Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Friday, I'm (not!) in Love.....

NO, I have not had Dunkin Donuts. NO I have not purchased a breakfast item. NO I AM NOT LOVING MY NEW OATMEAL FUELED WEEKDAY MORNINGS. 38 days to go. Ahem. Tonight is Date #4. pick your God Damned mouths up off the floor. geesh We're going for dinner at the same little Irish place where we went for drinks on our first date. spare me the "awwws" he just wants to try the food there I had a little chat with Jesus. Jesus says I can eat meat for dinner tonight, if I want, in celebration of my fourth date with the same person! Jesus loves me for giving dude with a few strikes against me another chance. And another. And get the idea. Tomorrow I'm going to a wedding. I don't give them very long. I'm thinking. 3.5 years. NO I AM NOT AN EVIL ANTI-MARRIAGE BITCH What I am is realistic. And I know the groom really well. So, I don't really know the bride, but that's because I know enough about the groom to not invest in any woman in his life. He's that friend. The one who shouldn't get married. Ever. I am excited about the wedding because I get to see my largest group of friends, all together in one place. I don't spend as much time as I'd like with this group anymore, so seeing them will be good. Plus, it's one wedding down. Four to go. Yes, this year. Yes, I'm that person this year. Sigh. I just dropped a cheeto in my bra. This is a fact. I'm also checking to see if you're paying attention. Sunday will be errand running, chore doing, then off to John and Toni's for some good food and better conversation. Probably conversation about their wedding. Which is in September. Which I'm campaigning to be in. And it's in Vegas.


Brando said...

Have fun at the wedding and with your heretical meat eating ;-)

Kathleen said...

have fun at both events!!

I dropped an ice cube in my bra last night. I wish it had been a cheeto.

Vonnie said...

You both made me laugh really hard. Pop coming out of nose hard.
Have a great weekend!!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I usually have to ask really nice to have an ice cube dropped into my shorts.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I spent all day working on a loan application.

Another Kiwi said...

Because I'm upside down here I have found a bra in my cheetos. It's a bit annoying and a very large mystery. Unless it's a free gift from Nabisco in which case they should specially marked packs for men with jock straps in or something.

Jennifer said...

Have fun, Von! Meat or no meat!

I've often dropped things in my bra. I love the times though when you don't realize it and you're taking it off and go, "Oh! There's that necklace I was looking for!" I'm guessing that wouldn't work with a Cheeto. :)

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I spent all day working on a loan application.

I would rather have a cheeto dropped in my shorts.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

also, just give 'em the money, thunder. Be a Yes Man.

Adorable Girlfriend said...

Hope you have fun at the wedding. I know what it's like to attend those kinds of weddings, sadly. Or know about impending marriages that are so laughable and pathetic.

I dropped my bra to the floor. Oh wait, that's probably TMI for this kind of blog.

<3 Lent will be over before you know it. At least that's what I tell myself during the torture I call Passover. C

fish said...

Note to self:

Buy Cheetos and ice.

Jennifer said...

How was the wedding, Miss Y-Von?? Did you throw Cheetos at the bride?