Monday, February 9, 2009

Good news (for once!)

This afternoon I walked into a new doctor's office, with an old problem. Me and my 'bad' knee have not been getting along lately. Sigh. I was all prepared to hear a)lose weight, it won't hurt b)surgery c)nothing we can do. What I heard: "These xrays are wonderful! Look at this! And this! All good news!" I also heard: "Actually, we are going to work to strengthen your quads, and your weight will be less of a factor for your knees." "But you do need to rest a bit more." HA! Ha! Ha ha. Oh, that's right, brand new doc doesn't know how I roll - resting? That's for a few hours on the weekend, maybe, if I'm lucky. But I'll try. Oh, p.s. - New knee doc? H O T. Glad I was in work clothes and makeup! So For once, good news. Going to sign up at the new gym tomorrow, and probably schedule some physical therapy appointments. Gotta strengthen my quads.


Poptart said...

yea! that's great. i have some questions, like what new gym, etc. I can also tell you that one of the best quad exercises ever is taking Belly Dance class... so i know you have the points...

great to read good news! you're due for it.

Vonnie said...

My belly don't dance.

Kathleen said...

glad to hear you got good news and a hot doc. good luck on the muscle training!