Thursday, October 29, 2009

I adore them!

I'm going to take the entire Michigan Avenue Apple store behind the bleachers and totally make out with them!!! On Sunday, my beloved 4th generation iPod nano decided to stop working. Specifically, the click wheel no clicky-clicky. I make an appointment to bring sick little iPod to the Apple store this morning. Shiny happy nice people greeted me at the door, directed me to Genius bar and Mr. Awesome. Mr. Awesome ran some tests, did some stuff. Said: "Sooo. I think it cannot be repaired." and "Your warranty expired four days ago." at this point I got the cold sweat. Four days!!?!? C'mon!!! and then Mr. Awesome said: "There is no way I'm charging you for this. I mean, four days." Huh?What?Whozis? "I mean, there is no damage, and it barely just came off warranty, so I'm going to go ahead and get you a new one." Mmmmhmmmmm..... "No charge" No charge This never happens to me. Never never never. I'm so giddy. I have no iPod for a few days while I wait for the new one to arrive, but mine wasn't working anyway, so no big deal.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I don't know what they feed the Apple Store employees, but they are pleasant and helpful and low-pressure.....

I suspect drugs. VERY strong drugs.

Vonnie said...

Whatever it is, I'll take some. Make it a double.

Shannon Erin said...


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I have had an iPod since the first introduction, because not only do I trust Apple's implementation of most things, I have been a FRIGGIN Bear for portable music since Sony introduced the facking Walkman (Have I mentioned I'm an old fart)

So since that one, I am on my facking SEVENTH iPod (out of which only one, the last one, had a failure; before that, I just needed MORE ROOM). And I can barely go one day without it. I listen use it in the office, in the car, I'm fraggin listening to it now through my home stereo system.

In some respects, I think the iPod could be regulated as an addictive substance. Dammit all anyway.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Also, and because NOBODY asked: the last, and current iPod (last one was named You Are Number Six, a Prisoner ref, and the new one is the Magnificent Seven, a Clash ref) both are 160 gigs, and it is facking full, so I have to toss stuff to add more recent and more important stuff. Modern Life, it Iz Hard.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I still rely on my Led Zeppelin vinyl LPs, ZRM.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

O, we can compare vinyl sometime, you Thundra you.

I have 8 or 9 lineal feet of vinyl. THERE IS SOME ZEP IN THERE, admittedly.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I also still have a fully functional turntable in my audio system, hatas!!

Vonnie said...

Oh, how did I know that ZRM would have many things to say on this post!!
I vote ZRM for new iPod spokeszombie!!

Jennifer said...

I have 8 or 9 lineal feet of vinyl.

Is that counting the cracks and voids?

ZRM- I still have a fully functional turntable as well! So there!

Von- My work is slow and poor, but I haven't forgotten you... just having issues with the computer... you'll get you music!

Brando said...

"No charge" is great, but when combined with "iPod," that's like a little piece of heaven.