the parking lot to the theatre. So, Laura and I were in line for snacks, and AwesomeOldDude and his equally awesome friend were right in front of us in line. AOD turns around and said to us "So, what movie are you going to see?" Without skipping a beat I say "Zack and Miri make a PORNO" see, I had to talk LOUD in case he had hearing loss. Laura shook her head, AOD looks at me a second and says "What kind of movie is that?" I say "Oh, you know, it's a comedy. What are you going to see?" "That new Clint Eastwood picture." yet he was still looking at me like I had lost my marbles. We part ways at the concession stand. Laura and I walk into our theatre, and there are the two AODs. I walk right up to them and say "Honey, you are in the wrong theatre! This is the PORNO movie, no Clint Eastwood in here!" Laura giggled behind me. AOD says "Oh, I know. We're just waiting to be let into our theatre." I say "Ok then, I didn't want you to get all confused or anything." Tee hee. So, today I sent an email to people in my life that have children that I will be doing some holiday shopping for. Instead of being nice and/or normal, my email was terse and threatening. I let them know that if they don't provide me with lists for their offspring, and soon, that they would have to explain to their offspring why they got expired coupons and gas station aftershave. They think I'm kidding. I wouldn't tempt me if I were them. As I wrote in the email 'Von don't play.' I just got back from my goddaughter's girl scout investment thingy. (It's this psuedo-ceremony in the school gym). I love my little gd, so I go to as many of her things as I can. I don't really like the people at her school - see, she goes to the elite snotty evil catholic grammar school that I went to. It's a great school, but the people suck. Anyway, so, I'm standing there with C, gd's mother. We're busy making fun of the kids, and some of the parents, drinking our Hawaiin punch. (mmmm red sugar mustache) One of the parents comes over and starts talking to us about what we think about the kids going and singing to the felician sisters. Only she didn't pronounce felician properly. No, she said 'fellation' (I shit you not). So, instead of correcting her politely, I just kept getting her to say felician. FELLATION. Over and over and over again, I got the snobby mcsnooterson to say fellation sisters. I was shaking, I was trying so hard not to laugh in her face. C wanted to punch me. She did pinch me in the arm, trying to get me to stop it, but I just couldn't. It was way too easy. I love feisty, and I love snarky. They make me ME.