Thursday, August 26, 2010

Music is Go to this link right now...... I'm OBSESSED. o b s e s s e d With the new 30 Seconds to Mars song, "Closer to the Edge" Like it's on repeat on my iPod. And I cannot stop listening to it. It gives me the chills and makes me cry, and makes me pissed that I didn't go see them last time they were here. It makes me wish I were younger than I am. Not that I wouldn't be jumping up and down like the kids in the video, because I would. I WILL next time they come through town. Trust me, go - go now to YouTube and watch the official video, it's about 6+minutes long, and watch all the way to the end, the dude who says the sentence that is the title of this post. He's got it. Down. That's how I feel about music. Musical snobs/elitists/whatevers, don't bother with your comments. To each their own. I think this band is wicked talented, and I don't give a shit what you think.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stolen from BG (thanks BG!)

A big list of things. The highlighted ones are the things I've done: 1. Bought everyone in the bar a drink 2. Swam with wild dolphins 3. Climbed a mountain 4. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 5. Been inside the Great Pyramid 6. Held a tarantula 7. Taken a candlelit bath 8. Said I love you and meant it 9. Hugged a tree 10. Bungee jumped 11. Visited Paris 12. Watched a lightning storm at sea 13. Stayed up all night long and watched the sun rise 14. Seen the Northern Lights 15. Gone to a huge sports game 16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa 17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables 18. Touched an iceberg 19. Slept under the stars 20. Changed a baby's diaper 21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon 22. Watched a meteor shower 23. Gotten drunk on Champagne 24. Given more than you can afford to charity 25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 27. Had a food fight 28. Bet on a winning horse 29. Asked out a stranger 30. Had a snow ball fight 31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 32. Held a lamb 33. Seen a total eclipse 34. Ridden a roller coaster 35. Hit a home run 36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking 37. Adopted an accent for an entire day 38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment 39. Had two hard drives for your computer 40. Taken care of someone who was too drunk 41. Visited all 50 states 42. Had amazing friends 43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country 44. Watched wild whales 45. Stolen a sign 46. Backpacked in Europe 47. Taken a road trip 48. Gone rock climbing 49. Midnight walk on the beach 50. Gone sky diving 51. Visited Ireland 52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love 53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger's table and had a meal with them 54. Visited Japan 55. Milked a cow 56. Alphabetized your CDs 57. Pretended to be a super hero 58. Sung karaoke 59. Lounged around in bed all day 60. Posed nude in front of strangers 61. Gone scuba diving 62. Kissed in the rain 63. Played in the mud 64. Played in the rain 65. Gone to a drive in theater 66. Visited the Great Wall of China 67. Started a business 68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 69. Toured ancient sites 70. Taken a martial arts class 71. Played a computer game for more than 6 hours straight 72. Gotten married 73. Been in a movie 74. Crashed a party 75. Gotten divorced 76. Gone without food for 5 days 77. Made cookies from scratch 78. Won first prize in a costume contest 79. Ridden a gondola in Venice 80. Gotten a tattoo 81. Rafted the Snake River 82. Been on television news program as an "expert" 83. Got flowers for no reason 84. Performed on stage 85. Been to Las Vegas 86. Recorded music 87. Eaten shark 88. Had a one-night stand 89. Gone to Thailand 90. Bought a house 91. Been in a combat zone 92. Buried one/both of your parents 93. Been on a cruise ship 94. Spoken more than one language fluently 95. Performed in Rocky Horror 96. Raised children 97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour 98. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country 100. Picked up and moved to another city 101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop when you knew someone was looking 103. Had plastic surgery 104. Survived an accident you probably shouldn't have survived 105. Wrote articles for a large publication 106. Lost over 100 pounds 107. Held someone when they were having a flashback 108. Piloted an airplane 109. Petted a stingray 110. Broken someone's heart 111. Helped an animal give birth 112. Won money on a t.v. game show 113. Broken a bone 114. Gone on an African photo safari 115. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 118. Ridden a horse 119. Had major surgery 120. Had a snake as a pet 121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states 124. Visited all 7 continents 125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 126. Eaten kangaroo meat 127. Eaten sushi 128. Had your picture in the newspaper 129. Changed someone's mind about something you care deeply about 130. Gone back to school 131. Parasailed 132. Petted a cockroach 133. Eaten fried green tomatoes 134. Read the Iliad 135. Selected one "important" author who you missed in school, and read 136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 137. Skipped all of your school reunions 138. Communicated with someone without sharing a spoken language 139. Been elected to public office 140. Written your own computer language 141. Thought to yourself that you're living your dream 142. Had to put someone you love in hospice care 143. Built your own PC from parts 144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn't know you 145. Had a booth at a street fair 146. Dyed your hair 147. Been a DJ 148. Shaved your head. 149. Caused a car accident 150. Saved someone's life 151. Changed your own oil 152. Changed your own brake pads 153. Made pizza from scratch 154. Stood atop the highest point in your home state 155. Gone swimming in a rock quarry 156. Gone on a trip for more than two days to an unfamiliar place and not eaten at a single chain restaurant 157. Grown your hair long 158. Made your own cheese 159. Re-established contact with an old flame many years later 160. Bought a new car and driven it until well past 150000 miles 161. Sewn a complete garment 162. Uttered a curse word in front of a clergy person 163. Blown your rent money at your favorite store 164. Seen your car being towed 165. Phoned in a vote on some reality TV show competition 166. Seriously considered living in a different country 167. Served in the armed forces 168. Been kicked out of a movie theater 169. Seen a classic film on the big screen 170. Eaten haggis 171. Eaten dim sum in a traditional setting 172. Prepared an entire Thanksgiving dinner 173. Gone swimming full clothed 174. Gone swimming not clothed at all 175. Driven across the country taking shifts so the trip only takes a few days 176. Explored a construction site in the dark 177. Ridden an elephant 178. Attended a Major League Baseball game 179. Attended an NFL game 180. Attended an NHL game 181. Attended an NBA game 182. Seen a US President live 183. Actually met a sitting US President 184. Auditioned for a reality TV show 185. Been hit in the face with a pie 186. Stood in line on the release date of a product 187. Worked aboard a fishing boat 188. Cut down a fully mature tree 189. Seen the Mona Lisa 190. Seen the Sistine Chapel 191. Eaten fugu 192. Paddled a canoe or kayak 193. Held the control stick of an aircraft in flight 194. Asked a librarian for help finding a book 195. Personally acquired the autograph of a person you admire 196. Locked your keys in your car in a strange city 197. Had to break into your own home 198. Seen a space shuttle launch 199. Attended a NASCAR race 200. Marched in a parade phew....long list!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The ABCs of Testament/Megadeth/Slayer Show

Acid washed jeans Boobs (on the men) Crimped hair Duuuuudes Earsplitting Flatulance Guttural screams Horns (if you don't know, don't ask) Incoherent mumblings in our direction while we looked for car Jesus (because, you know Dave Mustaine found him) Kicks, lots of them, in the pit Lasers MEGADETH!!! And, Mustaine. No waiting for the ladies' room Overloaded (in a good way) Pit!!!! Quite deaf, still today Rockin! Skullets Turned up to 11 Unbelievably L O U D Von was headbanging. For realz White trash Xactly what I needed Friday night! Years since I've done that Zildjians

Friday, August 20, 2010

It's just so......Metal

Tonight I'm going to see Slayer. And Megadeth And Testament with my go-go dancer friend. Tomorrow night I'm working Nitty Gritty Dirt Band's big show at Old Town. Yes, I am that cool, and yes, my life is that exciting.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

And then....

This morning: I come out of my house about 10 minutes early. I have to run to the bank and the gas station. VonSis and VonBroinlaw are standing next to her car, which is parked directly behind VonCar. They are talking animatedly. Lots of hand waving. I say: "I cry when mommy and daddy fight" they start kissing I say: "I vomit when mommy and daddy are kissing" I get to my car um, shit The door is not quite closed. I say: "VonSis, don't go anywhere, looks like I didn't close the door all the way, the battery might be dead." I go to get in my car AND MY SHIT IS ALL OVER THE PLACE glasses, cassette tapes, directions, bags, notebooks, GOD DAMN IT, SOMEONE RIFLED THROUGH MY CAR I jump back like something bit me "SOMEONE WENT THROUGH MY CAR!!" VonBroinlaw leaps into action "What?!" VonSis starts digging around in my car. "You don't have anything in here anyway, right?" Right. I don't. I would never leave money or anything in it, hence why I don't lock it. But bloody hell, people, unlocked or not, it's not your fucking car!!! Thankfully, nothing was missing - what, cobag, you didn't want that Rush Roll the Bones cassette tape? No? But still. I feel kinda violated. It bothers me that something nasty was digging around and touching my stuff. Now, I get to call the police non-emergency line and fill them in. Because that sounds like fun.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Follow up

I drive a 2000 Honda CR-V. I bought it new in 2001. It has less than 49,000 miles on it. I just found out the repairs are going to be $1,300 Before you sound off and get all sexist on me, you should probably know that I worked in the automotive industry for 10 years, as a wholesale buyer. As THE wholesale buyer, as I purchased 75% of the product our 35 warehouses stocked. So, NO, I didn't get screwed. As a matter of fact, I made him go through not only every process that was run, BUT every part that was purchased for VonCar. Everything was necessary. Plus, we added on a transmission service to help the longevity of VonCar. I'm actually pretty lucky I took it in when I did. Plus, after 10 years of no problems, I consider this small potatoes. On a (totally related) side note: Anyone hiring part time? Looks like I need a part time job.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Quick note

Wow. A week without a post, and no one gave me a hard time about it? It's like you knew I was busy or something. OR You just don't give a shit. Either way. I'm back, but less frequently. Need to watch my ps & qs at the workplace. What, like you don't write posts at work? Mmm hmmmm. The last week has been pretty intense/amazing. I got to see many people I haven't seen for a long time - helllllo German class crush! I STILL loves you a lot! - and friends who have moved away, and friends who were internets but are now actuals. No, I can't give you a recap of the big bloggy meet up. Someone might kill me. What I CAN say is that I'm obsessed with Jennifer, Snag, MenD and Zombie. These people are HIlarious. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, so long, or nearly spit out my beer due to laughing. The Lamblets? Absolutely precious. I tried to stuff Youngest Lamblet in my suitcase to take her home and live with me forever times, but Jennifer wasn't having it. Eldest Lamblet is super cool. I'm happy to be someone she knows. I made it my goal to make her giggle. Other children present were delightful, and silent, and cool. Who could ask for more. You get nothing else from the weekend. SORRY!! VonCar hated the going fast for long stretches of time, and has thrown a big enough hissy fit that it's now in the shop. Boo hiss, VonCar, I was just reveling in my freedom, and plan on doing some more long driving. As long as it does not involve highways/freeways/merging. (yes, still, shut up) I am, though, very very proud of myself for driving there. There WERE merging things going on. And a stretch of freeway action. Ok, granted, I got ON the freeway where it began, and got OFF the freeway where it ended, but I was ON the freeway, and driving. Yay me, I say.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


My eyes are better. Currently listening to Video Killed the Radio Star. I like doing the "oh-ohoh" parts. And bobbing my head from side to side. Week of excitement! Last night four hour board meeting. Not so awesome. Wed night dinner with German class friends, followed by drinks with friends in from Denver. Thursday a certain Canadian arrives in Chicago for some shenanigans. We'll be having some beers with Shannon and TheMarty. Friday MenD and I head off to parts unknown to spend some quality time with some other people we know. Sunday we'll head back to Chicago, and he'll head back to the North. I think. Who knows, that dude's always traveling. Ohh, and now on to "Rock the Casbah" (probably spelled it wrong, really don't care) At least it's an interesting radio day!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Various ramblings

Ever have one of those weekends where you are glad to get back to work? Yep, that was my weekend. Well, mostly my Sunday. My routines make me calm. Remind me that the world doesn't stop, even when you think it does. There's something wrong with my eyes. Both of them. I was around a cat yesterday, and four smokers in a smallish space. Truth be told my right eye swelled up. Badly. Went to my parents' house right after cat/smoke house, and freaked the hell out of both parents. It took a few minutes to convince them that no, I hadn't been in a fist fight. I had to tell VonMom at least twice to not get upset. She kept staring at my eye. After a couple of doses of Benadryl, they got better. However. (isn't there always a however?) they started itching and burning and swelling again last night. Pretty sure it's not pink eye - I've had that enough times in my life to know. Not sure what it is. Hope it goes away! I'm pretty sure the peach I'm eating right now is not ripe. Can an unripened peach kill me? Why oh why did they tell me to eat more fruit? Oh, and I'm slicing it with a knife. I'm afraid my teeth will break or something if I bite into it. Yes, I'm a little odd. Couple of people on my blog roll aren't posting again. C'mon, people, get on the ball. You act like it's hard to do or something. I know, you can write a haiku.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Who says I can't write a haiku?

1 Someone said I can't I say, someone, was not trying See someone, I did 2 A haiku, for you Today is Tuesday I see Tuesday, indeed be 3 Computer screen lit Before me, so mocking, evil Cannot ignore you your turn...... :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Monday bleh

Well, today certainly is a Monday. I think I'm coming down with a cold or sinus thing. Work is crazy busy, but leaning more towards the crazy. Saturday I went to StepSis's house, her family lives in Round Lake Beach. They have a kick ass deck and pool, so it was pool/bbq fun time. Except for the fact that both my StepBro and StepBroInLaw were wearing WAAAAY too much cologne/body spray/whatever it was. Way way way too much. I ended up with a massive sinus headache that no amount of Tylenol could cure. That part of it sucked. Oh, turns out I suck at Rock Band. Huh. I told my 16 year old nephew that when I was his age we sat around and played real and actual instruments. I got a blank stare. I don't think he was impressed. I'm a little cranky and annoyed today. Can you tell?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last night

My lovely sitting outside looking at pictures of friend's trip to Europe was brought to me by:

Um, can you say YUM?

I love Allagash, it's delicious.

I also love sitting outside at a bar, having a few drinks, good naturedly swatting away bugs. There's nothing quite like Chicago in the summertime.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

WILD life

Y'all recall the fairly recent "racoon incident", as I like to call it? Well, here's what happened last night: Pulling up to my house last night. A little tipsy, and on the phone with Shannon. Me: "I gotta go!! There's two skunks right in front of my house!" click These two baby skunks (awesome, there's a big fat momma skunk somewhere too) look at me, give me the finger, and RUN UNDER MY CAR. THAT I'M SITTING IN. I call VonSis "Halp!!!!! Halp!!!!" "What?" "There's two skunks under my car! Oh my God! Are you home!?!?!" "I'm looking out the window at you. I don't see them" "That's because they are under my car! Halp!" "Put your car in reverse." I do. One skunk runs out and across the street. He sits just across the street, grinning and glaring at me. The other skunk? MIA. Fuck "Halp!" "Only one came out. I see it! Come up the front stairs!" "No! Halp!!!" I decide to risk it, and try to jump out of my car. My backpack strap gets stuck on my emergency brake, and I can't get out of the car!! I'm shaking and bouncing around, totally looks like I'm having a seizure. VonSis is watching this all from the safety of her second story window. Angry punk skunk is still looking at me from just barely across the street. He gives me the finger again. I get the bag loose, fly out of the car, walk quickly to the front door. Going "Eek! Help!Eek! HALP!Eek! Bleh!" the whole time. Get in the house. Look out the window. And the evil brat skunk? Back in front of my house. What is up with the Chicago area wildlife!?!?!?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

More throwing $$ away

I'm thinking about getting a cleaning lady. For reals. But, Von, you ask, don't you live in like 418 square feet? Why, yes, reader, I do. And thanks for paying attention these last couple of years. No, I'm not that lazy, as some might think. It's more of a time thing. This past weekend I cleaned and scrubbed and dusted and scrubbed the hell out of my bathroom. This took time. The bathroom is now immaculate. And then I ran out of time. The living room crapet (not a typo. I hate the carpeting so much, it's now the crapet) is in need of vacuuming. Or wacumming - direct quote from old room-mates very German father: "Wonnie! Und you must wacuum!! Dis whooooole room! Wonnie! Must wacuum!!!" Ahem. The living room crapet is in dire need of a good solid vacuuming. I.ran.out.of.time. No kidding. So. I'm thinking of throwing yet more $$ away and hiring someone else to clean my place. Not weekly or anything, it'll be more of a once a month deep clean, with me doing the weekly maintenance. I like a clean neat house. Of course, the German in me will need to be there, at least the first couple of times, to make sure things are done right. This, then, will save me no time at all. But it'll be done right. Hey, don't judge.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Man. No one can ever really hurt you as much as your friends can. Call it a life lesson.

And this is the concert I went to last Sunday:

He was totally on my "Concert Bucket List". Such a great show. One of the best times I've had this summer.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The big wedding

So, here's the rest of my awesome weekend last weekend. Saturday was VonBro(the elder)'s wedding. He married WW, who is a super awesome woman. From Hong Kong. This meant not your typical wedding, uh-uh, no way, not even close bub. The parts I didn't participate in: VonBro had to go to China Town to WW's house and perform feats of loyalty and strength to get to see his bride. I hear there was running, wasabi ice cubes, bribery - VB had a $1,000 bill that he offered to the bridesmaids, to no avail. The final offer was leaving the ladies the limo to take to the church. I hear it worked. Day after wedding dim sum (or however you spell it) the day after. I was somewhere else. I'll tell you where later. Whole roasted pig. Um, bleh. . I was second reader in the Catholic mass. It didn't help that for the three days leading up to the wedding the only practicing I did was "Love is patient! Love is kiiiindddd!" said in a loud, horrifying southern mans voice. God only knows where I got this idea in my head. But it made me laugh. First reader was eldest nephew, who has *ahem* an effeminate way about him. And oh-sweet-Jesus, he's an uptalker. His reading went something like this "A REEEEding from the Boook of Genissssssisss? And GOd? He said to Adaaaaaam?" Ok, at least I could not possibly do worse than he did. I did get reprimanded for not bowing or some shit before I went up to read. Um, really? As a lapsed Catholic who really does not believe in Mass, you're lucky I even knew where to go to do my reading. The church part was ok, but anytime the Catholics want to spend some $$ and get some a/c in the churches, that would be good. It wasn't too bad, but lining up for pictures was hot. We took many many many family pictures. This is a little rough, considering there are seven of us kids, five have spouses, four have kids, that's a LOT of people to corral. Best part of church, my poor skinny little VonDad made it through without fainting, so that's good. Most interesting part of church - I cried like a sissy pretty much the whole time. WTF. Either I was more tired than I thought, or I'm ready for a boyfriend or something. It was weird. I usually confine my crying to the privacy of my own home. Blubbering mess I was. Went from north side Chicago church to China Town recepti0n, which is south Loop, point being TOTALLY FAR AWAY FROM EACH OTHER. VonSis and I hauled ass as we had some reception prep to do. Namely, the god-damned cupcake monstrosity. Long story short, there was a VonMom vision that involved miniature and regular sized cupcakes, one ginormous cupcake that VonSis and I were tasked with making happen. The making happen part involved a Styrofoam ball and tooth picks. We were supposed to make this orb look like a big pretty flower with mini cupcakes. Cupcakes are no strangers to gravity. Put a cupcake on, move on to the next one, blop, there goes the one you just put on. We were short on both time and cupcakes, so the situation just got worse and worse. VonSis and I were laughing to the point of crying. VonSis was also crying kinda because she did not want anyone to know that she had anything to do with this. "This is horrible" "hahhaaahahahaaa" wipes eyes "I hate this. I hate butter cream" "Hey! I watch Food Network Challenge!! If they can make a working roller coaster out of sugar and chocolate, we can make an orb of mini cupcakes look like a flower!!" "ahahaaaahahaaaa" holds sides, doubles over, nearly pees on self "Back to work!" Not going to lie, it was pretty bad. Ugly, even. It looked like a 1976 Tournament of Roses parade float on acid. But it was soooo funny to work on!! WW had no less than four dresses at the reception. She looked lovely. She had an American white wedding dress, a red and gold Chinese pants suit, a grey (gorgeous!!!!) American evening gown, and a red and gold super awesome Chinese dress. So very cool. Every time she left the room, I was excited to see what she was wearing when she came back. That part of it was very cool. The menu It was a gigantic Chinese menu. I'll try to remember all that we ate: Cold pork platter - I didn't eat this. I ate a little of the jelly fish garnish that was on it. Crab claw stuffed with crab and lobster - um, yes please!! So so so good Shark fin soup - I ate this. Even though Shannon called the consistency viscous Shrimp and scallops - so so so so good! Crispy skin chicken - good, but could have done without the head being on the platter Beef and Chinese vegetables - meh. Ok, not great Lobster with garlic - so so so so good. No one else really ate it at our table. Shannon and I went to town. Yin Yang fried rice - I was full, I didn't eat it Noodles with mushrooms - again, full, didn't eat it Mango and coconut flan type thing - full, didn't eat it Dessert - um, i hear it's hot bean soup, with beans that have soaked in sugar for a long time. bleh. no thanks and there's one or two other dishes I can't remember. A huge huge meal, and way better than I thought it was going to be! Dancing, cake cutting, etc etc. Me trying to get 16 year old nephew to drink with me. Didn't go so well. I tried. I'm the cool aunt. Cried some more during the first dance and cake cutting and such. Again, wtf? Was forced to the dance floor for the bouquet toss. Oh, hell no. Was the tallest girl in the group - Damn Asians!!! I lined them all up in front of me as a defensive tactic. All the sudden I hear "Go Von!" and I look over, there's VonMom and VonSis sitting with their fingers crossed. I daintily gave them the finger. Defense worked, no bouquet for me. Many Grey Goose vodka & tonics later, I was ready to go. Overall, a good time. I forget that sometimes it can be fun to be with my crazy, huge family.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

But then

I was going to give you the VonBro wedding recap, but my work day turned to major scheize. So You'll have to wait another day. Spend your free time cursing really stupid people for me, would ya? Thanks

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back to the Brau Haus

Friday night found me hanging out at the BrauHaus. We were there to celebrate TheMarty's birthday. Funny thing, BrauHaus is the first place I met TheMarty. I was sooo much nicer that time!! Dinner was at 8:00, a little late for dinner, I thought, but that's ok. It gave me time to take a quick Friday afternoon nap. Got to the restaurant first - what a shock. Table was set for way more people than I had thought would be there. People trickled in, and by 8:45 we were ready to order. I had me some yummy Thuringer and some spaetzle. I guess a lot of people ordered that, from the looks of things. There was much drinking. I actually had planned to not drink, due to StepBro's wedding the next day, but when it became clear that the bill was going to be split evenly, I ordered a beer. Here's the thing. Generally, when I am with really good friends, OR if I am with a larger group and we are all drinking about the same, I don't mind splitting the bill. However When there's a dozen people I don't know and/or these people are all drinking liters upon liters upon liters of beer, and I'm having Sprite, how it is even possible to have the cajones to ask me to split the bill?? I wtf that in a big way. But It was TheMarty's birthday, so I shelled out quite a bit of cash for my pop and hot dogs. **I don't want to say how much, as TheMarty reads my blog** I kinda let it roll off me then, but I'm still a little miffed about it. I planned for the evening, I didn't go into it with $3 in my wallet and some lint. But still. A fun evening. I got to be catty/bitchy to one of Shannon's friends who deserved it. I tried to talk to one guy. Turns out I'm not allowed to talk to that guy. Um, ok. So Good restaurant, good food, I hope TheMarty had a nice time. Movin' on.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Going back to go forward

My weekend was so fantastic, that I think I can make a week's worth of posts about it. But. I have to start with my Friday afternoon. SO I had a summer day Friday, which is supposed to mean NO work. Out of the goodness of my little heart, I logged on mid-morning to get some things done for LB1 (Chicago boss) and LB2 (LA Boss). LB2 was on vacation, and she had something big going on, so I wanted to help out with that. Well, one thing led to another, and I started doing all kinds of things. I got annoyed with both myself and my co-workers. So, not only did I log out, but I left the house to get work out of my mind. After running some errands, I decided to stop by my last place of employment. Um What a hovel. They have moved three doors down from the last location that I worked in. The new space was tiny, with only one office, a closet of a lunch room, a small "conference room" and one bathroom. Ick. The conference room had my old desk in it, but now it was covered with ashes and loaded down with crap, and ashtrays (I mean, is it 1976? that people can smoke in the workplace?), and more crap. I walked around they very small warehouse, and noticed how bare the shelves were. Part numbers started getting my attention. It's been just over three years, but I can see what problems the have, and the dark hole they seem to be headed into. I went into the office to visit my old co-worker J. There was a memorial poem and mass card on the wall for our co-worker who had been murdered by her husband in the last year that I was with the company. I had (almost) forgotten about her, and her sad fate. There were also cards that J had kept after the death of her boyfriend, who was another co-worker and friend who had died suddenly while in traveling for work. This also happened in my last year at that job. I was reminded how sad we all were, losing two co-workers and friends within six months of each other. I was reminded how I myself used to smoke like a chimney - yes, sometimes at my desk - at that job. Especially when I worked 12 hour days in the summer and the winter. I was reminded that I was miserable and feeling trapped and knowing I was in no way living up to my best potential there. I stayed for about 45 minutes, in which a few people let me know that even now, my old boss P would love to have me back, and in fact says that every now and then. I let J know that by no means could that company afford me. Sure, that job let me wear shorts in the summer and sweatpants in the winter. True, it was a seven minute drive from my house. I do, though, miss the people there. When you work somewhere for 10 years with pretty much the same core people, you come to care about them. We weathered tragedies, our company being sold, then bought, then sold and bought again, successes, failures, crazy people, great people........I do miss them. These are the only good things I think of that place. I said my good byes and got in my car. I looked around the nasty dirty little industrial park that I called second home for 10 years, 4 months and a few days. I wondered how we ever ate out lunch, where did we go? Did we just order in? There's nothing over there! As I drove away, I called LB1, who was at home. "Hello?" "LB1?" "Yeah?" "I just have to thank you for hiring me away from that shit hole three years ago. Like really. Like thank you thank you thank you." "?" "I mean, I'm so much better than that place!" "?" Sometimes to know how much we've changed, we need to revisit where we had been.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swell season - Into the mystic - a fantastic show

So, last night was hot. Super hot. Like sitting in the pavilion at Ravinia, just sitting, and sweat was just running down me.


My goodness. Swell Season. I adore them, have for a long time, but I got so much more than I was expecting.

Glen was very cutely mis-pronouncing Cicadas, he called them "Cicasias". He knew it was wrong, but he just ran with it.

They sang the above, which is one of my favorite songs ever.

At the end of the first part (pre-encore, I guess), Glen called out the ushers. He asked that they let the lawn-sitting folks come into the pavilion. He was pretty adamant about it. So, even though it was very likely a fire hazard, it happened. Now, we were pavilion folk, and even I was happy and impressed that that happened. What a great experience for those people. Good for him.

So, aside from the Ravinia usual suspects (= entitled, snobby, asshole, ill-behaved suburbanites) I had a lovely time.

** for those of you unfamiliar with Ravinia - it's an outdoor festival grounds in Highland Park, IL. They have a small pavilion with assigned seats, and a gigantic massive lawn for seating and listening. There are speakers everywhere, and rumor has it the pavilion is accoustically perfect. It's really beautiful, filled with trees and flowers and art and fountains. There are a couple high end restaurants, and a few food courts. Most people bring picnic dinners and wine. Lots and lots of wine. Google it - it's a beautiful place.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Folk and Roots Wrap up!

Ah, Folk and Roots, how I love thee. Like, a LOT. Like way more than pretty much anything else I do every summer. Things I hated about F&R:
  • Only three friends visited me. Y'all are lame.
  • PBR. Bleh. Even free, it's bleh.
  • Rain is good, but not when it cancels the last band Sunday night!
  • A little too hot. Like sweat under my boobs hot. Bleh.
  • The stupid vol who dared to call me a bitch, but then ran away like a scared little school girl. Bitch, I've got your number. And please note that the volunteer coordinator heard you, and you're kinda in trouble. Stupid.
  • The lingerers. Like the silly brunette: when your shift was over at 6:00, and you are standing around at 8:30, looking for someone to talk to, and no one wants to talk to you - GO HOME
  • The GuitarDuo. Way too mellow for a festival.
  • Double wide strollers. Hate you. Hate the people that buy them, and sometimes the children that are in them.
  • On the same strain - drunk parents and wayward kids. Last I checked festival grounds do NOT equal free babysitting by perfect strangers.
  • Receiving three pitchers of red wine that we thought/hoped was sangria. Alas, it wasn't.

Things I loved about F&R:

  • Can I say pretty much everything else? Kinda want to. I really love this fest. I'll try to elaborate.
  • The backstage magic. These people run a very large, awesome, tight ship. You'd think it was easy breezy to do this music fest thing, with the way they've got it DOWN.
  • The appreciation. I'm not a appreciation-seeking-whore. I'm there because Old Town is my super happy place, and the fest is a part of that. No less than a handful of staff thanked me each night as I dragged my tired ass out of there.
  • The spontaneous concert/jam session that happened backstage after the Sunday night show got cancelled due to lightning. I am so very very lucky to have been around for that. It just personifies, to me, what Old Town is all about.
  • All of the people I worked with this year. (Except that whole "bitch" thing). I'm lucky to get the roles that I ask for, and it's easy to work hard for/with a bunch of folks that I consider friends. I want to buy drinks for TH, KO, DJ, CM, AB, SJ, JK. I'll have to put that on my to-do list.
  • The t-shirts this year. You need to see this. I'll post a picture of it soon. Y'all are going to be jealous! (Except ZRM, because I got him one)
  • Ok, even the rain on Sunday (before the lightning - shakes fist at lightning). It was cooling and kinda fun, for a while. Nothing like running around in the rain in the middle of summer.
  • The mood and/or vibe. You just can't beat it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

How much you ask?

In an effort to have a good follow up to yesterday's blog, I asked VonHairdresser: "About how much of my hair are you cutting out?" She thought about it for a minute, continued sawing away. "It's about 1/3 to 1/2." "I'm sorry, what?!!?" "1/3 to 1/2. Of your hair. Gone. You asked a question, I answered it." There you have it. 1/3 to 1/2 of my hair. Gone. *lone tear....tracks down my cheek.....I miss my hair....*

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The thinning....

No, not my body, much to VonMom's very vocal and unpleasant disappointment. The thinning of the hair happens tonight. And I can't wait. Here's the thing. I've got H A I R. Not super long, not even very thick, it's just a LOT of hair. I keep it well, it's my very best asset. It's blonde (expensively and falsely so) with rock n' roll dark brown (also falsely so) underneath (this is a recent change). It's longish - a little past my shoulders these days. It's wavy enough that people comment on it, and in these humid days, more so than not. AND IT'S FREAKIN' HOT See, I'm like a dog. No kidding - I have so much hair that my head can't breathe and I sometimes get sores. So, every summer my hairdresser thins the hell out of it. It's an ugly, ugly process. She takes thinning shears to my scalp and just cuts and cuts and cuts. It's kinda funny, in that the first few weeks if you were so inclined you could have me flip my head over and from the neck to about half way up you could see little lines of crew cut. There is a horrible crunching sound as she cuts and cuts and cuts, followed by masses and masses of hair falling all around me on the floor. This process has even gotten unsolicited comments from other salon goers. One woman actually yelled at me. She said "What are you doing?! Are you insane!? People would kill for hair like yours!" Ever since that cobag incident, we now do this at the last appointment of the day, when we are pretty much the only people left in the shop. This needs no audience. When I was younger, we used to have to wash our hair in a laundry tub. One summer, I told my parents that the water temperature actually went up between when it hits my head and when it rinses out. VonDad didn't believe me, so he followed me into the laundry room when I washed my hair. I had him feel the water as it came out of the hosething, and then feel it after it had run over my head. "Holy shit." he said, "There really is a difference." This is how hot my head gets. So, don't mind me as I count down the hours and minutes until thinning time.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Home, home again

I'm back. Those few days in Michigan were too few. I look forward to this trip every year. I took a moment this year and did the math. I've been to Shannon's mom's place in Michigan every year for the the 4th of July for the past seven years. While we forget how much we change over time, when you take a second to think about it, we really do. I'm fairly certain that that first summer I was invited was because I had called off my wedding in January of 2003, and no one, Shannon included, quite knew what to do with me. Take her to Michigan - I'm guessing that's what Shannon thought. It worked. It was exactly what I needed that year, and every year after. I headed up to the snowman room to find that this year SM (Shannon's mom, get it?) has hung very dark burgundy shades because she remembered that last year I was up early every day because it gets so bright in there in the mornings. Who remembers that stuff? Who bothers with anything I say? This year, day one, I slept until 11am. Why? Because there were delightful burgundy shades to block out the sun. The new boat is awesome, there are many convenient cup holders and these reclined things that make each bench a lounge chair. The company, as always, amazing. Shannon and TheMarty are so easy to be on vacation with. I want to read/sleep/sit/stand/ignore/snack whatever....they leave me to it. TheMarty won at Uno on night two. I told him to sleep with one eye open. I think he did. When I walked by their door at 4am headed to the bathroom, I had to let out an evil giggle *hehehe*, just because. I only wish we could have been there another day or two. Or five. Things accomplished on this year's trip: The Sunrise Sampler is really the best value at Cracker Barrel, or so Shannon tells us. Every time we go to Cracker Barrel. Toy Story 3 was even better the second time around. But blue slurpees immediately following Cracker Barrel breakfast is a baaaad idea. TheMarty and I have nearly nearly gotten Shannon to agree to go to Boston in October. Not sure if we're invited there yet, but we think we're going. And there's talk of us renting a RV to get there. Woo hoo!! The fronts of my legs are tan-ish. and a little burnt-ish. So is my scalp, and my ears. I came back on night three and clobbered them all at Uno. I did not have to sleep with one eye open. These are a peaceful people. I was also very honest with TheMarty about one of his friends. (see wedding recap post). I wanted him to know how I really felt, lest I be forced to hang out with this chick again. Not only did he take it really really well, he let me just vent and vent and vent until I was finished. I think they both got it. Ok, and yes, we talked about y'all, but only a little. Like "Hey, TheMarty, MenD's coming to town next month." and stuff like that. And a few other things. I can't tell you EVERYTHING. But I will tell you that's it's very likely Shannon, TheMarty and I are getting tricycle tattoos. Squee!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fridge note

The Tricycle of Awesome rides again, today at 4:00 sharp. This means: I'm heading to Michigan with my people for a good few days. This means: No computer. No Internet. No blog. This also means: Yes, we are TOTALLY going to talk about y'all when we're drunk sitting around playing games. Have a great long weekend. Don't go blowing any of your fingers off. See you on the flip side!

Im a gi ne

That's about how slow I can play "Imagine" on the guitar. Sigh. I LOVE guitar!!! This stupid song has a few quick tough chord changes, so that's why I'm playing it so very very slow right now, but I am playing it!! The wacko was back. This time she asked if "We could play the Madonna version?" of the song. Our teacher, a member of Old Town's Beatles ensemble said "Hell no." She's gotta go. For real. New problem in Guitar 2. So, these folks have been together for the staggering amount of time that is 18 weeks, and are, like, totally besties! And so not keen on interlopers (aka new people, aka me). I'm not having it. They need to realize this is not their private little group, people come and go at Old Town all the time. Some are warming up to me because let's face it, I'm awesome AND hilarious. Others? Not so much. I've figured it out with one of them, though. Apparently she had dubbed herself the "funny girl" of the class, and OF COURSE I'M A THREAT because I'm 10 x funnier than her without even trying. Ah, well, she will lose. Too bad.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm sorry but

No, I'm actually not. The situation: Got to my nasty urine-scented Metra station this morning, right around 7am, as usual. Today, there were six teenagers drinking beer and laying around in the parking lot. Literally. One of them was laying in the drive way. At 7am. God damn right I called the police. WTF. Not sure when Chicago became an open container city, or when 7am sounded like a good time to throw a party in a public parking lot. I actually tried to call 311 first. They then told me no, I needed to call 911. SO I did. I was merely giving them the heads up that not one city block away from the largest police stations in the city, there's a little drinky drinky party going on that they might want to check out. Everyone on the train seemed pretty incensed about it to. SO Get to work, post on teh fb that this happened. AND GOT BERATED FOR IT. Ok, now I finally understand that many many many people present totally false bull shit versions of themselves either on teh fb, or on their blogs (you know who you are) or both. Whatever. FINE You are SOOOOO much cooler than I could ever be!! Being consistently the same person is passe, I guess. BUT Don't go telling me that I'm old, or a fuddy duddy for calling the cops on these cobags. OR telling me that I was just like them. Yeah, so I drank when I was not 21, I fully and freely admit that. Did I do it at 7am, right out in the open? A block away from a police station? Um. No. No I didn't, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. I was a LOT smarter than that.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Is anything else watching this crap?

So. I planned to have, and did have, a mostly relaxing weekend. On Saturday I discovered a whole new show of awesome. It's called Billy the Exterminator. Here's how this happened. So, I was watching one of my favorite shows, Dirty Jobs (heeeey future ex-hubby Mike Rowe) and he went on a job with Billy (long before Billy got his own show). I then remembered that Billy HAS HIS OWN SHOW. So, as luck would have it, there was a Billy marathon going on. I could hardly pull myself away. I mean, his fam is so amazingly, proudly white trash, it was impossible not to fall in serious like with them. AND Billy is smart, like wicked smart. He knows lots and lots of stuff. About lots and lots of things. Sure, I don't need how to repel a gator info, but the stuff on how to keep the raccoons away were very helpful. Billy just needs a decent barber. And a dentist.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Fun Fridgenote

Dear BlogRoll: (aka, "Friends, Lovers, and those I cuddle with) I want to know. Which are you? Are you: A Friend? A lover? Or one I cuddle with? And/Or Which one would you like to be? a little frivolity on a Friday never hurt anyone ;)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stupid wacko

**First off, I know I said I was on hiatus, but a) I had to write a VonMom bday post and 2) I have to tell you all this story!!** So, last night was the first class of guitar 2. On the first night of every session, all guitar classes meet in the concert hall for some announcements and then you all get split into your classes and off you go. Here's what happened last night, night one of my Guitar 2. Of course, I was early. Like early early. I was the first person in the concert hall. I sat my happy ass down and vegged out. Slowly, people start to come in. While there was still only a handful of us, I hear the following exchange behind me. WhackJob: You know, I believe all guitars have souls. Mine is second hand, so it has a very old soul. NormalDude: Ok. WhackJob: Picks too. Picks have souls. NormalDude: Ok. WJ: I've been playing forever. Never had a lesson, but I'm going to take like intermediate and stuff. V(in her mind): Mmm hmmm. Good luck with that. WhackJOb. **at this point, I text the above guitar/soul exchange to a few friends** 8:00. Everyone's in the hall. I see WJ approach Jimmy T, overlord of the guitar instructors. He asks her to play a few chords. WJ CANNOT STRUM. She gets 3 of the 7 chords close-ish. Not right, but close-ish. Her strumming is horrifying. JT: Ok. Ok, let's try Guitar 1. WJ: No, I'm totally intermediate JT: 1 rep? WJ: shakes over confident head no JT: Ok, I guess you can try Guitar 2. Of fucking course. My class. WJ wasted so much of our class time, and was so very clearly in the wrong class, that it was a huge joke. As we were learning our first tune of the night "Walls" by Tom Petty, which was to be a refresher and to teach two new chords, WJ opined "We suck! Where's the harmony!" Um, what? Some where about the middle of "Country Roads" WJ: "Um, can you find me a nice version of Ave Maria?" Teacher: "No. We don't really teach that here." WJ: "Beyonce does a nice version of that song" wasn't aware Beyonce had taken up acoustic guitar. I've decided to turn her into a drinking game. The half dozen people sitting by me are in. Every time she raises her hand, we drink. Sure, I'll either get a DUI or need to take a cab every week, but it's only 8 weeks, right? That, or I might have to kill her. With her soulful second hand guitar.

Happy Birthday to VonMom

She has a green thumb, like a REALLY green thumb. I don't like plants. She can't carry a tune, and likes to make up her own words to songs. I know more song lyrics than I know anything else, and carry a tune quite nicely. She doesn't like it when I draw smiley faces on her hands. I like to draw smiley faces on her hands. She thinks I'm a smart ass. I think, 'huh, wonder where I got THAT from'. She hates tattoos. Thinks they might be a roadblock to my future as President of the United States. I love my tattoos, am planning on getting another one soon, and was pretty sure that her being not an American citizen might put more of a damper on my future as President of the United States. She thinks (deep down) that I'm smart enough to be President of the United States. She raised me with a "whatever doesn't kill her will make her stronger" mentality. I love that she did. I'm so hugely independent, and that's all her. She and VonDad have the cutest banter you've ever heard. It's like two news anchors that have been working together for, oh, about 25 years or so. She hates that my eyes "crinkle up and disappear" when someone is taking a picture of me. She doesn't realize that hers do the same thing. Deep deep down, she thinks I'm funny, even when she says "You are NOT funny!" I think I'm funny. My friends adore her. I'm pretty sure some of them like her more than me. She may have nearly fainted when her daughters got their ears pierced, but Oh My God, if you wrongfully fire her child from her crappy part time job in high school she will EAT YOU FOR BREAKFAST. She probably thinks that I got some bad habits from her: smoking (well, I'm over that one), t.v. watching, chatting, chocolate eating. What I also got was strength, honesty, drive, and determination. In those I'm proud to say that I'm her daughter. Happy happy birthday Mom. You're the coolest. Love you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crappy poster lately.

I don't really want to take a haitus, but it seems like that may be happening. Things at work have been crazy, busy, and crazybusy. My evenings? Even more so. Here's this week: Last night: Ticket counting from MayFest. I left at 9:40 (almost 4 hours of counting) and they were not finished. Tonight: GUITAR 2 STARTS!!!! Woo to the hoo Tomorrow night: VonMom's birthday. I'm trying to crash their dinner plans. Thursday: More time spending with VonParents Friday: Girls night with Toni Saturday night: Volunteering at Old Town Sunday: Something I cannot remember. Now, tomorrow being VonMom's big day, I will be posting a post to her. Beyond that? I will try. and try and try. But I make no promises.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


is having such a shit day at work, she can't even talk about it. Nor can she blog.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Interns and book clubs

1. My intern is back at work. Here's why I love her:
  • She works her ASS off, all summer for me and LB1.
  • She has a great attitude
  • She's smart. And driven.
  • She's got a great work ethic, for a 20 year old, sure, but there are a lot of people I know that can learn a thing or two from her.
  • She really does go to Starbucks whenever we want! Sometimes every day!
  • She's adorable

Here's why I don't:

  • She's adorable
  • Like, all 90 lbs of her
  • And 5'0" of her
  • Standing next to her makes me feel like
  • Like Ursula to her Ariel
  • Like Snuffulopogus to her Elmo

All kidding aside, I'm sooooo glad she's back!

2. Not Your Momma's Book Club (why, yes, I DID name it, thanks for asking!) had our "On the Road" Jack Kerouac meeting in my awesome yard on Saturday. 3.5 bottles of wine and 5 hours worth of meeting. We're a good club. Really good. Like new people want in to NYMBC all the time. We're letting two new members in this month. I don't think they know about the blindfolds and paddles that come with the first meeting, but whatever.

Not so sure about this new book - "The Help", but in an effort of democracy, I'll read it. Majority rule and all that. I have to get a copy, LB1 is checking to see if she has it to lend to me. Otherwise I'll be hitting up half priced or whatever it's called.

Happy Monday, my shiny happy people, happy Monday.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I got your bandwagon right here

Psst - Hey, hey you Um, so THE BLACKHAWKS WON THE STANLEY CUP LAST NIGHT. SO The rest of the NHL can SUCK IT. That is all. Back about your day. ***return of the snark***

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday

Today is my dad's birthday. It's a big one. If you remind him of that, he'll shrug, and say "Eh" in a non-committal way. See, my dad is the guy that they wrote the greeting card about - Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad. Who's my dad? My dad is the greatest man I know. From my earliest memories, he's this guy: The one who bandaged up my busted big toe when I was three after I dropped a glass bottle on it. Also the one who picked me up from a snow drift in the blizzard of '79 when I fell off the sled. And took me to the circus for my birthday. To this guy in my grade school years: The guy who made a super cool erosion science project with wood, duct tape and soup cans. The guy who drove 4 or 5 girl scouts to camp every month or so in his very new Cadillac, and stopped on the way for french fries for all, as long as we didn't tell our leader. And gave me lopsided pigtails when he tried to do my hair. The the one in my high school years: The guy who said "Man, Von, you make me so mad, but I LOVE YOU". The funny guy who, when friend would call on the phone and say "Is Von there?" he'd respond with "Why, yes she is, thanks for asking" and hang up on them. and also the guy who: Hung my and Laura's bras from the ceiling fan when we forgot to take them upstairs with us, he then turned on the fan, in the living room, in front of the picture window. Then along the way: He began to see me as a person, an adult, not as a child. Probably long before I thought of myself that way. He smirks at me in a way that says 'I know. I know what you're thinking. It's pretty funny, but I"m thinking the same thing too.' He loves my mom the way she deserves to be loved. They are the cutest couple I know. Watching them together is like watching a goofy loving sitcom. He reminds me that I'm smart. He loves me in a way that makes me think he loves me the most. Of all seven of his kids. Which is quite a trick. He thinks I'm funny. Really funny. And tells me so. Though I don't let him read VFN, I'm sure he'd be a fan if he did. He's always been supportive of me writing. Happy Happy birthday to my dad - the greatest dad, the greatest person I know. Love ya!


Tomorrow's post will be schmoopy, not snarky, so for those wanting the snark, please come back another day. Thanks!

Viel Spass!

Best things about MaiFest:
  • The happy happy fun loving people.
  • The delicious food
  • The very chilly Hofbrau Original
  • My german flag dress and the many complete strangers who took pictures of me in it
  • Hot hot men
  • The $$ made for DANK

Worst things about MaiFest:

  • The happy happy fun loving people who don't know when they've had enough
  • Popped polo shirt collars
  • The monsoon that was Saturday night
  • The Hawks game that stole our thunder Friday night
  • The very chilly Hofbrau Original in my shoes. And my hair. And my clothes.
  • Hot hot men being cobags
  • That horrible song "I don't want her you can have her she's too fat for me" I fucking hate that song
  • The fact that all German/Polka bands think "Country Roads" by John Denver should be played again, and again, and again.......all weekend long
  • The fact that when I was finally finished working for the weekend, and only had about four sips of beer that they wanted me to go right back to work in the kitchen. Um, no. I left. Everyone else got to stand around and drink, but not me apparently
  • Aching feet, back, neck, etc......
  • The Creepy McCreeperstein who told me my name isn't actually my name, my name is Nicki. When I said "No, my sister's name is Nicki" he told me her last name. CREEPY. Neither she nor I actually know this guy. HOT guy, but totally creepy!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ein, zwei, zuffa!!

Tis the season, again. It's MayFest weekend. Who's the best bier pourer at MayFest? Faster than lightning, not spilling a drop, lotsa foamy or not so foamy, I can do it all. All while wearing my German flag themed dress. Yep, I rock. The five shifts I was assigned attest to that. Wish me luck. I hope to have some good stories after the weekend. These festivals are always prime for people watching.

Lookie there

Hey! Someone's posting again!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'll be moving on to new topics. I've given all I can on the wedding recap. Plus, I don't want to piss anyone off (TheMarty / Shannon) if I write too much snark about their friends. Suffice to say You just can't like all people all the time. Even when a slew of people you do like are telling you how much they like a specific someone. Um, sorry, that particular someone was 11 shades of lame, and I would never, could never be friends with them. Among others with their annoying habits and sundry of things for me to dislike/make fun of/abhor. *ahem* Moving on.


So, yeah, no post this weekend. Ask me if I have internet at home ? Nope. I do not. NO internet, no blog posts. Funny how that works. Hopefully I will have the issue resolved by Friday of this week.

Friday, May 28, 2010

and Part 2

The big day. Woke up all on my own (like a grown up), hung over like nobody's business at 7:45am. The Bride offered me whole grain bagel with that bull shit neufchatel (read: NOT cream cheese) cheese. Um no. This tummy needs McDs, stat. And Gatorade. We head out, the Bride, the little cousin of bride, some friend of groom chic (more on her later) and I. Stop at McDs. Get some grease/cheese/bread for tummy. Oh, yeah, I still want to puke, and I still haven't actually puked. Get to DANK. Ribbons/bows/flowers/etc......girly things you wouldn't really be interested in. Back to condo. Hair. Makeup. Female bonding aka Thai food and "Pretty in Pink" (finally). I've never been more calm and unrushed getting ready for a wedding before. That went really well. All beautiful and ready. To DANK. In cabs. This is how we roll. NO The Bride did NOT wear her wedding dress in the cab. Things get a little more stressful here. One of the grooms men was totally late, so that messed up the picture taking. There was no professional photographer, so there was a lot of not knowing what to do when and where. The ceremony was beautiful and very short. One of the bridesmaids Rick Rolled the ceremony, which was killer, and OH YEAH, IT WAS ALSO MY IDEA. Her "reading" consisted entirely of the lyrics to "Never Gonna Give You Up" and a little "It Takes Two" by Rob Base and DJ Easy Rock. Awesome. After the ceremony we all headed back up for more pictures, or so I thought, but no, the entire population of guests are smokers, so they all immediately invaded the terrace, so no more pictures. I said f this, not sure what I'm staying up here for then, and I went downstairs to say hello to some people. GOD FORBID I got yelled by easily four people that I shouldn't be down there, and it's time to line up for the introductions and blah blah blah.....hence we entered the 'hurry up and wait' portion of the evening. Sorry, I don't play that game. I basically told all of those yelling at me to fuck off, and I was going to do what I wanted. Guess who was in place and ready to go for the introductions?!? Yep, that would be me. Was everyone else? Um, nope. THEN I was introduced as Yvette. Dear readers, this is NOT MY NAME. Thankfully, DJ corrected himself, and 75% of the people knew me anyway, but still, that part kinda sucked. Each introduced group had their own song that Bride and Groom had picked out for them. Mine and the best man's was "Mah na ma nah" song. I felt a little bad for the best man because this song was selected for me. He thought it was cool though. The best thing was that they had a photo room set up with all sorts of props and such with a photographer all night. He had a projector set up and uploaded the pics right away for all to see. It was a huge hit. Pretty late in the evening, I said to the Bride - "So, we haven't had one picture taken of us all night." Into the photo room we went for some shots. I know in one of them we are holding a little chalk board that says "besties". I can't wait to see all of those pictures! So. There was dancing. Lots of it. There were cupcakes (we totally hid some behind the bar so we could eat them on Sunday). I think there was food (I missed that part). There was drinking and some shots (who me?). And there were speeches. I'm not going to lie. My speech kicked ass. The beginnings of my speech came to me while I was in the shower. I slept on it, and the next day I wrote it all down. I'm going to brag here and state that I didn't do any rewrites. I felt pretty confident in what I wrote. The first part of my speech was to Shannon. The middle part was to TheMarty, the end was to both with an Irish blessing thrown in. I thought it was good. I didn't cry, but will admit I hoped they would tear up. Come to find out throughout the rest of the evening that LOTS of people cried at my speech. They also laughed exactly when they were supposed to, and I even got some unexpected applause at one point. I got more compliments on that than I can count. I think I will either rewrite it nicely or type it up and give them a nice clean copy. Wedding over, a small gathering of people headed back to the condo for some late night deep dish pizza ordering. Once we kicked one of the bridesmaids and a much much younger friend of the groom out of Shannon and Marty's room (EWWW - and Have a little respect for your friends that just got married!) I went to bed. It was like 4am. This post is toooooo long. I will write a part three with the Day After and my musings on a few of the people that were there sometime over the weekend. I know you are all on pins and needles.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Recap part 1

I took off work Thursday, Friday and Monday for the wedding. Here's some of what I did those days. Thursday: I kinda had the day to myself as the Bride overslept by a lot. I got my nails done a lovely shade of purple. I bought an outfit for the rehearsal dinner. I made sure I had my spanx ( you ladies know what I am talking about). Met the Bride at the condo they rented for the weekend. Holy shit. I cried at the sight of it. Why can't I live somewhere awesome like that? My ENTIRE apartment could fit in the kitchen/living room area. And it had a balcony. And a view. And three bedrooms. The Bride gave me a tour. I looked in a bedroom and said "Mine!" Bride laughed, but knew I wasn't kidding. After the quick tour, she and I went to dinner at Hopleaf. We had a couple of lovely beers while we waited for our table. Dinner was a sausage plate appetizer (nom nom nom), a CB&J for the Bride - cashew butter and fig jam - and a brisket sandwich for me. There were homemade potato chips with that. We shared a chocolate mousse with raspberry sauce dessert. I say "mousse" but it was more of a "cement". A delicious cement to be sure. We then went back to the condo. We popped our heads in on the Boston people who were playing games in their condo on the second floor. We headed back upstairs. The Bride had asked me to bring "Pretty in Pink" for us to watch. Of course, we couldn't figure out the DVD player, so that didn't happen. The Groom showed up and the tricycle of awesome had some laughs and then watched "Daybreakers". Not a bad film, I'd say. Super cool concept, actually. Neither Bride nor Groom expounded on the political undertones of the film (I was kinda shocked at that) and it was a good night. Friday. Oops. Made the mistake of turning on the "Grey's Anatomy" finale. First of all, I pretty much don't even watch this show anymore, but I saw previews and was like 'Cool, shoot 'em up at Seattle Grace, that's worth watching'. Wow. Lots of shooting and stuff in the first hour. I had to speak sternly to myself "hey, asshole, you are supposed to be out and about already. get moving" "Yes ma'am" I answered myself. Packed up, headed out. Got the lovely pastries over the Daily for the rehearsal dinner. Had one of those encounters where the manager knew me, and I was pretty sure I didn't know him. I said "Oh, it's not MY wedding" He said "Of course! Because if it was your wedding, this whole place would be jumping!" Um, okkkkkkaaaaayyyy Got to the condo, got to work. Weddings don't just magically appear. There's ribbons, and glue guns, and sparkles and other stuff. Rehearsal dinner. Double ooops. Maid of Honor (ok, yours truly) had one (ok, five) too many Jamey's (ok, shots of Jameson) on top of barely eating and having a bunch (ok, seven or eight) Rolling Rocks. Conversation with self in bathroom: "I have to throw up" "Do NOT throw up. They'll all hear you" "But I'll feel a lot better" "Do NOT throw up." "The Bride is going to kill me" "Do NOT throw up" I didn't throw up. (but in hindsight, I probably should have) Can't say I remember getting back to the condo. I do know we had to be up by 7:45 on Saturday to go over and get the hall ready for the wedding. be continued..............

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm back(ish)! Did ya miss me? Don't answer that, I know your snark. I missed you. I have tales. And stories. And the like. But alas I am busy catching up with work stuff, and life stuff, and my God it's hot here stuff. I hope to give you some wedding info sometime this week. I don't have any pictures though. I was too busy to take any. I will tell you that my speech was a big hit.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

One task down......

Hey! Guess what! I got my speech/toast thing written! I've only be stressing about it for oh......about three weeks now. Once I formulated it, it was pretty easy to craft. It's breezy, witty, funny, smart. Hell, it's just like me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stupid internet

Damn you internet connection. I wrote a zombiefull post yesterday. It was short but sweet. Fing internet went away sometime during my writing, and didn't even save my stupid post. I'm not re-writing it. grrr

Thursday, May 13, 2010

You were always on my mind

In an effort to be transparent, I have to fill you all in on the goings on around these parts. In 9ish days, two thirds of the Tricycle of Awsome are getting hitched. Since I'm the other one third, of course I'm the Maid of (dis)Honor. I'm very excited that the Boston People will be here for over a week. I haven't seen them since August, so it's going to be awesome. Well, if I can invite myself on some of their outings, it'll be awesome. Plus, there's this one guy that TheMarty's been talking about forever time, so I guess it'll be fun to meet him. Even though for a long time he thought I was a man. Ahem. Why am I telling you all of this? Well I'm busy. Ok, fine, busier than usual. Is that better? And I have things to do. And some stuff to do too. And I have a speech to write. Holy shit, I have a speech to write!!! In an effort to keep the Tricycle of Awesome intact, I will also have to put my best filter on, and bite my tongue every so often. Plus, I'm sure there will be many shenanigans and goings on, but I'll have to figure out just how much is shareable. Shareworthy? Shareingness? So, as much as I'll want to blog about the good times and bad, in sickness and in health.... sorry, went off track there...... I may or may not be around much for a while. Unless I get a thorn in my side about something. And you know, there's always something. Just a little heads up is all.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Am I?

Am I the only one who didn't think that Betty White was funny on SNL? I mean, come on people. She swore. Then, she said lesbian. Then she swore some more. When I'm 88, I will swear for you, and you don't have to watch me on late night t.v. Hell, I'll do it right now. Not funny. That's just my opinion.