Friday, July 15, 2011

Easy peasy

Easiest way to delay 500th post?
Don't post.
he hehheheheeehee.

Sorry, kids, I've got nothing.
Work is kicking my ass this week, and doesn't really allow for play time.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Huh, look at that.

I'm 15 posts away from #500.
Shocked and awed that I'm approaching that number.

What do you want to read about in the big 5 0 0 ?

Ask and you may receive.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mish mosh

  • When I got to work this morning, something awesome was waiting for me. And I do not mean the Tiffany & Co playing cards I got from my boss.  I received a picture I had begged for. BG's offspring has a knack for photography, and I've fallen in like with many of the pictures he's taken.  So much so that I purchased one. And it's here! And it's fantastic! And I cannot wait to frame it and hang it in my living room. So cool.  It reminds me that if had never started this b.s. I call VFN, I wouldn't have all of you endearing, interesting, fantastic people in my life.  I heart you all, muchly.*
  • My weekend working Folk & Roots kicked my ass. I took a personal day yesterday to sleep in, do laundry, get some things in order.  I was lucky enough to spend some time with Sil1x, and also with delightful God-daughter and family.  It was a great, if hot and humid, weekend, and a good day off.  I'm still tired, and my ankle is screaming at me, but whatever.
  • Why, yes readers, we are going to ignore the fact I made a slight change last week. **I smile brightly at you**
  • I don't understand why every time I'm in a party-party drinking situation (aka Sunday night at F&R), I get chatted up by the hot preppy guys. WTF.  Clearly, they will not be taking me home or asking for my digits, but for some reason I'm the go to girl to chat up. Upon reflection, I realize that this happens to me All The Time.  Again, I have to say, WTF?
  • I fear my book club is in danger. The same club that I have kept running for two and 1/2 years so far. I might have to go tough love on the current planner. If she does not plan a meeting soon for the awful crap she made us read, I'm moving on to the next book with no meeting. No one fucks up my book club.  The book, "Jimmie Hendrix turns 80" we started reading in the end of May. It's time for a meeting!!!
  • I started physical therapy with my Chiropractor yesterday for my ankle. He's fixed my foot and worked on my knees, so I figured I'd give him a shot at the ankle.  He's got a lot of work cut out for him, as I waited too long to go to him, but he's up to the challenge!! He started yesterday. Of course today my ankle hurts, but it's always that way at first, plus I did a lot of walking for the fest all weekend.  I just want to be better and move on!  He said I have at least 12 appointments ahead of me.  He's the boss!
  • I'm obsessed with "Falling Skies".  If you aren't watching it, you should be.  Thanks to TheMarty for making me watch the first few episodes when we were in Michigan.
*Thank you, Mikey, for checking on me this weekend. You don't know how much I appreciate it. You're the best.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yes, Michigan

Man, I sure would love to tell you all about happy Michigan fun times.
But I'm pretty sure that a detailed recapping is not allowed.
It's a what happens in Michigan stays in Michigan, even when it happens in Indiana kind of thing.
But maybe I can share some highlights without getting removed from the tricycle of awesome.
Let's see:
  • The sunrise sampler is truly the best value at Cracker Barrel, so why get anything else?
  • The staff at the Steak n' Shake in Elkhart Indiana are not only super-de-duper nice, but also they are all cute as buttons. The kind of people I have to make faces at, just because.
  • Seeing a movie when it's just you and your friends is really awesome. Even if the movie was XMen First Class and you wanted to see Transformers 3 but whatever.
  • Freedom drinks are delicious.  When you drink them out of a straw, you get knocked on your ass by the very first one, in about 30 seconds.
  • Shannon's freedom drink is stronger than anyone else's freedom drink.
  • TheMarty prefers that his freedom drink be made with "the good stuff", and not the juice that tastes "like ass".
  • When freedom drink is laughed into my lungs, it's not awesome. Nor tasty.
  • Shannon's college bound cousin Clare is now the streamers on the tricycle. Because really, what good is tricycle with no streamers?
  • Hodor makes a sub-par rescue word. When spoken it only gets a chuckle in response, and no actual rescuing.
  • The game Ticket to Ride is super awesome, especially when I win.
  • So is Uno, but only when I win.
  • Spicy farcle is not, because I never win.
  • When the weather man says 30% chance of rain two days in a row, he really means 0% one day and 100% the other. Good luck figuring out which.
  • Awesome Chicago storms only happen when I am not in Chicago, apparently.
  • Someone I know is nowhere cool enough to be asexual. This is a fact.
  • Creepy old men are everywhere. EVERYWHERE
  • When playing catch phrase, and the clue is "Von needs one of these......" the answer is NOT "breast implant"
I don't think I can give you anymore than that. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thanks for nothing, John Hughes and Winnie Holzman

I've been reading this book. It's a collection of essays inspired by John Hughes films.  I've also been watching My So-Called Life reruns on Sundance.
And I had a revelation.
No wonder I'm fucking single.

John Hughes and Winnie Holzman ruined romance for me at a very young age.  And continue to ruin me.  If I'm flipping through the channels and I come across any John Hughes film (ok, except The Great Outdoors, I don't like that one) I stop and watch and sigh and cry.

And, oh my, My So-Called Life - how much was I like Angela Chase? I think I still AM like Angela Chase.  I do have trouble wrapping my head around Jordan Catalano being the same dude who now has a pink mo-hawk and fronts one of my favorite bands, but whatever. 

I just wanted the MSCL episode where Angela and Ricky go to Jordan's band practice and she thinks the song he is singing he wrote for her.  Double sigh.  I can't tell you how many band practices I went to, just to be in the same building as the boy I liked, and hoped and prayed that the special meaning I inferred from the lyrics were true.  Thankfully, I don't do that anymore.  Yes, I still know a few bands, and I'm sure they do practice somewhere, but I think it would be pretty pathetic of me to hang out there and flip my hair and sigh.  But still - that episode had my stomach turning - in nostalgia and bittersweet ness.

One of the essays I read recently was about Some Kind of Wonderful - which happens to be my favorite John Hughes movie.  I was Watts. In a lot of ways, I AM Watts.  Ok, not thin, and I would never wear my hair that short, but in many other ways.  The essay was all about the high school and college love triangles, or as the song says "You love her, but she loves him, and he loves somebody else, you just can't win".  The essay was pretty black and white - the writer wondering if she had paid attention to the ones that loved her if her life would have been different.  Oh, fuck, this could not have hit closer to home.    And I do wonder, often enough, what could have been if I had been paying better attention back then.

I now realize that my Blane, Keith, Jake Ryan, Jordan Catalano, even my Duckie will never ever exist.  There is no guy who will buy me a cake and pick me up in his Porsche on my birthday.  No one will ever tell me he loves me, always to the aching tune of "If you Leave", no one to, while dyslexic, write a song about his car that I will instead pretend is about me.  And no one to ride his bike past my house on a daily basis.  And for all of these delusions of romance, I still have to blame John and Winnie. 

I need to give it all up.  Ok, maybe not the dream of playing the drums like Watts in the opening credits of SKOW, because that's still pretty awesome, but the rest of it.

It may be time to let a real man, faults and all love me for me, and not the me I think is Angela Chase, or Amanda Jones, or Andi, or even Watts.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Vegas, Baby

It's been another whirlwind in this life of mine.
Last week I was in Vegas for my work's annual meeting.  Much like the losers at the Oscars, my position is the same - I'm just happy to be invited.  It is not common at all in the big huge company I work for that coordinators ever get to go to these things.  I have been to every one since I've been here.
This was the first time since I've started that it hasn't been in New York.  It was a crazy, busy, active, exciting, delightful few days.
Here's some of the highlights:
  • Saw my first ever Cirque Du Soleil show - we saw Mystere the first night we were there. Lovely. Weird, but lovely.
  • Watched all of my team ride the Big Shot - at the top of the Stratosphere hotel. Too cool.
  • Had dinner and drinks at the Foundation Room at the House of Blues compliments of Dan Akroyd. Yep, you read that right - Dan Akroyd. Now, go out and get you some Crystal Head vodka, because it's delicious.
  • Had cocktails in the Minus 5 ice bar.
  • I drank $120 worth of tequila, but because I am me, and turned on the charm, I got them all for free. Now go out and try you some Don Julio 1842 and Sauza Three Generations. Expensive? Yes, but trust me.
  • 113 is truly survivable because it's a 'dry heat'.
  • and last but not least I RODE IN A HELICOPTER INTO THE GRAND CANYON. We landed IN the Grand Canyon and had drinks and walked around.
  • See above - I rode in a fucking helicopter.
And oh yeah, there was a lot of work stuff going on too....

Today I'm taking care of a sunburn, due to the fact that I rode a float in Chicago's Pride parade yesterday. Another once in a lifetime experience! DANK Haus had a float, and I went along for the ride. Sure, I saw a lot of things in the crowd I wish I had never seen, but wow, what a crazy time.*

So, I live, the ankle continues its slow recovery, and it's back to business as usual.
I'm off to MI with Shannon and TheMarty for the annual rest/recovery/Freedom drinks/4th of July trip.  We leave Wednesday afternoon. Not a moment too soon. We'll be back on the 4th.  So, you may not hear from me until after that, but I'll try.

Stay classy.

*Me? Nope, not a lesbian, I'm straight as they come, but I do support the rights of everyone. And Pride parade is a wonderful celebration of all things awesome, unique and diverse.  I was proud to be there. Like one sign I saw said "Gay for a Day" sure, I'd say that was it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full moon crazy

This full moon has got me full on crazy.

Last night, I was just mopey and bummed out for no reason. Then I called Shannon, and we laughed and laughed and laughed.  Then I went to bed mopey and bummed.

Today? I'm all giddy and singing and chair dancing*. And happy, and having a good ole time.

Full moons and Scorpios get along about as well as I do with 2011.

The fight with real shoes continues.  Out of seven pairs of real shoes (aka work/dress shoes) only one has fit on my bad foot so far.  And as of Monday I'll be needing to wear real shoes for the week at our annual sales meeting.  Huh, not going so well.

*Jennifer - chair dancing is NOT lap dancing, it's dancing while seated at the desk, in the chair.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Back to decent

Thought you'd all like to know I am at work today sans crutch. Just me and an ace bandage.
And clothes, of course. *

I decided that this past weekend would be the return to my normal way of life, aka Busy.

Friday night, though wicked cold and foggy/drizzly, I went to see the Judds with my sister and nephew.  About two hours before they were picking me up, I found out that we would be meeting them.  mini Squee. I mean, whether you like country music or not, these ladies are Legends. Yes, capital L Legends.  So we line up back stage pre-show, get our talking to - No autographs, only one picture by their photographer, no purses, crutches, etc.....  I got it. I paid attention. Don't want to get tossed pre-photo op.  In walks Naomi and Wynonna.  I actually giggle and clap my hands together. Again - Legends.  Sister, nephew and I opt for a picture with all three of us in it. Minimal chatting, and I go to leave.  I grab my crutch from who I'm pretty sure was Wynonna's daughter, and start to hobble out. I feel someone touching my sleeve. I turn around - it's Naomi "Thanks for coming Sugar!" she says and beams at me. I mumble thanks and get out of there.  We had really awesome seats for the show. Wynonna sang two Elvis songs and one Foreigner song.   I had forgotten what fantastic entertainers they both are.  A good time, overall.

Saturday my ass was up at the crack of dawn for VonParents' neighborhood garage sale.  It's a big deal - the whole neighborhood gets involved. It's crazy.  I made it for about one hour when my ankle said 'F you, lady, that's enough!' and I hobbled back to VonParents' house to relax.  Ran some errands, then worked the Booker T show at Old Town. Which was awesome.  Really awesome.

Sunday I ran many many errands for many hours.  Sunday night is my t.v. night, with both Game of Thrones and The Killing on.  I made a pizza and rested up.

So, a great weekend with my back in the swing of things (for the most part - I do still hobble) and a lot of great great music.

*Dirty birds, I know you went there

Friday, June 10, 2011

New (to me) music Friday

So, this guy sang the national anthem at the White Sox game I went to recently.
And he Blew.My.Mind.
So I went on the ole iTunes and bought an ever-lovin' shit ton of his music.
Because, you see...
He Blows.My.Mind.

If you've already heard of him, that's awesome, and you are way cooler than me.
If not, get thee to the iTunes and buy massive quantities of his songs. You will not be disappointed.

And I have to say - this song? It's just SEXY

And yes, I did break a sweat posting that video.
Happy Friday, bitches.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

People I want to beat with my crutch

A mish mash of sorts, just to clear my head.

So, my intern started this week.  A nice girl, a very quiet girl. A girl who over-stated (by a city mile, people) her computer skillz/knowledge.  It's going to be a looooong 10 weeks.
People, please, tell your children - they aren't doing anyone any good by lying on their resume.  I'm going to have to develop the patience of a saint. Today, I just want to beat her with my crutch.

It's 96 here in Chicago. I will not complain about this.  I hate snow, and ice, and winter and blizzards.  I can tolerate 80 at 7am. I work in a/c. I live in a/c. I have cold water, and movie theaters, and frozen fruit. I also have cold beer. Cold New Glarus beer.  The people that are complaining about the heat? I want to beat them with my crutch.  Seriously - if you hate the weather here all the time? Then get the fuck out. We don't want your kind anyway.

The people that do not let me sit on a bench, on the train, or on the bus? I want to beat them with my crutch.

The guy who is causing me stress regarding home improvement 2011 I want to beat with my crutch. This story is still developing -stay tuned.

The "wildings" or "flash mobs" who are attacking people in the neighborhood that I work in.  A) Not cool beating people up for the fuck of it B) Not cool tarnishing the term "flash mob".  I still want to do a flash mob - a fun one, involving dancing or singing or some such thing - and now that'll be all messed up thanks to them.  I want to beat them with my crutch, soundly, for every person they've beat up in recent days/weeks.

The stars of Hangover II I want to beat with my crutch, and I haven't even seen it.  I have no desire to see it. Over Kill.

The makers of Plants vs Zombies I want to beat with my crutch. And the zombies  in the game that I cannot defeat in level 5-3. Love to hate you, PvsZ.

Aaaand scene.
I feel better now.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Beginning to hate the boot.

This weekend is Maifest. One of my favorite weekends of the year, and one of my favorite things to do.
I'm never so cute as when I'm pouring a beer.
Of course, this year, I'm not allowed to be at the fest.
Not that DANK didn't find other things for me to do.
All day sitting down inside things.
I thought I'd be happy to be inside, in the a/c, watching the fest from my seat.
Turns out it's not so awesome.  Sure, I got to finish the book I was reading, and I did get to update teh fb with some witty tidbits to entice people to attend the fest, but other than that it just depressed me further, and I think delayed my recovery a bit.  I've been in the boot all day every day, and not elevating.
I'm not getting up that often, I just think I'm putting in too many boot hours, when I'm working towards getting out of the boot all together.

I really don't want to turn VFN into a big schmoopy whiny thing, so I'll just stop right there.  Here's hoping that I'll be boot free and into a much cooler, much easier to move around in ace bandage this week. Like, tomorrow even.  I'm still going to be using one crutch, just to be safe, but the sooner I can shake the boot, the better.

So, let me live vicariously through you for now. Fill me in on your wild and crazy weekends.

Monday, May 30, 2011

As requested

I received a lovely, funny, concerned email from a friend....requesting a post.

So, I'm alive.  I worked from home last Tuesday - Friday, spending time resting, elevating, icing.

I saw two very cool Sports Medicine docs on Friday.  They both let me know what a good job I did on my ankle, and then sent me to x-ray just to be sure.
Again, not broken.
Looks like I'll be in the boot and using a crutch for the next few weeks.  I have some exercises I need to do to avoid physical therapy down the line.  I'm trying. They aren't easy.

The swelling is down (finally!), but the bruising is up and gross.  I'm moving around my house with either an ace bandage or nothing, carrying a crutch just in case.  The pain is still there, but in different spots, and the movement is restricted.

VonSis did my laundry and made a couple of awesome meals for me this weekend.  VonParents brought me some of my favorite snacks from Trader Joe's.  Peapod sent me a superhot delivery man and all of my groceries.

I'm going back to work tomorrow.  Work means definitely boot and one crutch.

So, I have nothing witty or awesome to say.  I'm sure my friends are developing a "what now" attitude about me.  I can't play guitar because of my hand still recovering.  I can't go too many places.  This is my fourth major health thing this year, and frankly I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of pretending it doesn't bother me.   I just keep knocking wood, and trying to right my karma, and praying for some calm healthy months.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Call me Bootsy

Where has your lovely hostess been THIS week?
Well, you should have been able to guess this one -

Sunday I did a major ankle roll and fell big time, tearing up my right hand in the process.
Could not stand up. Just laid on the ground, face down, swearing and crying.
It took quite a while to get me up off the ground and into a chair.
Luckily VonSis and VonBroInLaw were there, so was VonMom (another story for another day, and NOT a good one), so I wasn't alone.
They got me up into a chair, and I was convinced my ankle was broken. My hand was bleeding like a sonofabitch.
VonSis took me to urgent care for some xrays.
Good news! Not  broken!
Bad news! Hand tore the fuck up to the point of needing tetanus shot!
Good news! Immobilizer boot and crutches!
Bad news! Can't stitch hand due to location of the gash!
Bad news! Good luck trying to use the crutches with your hand all tore up!!

Even worse? Living alone when you have an injury like this SUCKS. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get groceries via Peapod, but no one has ponied up to do my laundry.  I may have to bribe someone.

Went to work Monday. Let me just say - people suck.  I had to take a train and a bus. And crutch a lot.  By the time I got to work I was in tears, and purple with the exertion of it.
Thankfully, my team is letting me work from home the rest of the week. I'm working, but I'm also taking time to elevate/ice. 

Sleeping? Not going well. Roll over, pain, wake up. Pretty much all night.

I have a follow up with a sports medicine doctor on Friday. Hoping for some good news. I have a lot coming up, and crutches and/or boot are NOT in my grand plan.

2011 and I are so totally NOT friends.

Friday, May 20, 2011

To clarify, for Brando

Ah, my dear Brando, I feel I must clarify.*

You see, I am a baseball fan - a fan of all teams, all players, and all parks BUT WRIGLEY.

When I go to a baseball game, I want to watch the game, I want to score the game, I want to enjoy the game.
At Wrigley Field, you can do none of these things.
"Scoring the game" to those asshats means having sex at the game.
For a very very very long time, I was a die-hard Cubs fan. I mean, opening day 8 years in a row fan.
Then, I started paying attention, and realizing how much I hated the people who go to Cubs games.
Not to mention the fact that the last half dozen games I attended in that frat house shit hole I was mocked, taunted, made to feel like abosolute crap. By complete strangers, as I just walked by them. More than once, every time.
I did not know that Wrigley Field had a weight limit.

I will never, not if my life depended on it, not if they were doing well step foot in that place again.
It's not a ball park - it's the city's largest outdoor bar/frat house.

Now, the Cell?
Clean, beautiful, exciting (have you seen the opening montage?!?!), and WELCOMING.
Oh, yeah, and the people there go to watch baseball.

So, yes, this North-sider has switched teams, and proudly.
I'm all in, and I'm never going back.

The Cubs? Meh - but Fuck Wrigley Field.

*And I certainly hope we can agree to disagree, and be friends.
Let's have beer soon, just not in Wrigleyville.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Take me out to the ball game....

The White Sox game, to be specific.

I don't step foot in Wrigley Field. Those people don't even know there's a baseball game going on. You couldn't pay me enough to go there.....guess it's another topic for another day.

And, we are pre-partying at the batting practice party thing.
There will be beer, oh yes, there will be beer.

And since this is Chicago....

I'm wearing:
A long sleeved shirt
A tee shirt
A Sox fleece
A hooded fleece lined jacket
Wool knee socks

Chicago has skipped spring and summer and jumped right to fall.

Needless to say, I'll be off work and off line tomorrow, as I'm going with a bunch of bartenders who have warned me to not even bother trying to keep up.
I call this a challenge....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Brought to you by the letters T M and J

So sorry for my recent absence.
I had one hell of a week last week, and for me to say that, that's pretty bad.

My aunt passed away on Monday, the very same aunt that I had written a post about last winter, and then deleted - that one.
I have piles and piles of regret, to the point that said regret was like an ugly living thing, sitting on my shoulders.
It's still there, but I'm giving it some thought daily, and working through it.

Then, Tuesday afternoon (coincidence? I think not...)
I began having massive ear/jaw/teeth pain on the left side of my face.
Like someone was stabbing me in the ear/jaw/teeth every 20 minutes or so.
Not fun.
I ignored said pain until Thursday, when LB1 made me go to the doctor.
I was convinced that it was an ear infection, or some sort of sinus thing.
I called the nurses at my doctor's office.
"So, I have an ear infection."
"Uh huh."
"Can she just call some drugs in to the Walgreens?"
"Let me call you back"
10 minutes later
"No. *ha ha* You will need to come in."
"Really. But she said you are probably right."
"Damn it."
"And then she will give you drugs, ok?"

So I head over to the doctor. 
Ears, checked out awesome. Sinuses checked out not so bad.
"You have tmj!"*
"You're kidding!"
"Damn it!"
"And because you are you, you cannot have the good stuff prescription anti-inflammatory, so you will have to take some Advil. And Tylenol for the pain."

"Can I take four?"
"Or I can give you Vicodin."
As I was in the middle of one of the blindingly bad pain things, I said "Yes, yes, give me Vicodin."
"Pain scale?"
"Nine! GOD DAMN IT!"
And with that I was given Vicodin.  Which I have not taken in over 20 years.
Got in the car, immediately called the dentist.
"I have to ask...are you using your mouth guard?"
"Sigh. Yes. Every night."
"Do you have painkillers?"
"Nope, but I will in about 20 minutes."
"Good. Take them. USE them."
My dentist knows me so well.

So I picked up a gigantic bottle of Advil, and a not small bottle of Vicodin, and headed over to VonParents' house.
"Why are you so early?"
"Oh, for Pete's sake - you CANNOT be sick again, and you CANNOT be around your dad if you are!!!!!"
"mumble mumble tmj......."
"What!?!? What is that?"
My dad chimes in "Well, it's like lock jaw...."
"This one?!?! Lock jaw?!?! That's not possible."
I had not taken any drugs yet, so this was just awesome.

Spent my weekend following the dentist's instructions perfectly - Advil every four hours, gargle with warm salt water, heating pad, soft foods, etc.....oh, and Vicodin.
And I can say I'm about 90% better.  My ear and jaw are almost pain free, and my teeth and gums just hurt.  I will need to call the dentist to let him know, and maybe schedule a follow up.

Don't think for a second that I sat my little ass at home, NO, we aren't doing that any more this year!!
Friday night - volunteered Marcia Ball / Sanctified Grumblers show at the OT.
Saturday - did miss guitar class due to pain, BUT went to book club followed by margarita (virgin for me) dance party.
Sunday - BBQ with delightful God-child. Ok, her dad cooked on the grill, and we all sat in the house in sweaters and jeans.

And, how are you??

*I will say I was THRILLED to find out I was NOT sick again. I mean, c'mon!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Best thing ever

Friday night I went to Old Town to see my old guitar teacher play. I showed up a little drunk, because I also had some bad news to deliver to my friend Bob.
I found Bob sitting outside in the back courtyard.  I told him the news, he seemed ok, but not thrilled.
Bob went inside, I decided to stay outside for a minute and relax.
This is when Steve showed up.
Steve was my second and most favorite guitar teacher.  He's just the coolest guy I've met ever. He's also one fucking talented guitar player.
Steve refers to all people as either "musical humans" or "non-musical humans", and reminds us to feel bad for non-musical humans, as their lives are less rich than ours.
Steve is just this cool older hippie guy. Though I'm not sure he'd like it if I called him a hippie.  I just respect the hell out of him. And I'm kinda in awe of him.
So, Steve, Juan and I were chatting in the courtyard on Friday night. 
Steve asked about my classes, and I said that I was having some trouble in my current class. I told him I would not give up, that even though it was hard, I'd get through it and get better.
And then Steve said:
"You could never be a non-musical human. Not even for 15 minutes. It's just not possible."
Shortly thereafter, Steve headed one way, I headed inside to watch the show.
But I was all giddy.
For someone that barely knows me, he gets something about me that is a basic truth, and has been a basic truth of mine for as long as I can remember.

So, Saturday morning I was less anxious and more excited to go to guitar class. It was hard, and I got frustrated, I can admit that. 
But I'm a musical human. And I do what musical humans do.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I revel in my contradictions

Friday night, my friend K told me that the Big 4 is coming to Chicago.
If you don't know, it's Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer
This may or may not be true (no date has been officially announced)
It got me to thinking.
One of the things I love, and have always loved, about going to metal shows is the hot men with the looooong hair.
Hot. Really hot.
I dig long hair. I always have, and likely, always will.

Then, I thought some more....
What kind of man turns my head on a regular basis?
Bald men.

Every day, I will nod and smile at hot bald men.
Hot. Really hot.

So, turns out I like:
Long haired men
Bald men

Could I be more inconsistent?

I looked back over my long and sordid romantic history.....
Turns out I have never dated either!
Sure, I've had some *special* times with some long-haired darlings,  but VonMom pretty much would have hated and possibly killed any long haired, leather jacketed dude I might have brought home for a meet and greet.
And the bald bandits of my heart?
Haven't even kissed one.

Looks like I found my plan for summer 2011.
Everyone needs a plan.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I had one of those weekend that not only tired me out, but it bled my wallet dry.
Drier than dry.
I think I saw a piece of lint in there today, but I also heard an echo.
But I'm not complaining (much).

Friday night I volunteered a show at Old Town. I'm a little bummed to know that when I volunteer now, it's for nothing, really nothing, as I'll be losing my points (I have over 400 points) as soon as my new jobby job starts. I don't really mind, there are benefits to being staff beside getting paid, but it's still weird.  I thought maybe I should just not sign in, but then the volunteer coordinator will not know that I was anyway.
Right before the show began, I got a text from Eldest Stepsib that she and her fam were at my bar, down the block.
I snuck out, said hello to the fam, stole a piece of nephew's pizza, and hied back to the show.
It was a later night than I'd have liked, for a Friday, but that's ok.

Saturday morning brought the new stress of the new guitar class. Not only am I repeating 2rep (again, again, I know) but this time around I have a very scary teacher. Scary to me. Intimidating. Whatever. He's tough.  AND his teaching method is entirely different from any other I've had so far. Sigh.  He took away our music stands (my crutch) and did NOT give us the sheet with the words and the chords! He didn't even tell us what song it was. Just taught us some arpeggio business, then some bass line stuff, then "chunklets" of the song. For the life of me I could not figure out what the song was.  To my credit, I did know that it was a melancholy sound, and I was curious.  Only in the last 5 minutes of class did he start singing, and it was "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen.  I would have never guessed, and I have this song on my iPod!!!  His teaching style is going to be very tough to get used to.

Saturday night I went to dinner with John and Toni. We went to an amazing Peruvian restaurant near their house in the Wicker Park area.  It was warm enough and close enough to walk.  I love eating out with John and Toni because they love to eat, try new places, and have a great meal be the entire evening.  Sure, it was more $$ than I expected, but I was more than full, and the food was great, so it was worth it.  Plus, they are so great to hang out with.  They hate people as much as I do, so it's kinda perfect.

Sunday was breakfast with TheMarty at Tweet. I would call it brunch, except that at 9:00 am, that's breakfast.  There are very very very few people I'd set my alarm for on a Sunday, and TheMarty is one of them.  We had a lovely time. 

I also ran to my new favorite place on Sunday - Trader Joe's. What had I been missing!! It was only my second time there, and I'm obsessed. 

Much running around, not enough resting time, but these things happen.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Did your heart just skip a beat?
No worries, the title does not mean what you think it means.
This here lil ole blog is not done.

What it actually means is I am finished with the word d o n e

It's not something I consciously realized, at first.
But after a while, I started to notice that I really do NOT like the word done and I've been replacing it whenever possible.
Without sounding pretentious.

I think my 6th grade teacher had a little something to do with it.  Sure, I can't remember what I did yesterday, but I can specifically remember something he said in English class one day.
Ah, Mr. Ronsevall. Terrifying in every way. Tall, scarily red-faced, short tempered and from Little Rock Arkansas.
One day, Mr. R said "Billy? Have you finished?"
Billy said "Yes, I'm done."
Mr. R became even more red-faced and yelled: "DONE?!? Turkeys are DONE, son, PEOPLE ARE FINISHED!"

And I remembered it.
And I lived by it, and I taught it to others.  I have friends who to this day repeat that back to me.

Now, all of these years later, I'm eradicating that word done from my vocabulary.  I think "finished" sounds polished. I use "finished" a lot at work.
Also, ended. Completed, even.

Now, to train myself not to cringe when other people use the word.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Other shoe?

Again, I had a fantastic weekend.
Leaves me waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Friday night I was working a show at Old Town, which you all know is my happy place. Well, now it's my VERY happy place.
I've been offered (and have accepted) a house manager position! I've been waiting and wishing and hoping and praying for this for a loooong time. I thought my best shot would be when they open the new building in January 2012. I've mentioned (and mentioned and mentioned again) that I would love to be a house manager.
And, as of August of this year, I will be one!
I'll be saying goodbye to my volunteer shifts/points etc....and will be an actual member of the Old Town Staff.  I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep Friday night.
This is a part time weekend/evening thing, so this will be in addition to my full time real life jobby job.

Saturday morning I was out running errands when LB1 called. She asked me if I had time to run by her house.
She had been in WI last week, and had remembered that I didn't buy myself enough New Glarus beer, so she bought me a case of Spotted Cow.
Oh, did I make time to go over and pick that up!!!
So awesome. And of course, when I offered to pay for it, she would have none of it.  She really does spoil me.  I'm very lucky.

Sunday being Easter was family day.  While I do not attend Mass,  I do believe in Easter and what it stands for, and I do love the chance to spend time with people I care about.
While the people were at Mass, I cranked up some Dropkick Murphy's and baked some Pillsbury rolls and such. 
I headed upstairs to brunch the second everyone got back - my timing is amazing.
Sadly, VonDad was home sick and didn't come to brunch.  VonMom said he has a cold, but VonSis said he was really sick.  Love the downplaying, VonMom.  I dressed all cute in a new dress, fixed my hair, put on makeup.......and wore white tennis shoes.  That was specifically to piss off VonMom. Can't give too much, you know. 
I stayed upstairs until 4:00, I felt that was long enough for brunch.

I have had not one but two bagels. Ah, so glad Lent is over!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What happens in New Glarus......

........Unfortunately had to STAY in New Glarus.
Yes, there was that much debauchery.

I think I can give you some highlights though:

Two nights in a row of cheese fondue.

A fuck ton (sorry, no other way to describe it, really) of New Glarus beer was consumed.  Yes, of course there was Spotted Cow, but there was also: Totally Naked, Belgian Red, Smoked Rye (YUCK!), Two Women, Fat Squirrel, Snow Shoe, and my new favorite: Cabin Fever.

Alas, I didn't bring nearly enough beer home for myself. I have three bottles of Cabin Fever, and one giant bottle of Belgian Red left, and that's it.  I might have to hit up Shannon and TheMarty for some of their stash.

I do, however, have three NICE bottles of wine from the Primrose Winery.

I wanted to dance with a Vietnam Vet. I almost had my chance, but I had to pee. Really really badly.

The men-folk in New Glarus are adorable and flirty and friendly.  I totally could have gotten me some, if I didn't have a room mate, and if I had been more devil-may-care with the whole stranger sex thing.

My room totally had a sitting area, which made it the party room. It would have been the party room without the sitting area. Yes, I am that much fun on vacation.

Favorite part: Commandeering the jukebox at Sportman's Bar. And getting the entire bar to air drum Phil Collins. Yes, we did.

My hair was the curliest/cutest/dare-I-say sexiest it's ever been. The snow and wind totally helped. NO, I do not have a picture to prove this!! Drunk people don't take awesome pictures.

I didn't kill anyone. 
Though a few people did deserve it, by Sunday morning, totally. 
I showed restraint.

I fell in even more love with my Boston people. Primarily the two that came along to WI. 

I named Scott the brewer (squee!! An actual New Glarus brewer!!) "Shiny Pipes Scott".  Sure, you think it's dirty, 'cuz that's what you do. This is his name because he said to me "I don't work on the big copper pots, I work on the other ones. The shiny pipes."  And he loves his new nickname.

I harassed the only non-gift shop employee at the brewery until he came out to talk to me. A) Wisconsin people are so dang NICE B) He knew it was futile to ignore me. I followed him around the brewery C) Not my fault the walls of glass have little spaces between them, in which I could yell  speak loudly at him, until he came to talk to me.  He was a lab-rat, who spends his time checking fermentation processes. And no, he doesn't get to drink all day. I am sad for him, and recommended he move to Boston and go work for those Sam Adams people.

I did not go to the sausage store, nor did I give two shits about taking pictures of the fiberglass cows all over town.

But, if you ask VonMom what she heard about my vacation, she will tell you that I rested plenty, read lots of books, dressed warmly and went to bed early.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I know, right?!?!?!

Three posts in one week!!
I can't believe it either!

I'm going on a little weekend trip with the other two parts of the Tricycle of Awesome, a couple of my favorite Boston people, and a gaggle of other people I don't really know.
Could be interesting.
I'm just hoping it'll be fun.

I know, I know... pictures or it didn't happen.  My camera is charging as I write this.  Now, I just have to remember to pack it.

Where are we going?
Thanks for asking!
We're heading up to New Glarus Wisconsin to DRINK.SOME.BEER.
Maybe polka.
and after that

Quick trip - leaving tomorrow, back on Sunday.
I hope I remember enought amusing details to relay them back to you.

See you on the flip side.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last night I finally watched Pirate Radio.
I think the only reason I put it off for so long was the fact that I'm not always the biggest Phillip Seymour Hoffman fan.
Like, he's a great actor - GREAT actor, but I don't see how he's sexay or anything. Sometimes, they want him to come off as sexay and I get skeeved out.


Pirate Radio was awesome!!
Without a doubt, one of my top five favorite movies of all time. I'll say it again, OF.ALL.TIME.
And the soundtrack. Good God. That's one of the best soundtracks I've heard in years and years.
And the song placement!
I could go on and on.
But the part that gave me chills?
When he played this song:

Definitely one of my favorite songs of all time.
Do I sound like a broken record?
I'm ok with being THAT broken record.

*yes, I'm aware I posted a video. Shadup.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So, this book I just read

So, I read this book over last week, called "Feed" by Mira Grant.
TheMarty insisted that I read it ASAP, so I did. 
Plus, I had me a lot of time to read, during my most recent quarentine.
The book? Well, it was pretty good.

But that's not what I wanted ot discuss.

So, the book is about post-zombiacolypse living.
The news, the entertainment, all of it comes from bloggers.
Blogging, actually, is one of the main characters of the book.

So I got to thinking.
If I take my blog-roll and apply it to the premise of the book, would I be alright?
Never for one second did I put myself in the leading lady roll, that's just not me.
But my blog roll?
Would they become my people for realz? My network? My internet family?

Well, my recent bout of illnesses has proved that they already are these things.
They are my people, my network, my ifamily, and my friends.

So, yeah. I think it's a safe bet for us getting through the Zombipocalypse together.
Especially since one of us already IS a member of the undead.

Monday, April 11, 2011


If someone can please instruct me how to get this stupidassed blogger bull shit to post my posts the way I want them to look, and not like one big stupid fucking paragraph, that would be awesome. WTF Never had this problem before, now my last few posts read horribly!!! WTF!!!! Someone, please, help me quick before I totally lose iT!!!!! Thanks!

Good News on the Von Front

Back, huh, stronger than ever You think I'd sever? Never I'm too clever To be taken on down by your ignorant state of mind..... OK That's enough of that!! It's a rap by a group that I am far far too embarrassed to mention. Please, please remember my musical tastes are eclectic, and I once was a teen aged girl. So, how are you? Oh, me? Good. About 95% better, I'd say. Docs gave me a cleanish bill of health. Well, not so much. But they did cancel my chest x-ray at my follow up on Thursday since they both thought my lungs were clear. Finished with my antibiotics. Now on a nasal spray steroid so I don't blow out my ear drums. Good times, the good times never stop!! But, they did green light my vacation to the lovely and breweryish town of New Glarus this coming weekend. That's all I was hoping for really. So, back to work, back to blogging, back to all of it..... Back to life
back to reality
Back to the here and now.....

Friday, April 1, 2011

No fun

Where have I been, you ask? Well Your hostess with the mostess has gone and gotten sick again. As in. Pneumonia sick. Awesome. I couldn't be more upset about being sick again so soon, missing so much work, being stuck at home. Coughing up a lung every few minutes is less than awesome. Chapped lips that bleed and make me look leperous, not cool. I'm stuck at home until Tuesday. So, I've got nothing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Fun at the Dentist

Oh, but I wish I was kidding. So, I had to get a mouth guard. Because, you see, I clench my teeth at night, thus causing some damage. Who, me? Clenching my teeth, much like my fists, even while I sleep? Anyway. Went to the dentist to pick up my new $175 piece of plastic. We spent some time practicing the art of shoving in the thing and yanking it off. shoving and yanking, shoving and yanking, yep - insert dirty joke here..... Dentist: Do you have a dog? **giggle from Basia, dental assistant** Me: No. Well, not right now, I want one, so I think we'll get one soon but..... -thinking we're making conversation or something- D: Do NOT get a dog within the next month! -as he's holding my expensive piece of plastic up in the air - M: ? **giggles from Basia** D: Basia? What number mouth guard are you on? B: Number three!! Don't throw them in the washing machine.... D: No dogs! B: No dogs! D: So. Over the next month or so, you will wake up in the middle of the night, yank this thing out and throw it all over the place. The floor, the closet, behind the bed, under the night stand, trust me. You WILL wake up and throw it around. Dogs like to eat them when they find them lying around. Me: *Scoff* That's not going to happen to me! Look how hard it is to yank out! D: Uh huh - sure Von. Go, be free. Let me know how it goes. I leave. I scoff. I go to bed that night. Mouth guard very snugly in place. I wake up about 5:30 am, head to the bathroom. Sleepy. On my way back to bed, I realize that it's not in my face! Ah!! Get back to my room, see costlyplastic thing on my nightstand. Sometime during the night, I took yanked it out, and placed it lovingly on my nightstand. No clue. No recollection. None whatsoever. I'm on night four of this stupid thing. Lasted until 3am with it last night. **Fucking side note: This fucking post does not read right, because fucking blogger keeps changing how I want it to read!! So, fuck you blogger, thanks for fucking up my post. Sorry, reader(s), that it reads really shittily, but blogger thinks this is how it should read. fucking fuck fuck***

Friday, March 25, 2011

An easy one, I think

So, it's Friday. Time for a little fun. Name one song that no matter where you are, no matter what kind of mood you are in, what you are thinking about, it all goes away when you hear it? It brings you immediately to a place, an event, a season, a person? Backstory will earn you a delightful kiss on the cheek from your hostess. Just had one of these (thanks to the iPod currently being on shuffle). The song came on and I started grinning and teared up a little, and sang along in my head. Today, for me, that song was "I can't stop loving you" from the Balance album by Van Halen (or, if you are so inclined, Van Hagar). Happy Friday, my merry minions. Go out and do something awesome this weekend.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fun with words

When VonMom and I are getting along, I can fully admit, she is FUNNY. Sure, it's a little oddball funny, but funny nonetheless. I know VonSis and I wit-spar, improving our own brand of funny, but the genesis is truly my mother. A text exchange between VonMom and VonSis. VM: Knut is dead VS: Yes, we were kinda keeping that from you VM: You buy me tshirts with dead things on them, and expect me to wear them. VS: I will buy you a tshirt with X and Y (two people that are the bane of VonSis' and kinda my existance) on it. VM: I like the way you think. Evil. Her humor is evil. A text I received from VonMom, yesterday: I got a new Cooling light! Yay! I call her on the phone, after 20 minutes of trying to figure out what a cooling light is. Something for her indoor plants? Some sort of kitchen appliance? A fridge bulb replacement? I had no clue. VM: What? V: Um, so yeah, what is a Cooling light? VM: ? V: cooling light, as in your text, I got a new cooling light today yay!? VM: hahahahahahahaaaaa I'm so funny! hahahahahaaaaa V:? VM: Cooking Light! The magazine! I got a new one today. V: Oh. *chuckle* VM: hahahahahaaa V: ha ha ha ha ...... VM: Ok bye. Also, being the children of an English-as-a-second-language, things come out that we cannot pronounce. I have always known mine: The words: Bull, bowl, pull, pole hurt me to say. Like physical pain in the back of my throat. So I just do not say them. Ever. I know my limits. VonSis is a little different. Her unsayables keep popping up like spring flowers - something new all the time. Her first (and best) is Sonoma - as in Williams Sonoma. So NO ma. Or, as VonSis says, sinimaaa. I like to buy her things from there and then ask where I got it. Good fun for me. This weekend, I told VonSis that I had learned the tab/bass line to "Sugar Pie Honey Bunch". She said "Oh, so you are a real muzzishhhhhan." I stared. VonSis cannot pronounce Musician. At all. She tried and tried again. Not to happen. Her brain has also decided that Knut (may his cute little polar butt rest in animal heaven) is a panda bear. Why, yes, I do find random shit like this funny. I do I do I do. Now, put the bull in a bowl and shove that pole up the........

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hazy and blurry

I'd love to tell you all about my weekend, but it's a little fuzzy. Been on a bender. Which I've renamed to a tear. I like tear better. So, I'm on a tear. No end in sight, either. I kinda like this current tear, I've been pretty f-ing funny. Or so I seem to recall. I can tell you I: - was asked if I made out with M (by M himself) on Friday night. He then said "Because it could happen". - then turned the brightest shade of red I've been in a long time. I have a big crush on M. - drank: Blue Moon, Guiness, Harp, Harp Shandy, Green Line (by Goose Island SO GOOD), Jameson, BBK, Bell's something yummy, some other shot, Guiness Black Lager and some other stuff* - was instructed not to return to work until I made out with someone. I returned to work today, but did not make out with someone. Alas. - invited myself to a wedding. Totally going. April 2nd. I could use a date, but that would probably be even more tacky than inviting myself in the first place. - have been hung-over every day since Thursday. - believe that the hair 'o the dog is the best remedy. - found out there is a lesbian karaoke bar practically across the street from DANK. - didn't go to said lesbian karaoke bar, it was already 2am when it was discussed. - spent too much $$ on comic trades this weekend. - can admit I was not 100% sober when I went to the comic book store. - made up my new band name, with the help of VonSis - Musical Panda. - went to guitar class with a hangover. - learned Little Lion Man at class (kinda not really) and relished getting to sing the word "fucked". - cried like a little girl when I found out Knut had died. - blamed my hang over for the stupid crying. - did say to myself at some point "This is good shit for the blog on Monday!" *When I go on a Tear, I go ON A TEAR

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sorry cats and kitten, so super busy.

So, life is crazy busy, and not in very many good ways. I give you this video, by my number one band to see live.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nerdy McNerdinstein

I had been invited by one of my fave friends to an event Saturday night. I kept it on my radar, because it did sound like fun, but I didn't 100% commit until Saturday itself. So, I went. To Dark Tower comics, for an event put on by my friend's group, Comic Book Queers. So, me and a bunch of gay men, one other straight gal (or hag, whatevs) chatted, drank, snacked and talked comics. I know nothing letmerepeat NOTHING about comics. I was there to support my pal, SR. But this group was so super fun and into comics and knowledgeable, I couldn't help but get excited. I talked to the workerbee of the store a lot about what I like to read. He got all animated and walked me all around the store. I found myself taking out my notebook from my purse and...... writing down titles For future reference. Two "trades" were thrust into my hands with very strong urges to look them over. One trade was delivered unto me for winning round 2 of Comic Book Squeers. Ok ok ok ok ok So, I left there with three trades - The Unwritten, Sweet Tooth, Doom Patrol, and a plump list of other things to buy in the future: Buffy the Vampire Slayer IZombie* Locke and Key (by one son of one Stephen King) Pax Romana and The Walking Dead (of course) Got home, settled in, doing some laundry. And I pick up The Unwritten. And I devour it. And I crave trade 2. Ah, hell, this could get expensive. So, as I see some of my cool points flying out the window, I fully admit to jumping on the colorful, sexy, dirty and slightly bent world of comic books. *yes, my favorite Zombie, I sought out something awesome and undead and thought of you!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday fuuuuuuuucc um, fun day....

So, I'm crabby today. And a really silly thing started it all. See, in our work fridge (one of like four on the floor, by the way), I always put my lean cuisines in the same place. Same place for nearly two years now, same stupid place. I keep mine in the door of the freezer. Just like I keep my other stuff in the door of the fridge, on the top shelf thingy. So, this morning. I come in, go to put my frozen lunch in it's place. I had gone out to lunch yesterday, so the last frozen I had was on Wednesday. I knew I had to replenish my stock, but hey, it's Friday, so I just brought one. AND THE WHOLE DOOR WAS FULL of someone else's frozen dinners. Um, what? One day and you take over "my" space? And I know how these other people are. They bring in a bunch of frozen stuff and then never eat it. It sits there for three or four months. So I just whipped my frozen meal at the back of the freezer. I was pissed. So long story behind today's question: What seemingly little thing, behavior of others, etc just gets your blood to boiling?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

40 days is a loooong time

Because I am someone's God-mother, I sometimes have to do things I would normally not do. Like go to church (ok, I've successfully avoided that for the 11 years of precious God-daughter's life, but I know it's coming). And answer questions about Catholicism (haha!! I bite my tongue a lot). And follow Lent. (for the most part). So That means as of today, I've given up the following for 40 days. Bagels (which I eat EVERY DAY) Burgers (don't eat those that often, but still) and Bad-mouthing strangers AND I'm not one of those Catholics who believe you get Sundays off, or that you can have what you've given up on Holy Thursday. This is on until the Monday after Easter. Ok, I'll likely get a bagel on Easter Sunday while the family is at church, but that's still up in the air. Like I said, it's going to be a looooong 40 days. And you thought I was cranky before.

Monday, March 7, 2011

In too deep

Dear Phil, You know I love you, but I just can't take this. Because You can't hurry love, you just have to wait. And Just say the word...oh....sususudieo Because Tonight, tonight tonight, wooohooo And I can't stoooop loving I won't stop loving you.... Even though you're f-ing retiring. I mean, aren't there supposed to be two hearts, living in just one mind? Against all Odds, Von

Friday, March 4, 2011


What time is it? Friday Funday TIME!!!!! Here's your query: You're stuck on a desert island. You can have ONE blogger there with you. Who?* and WHY? I'm still thinking about my answer....... *and it does not have to be me.....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some clarification

Nope, it's not a political post, but more about how ignorant people post incorrect info on teh fb in their vitriolic rants. So. I feel the need to clarify. 1. Mayon Daley is STILL MAYOR until May 15. This means Rahm Emanuel takes office MAY 16. As in RAHM EMANUEL IS NOT YET MAYOR. Which means: When you write 'Why isn't Mayor Emanuel visiting the injured cop in the hospital?!?!? Asshole!!!! Doesn't care about the city or the police!!!' UM - Why would he? As he is quoted as saying: He's not going to park his car in front of Daley's. So, who should be visiting the cop who's in the hospital? DALEY. 2. Jody Weis had a CONTRACT as Chicago Police Superintendent that expired yesterday, 3/1/11. Which means that his job was actually completed and over and finished and ended on 3/1/11. When you write: 'Man! Look at Weis! He doesn't even have to give two weeks notice! Asshole!!!! Doesn't care about the city or the police!!!' Um, you are also an ignorant asshole. Lemme 'splain - a contract has a start date and an end date, which means that is the date that he is finished with the responsibilities of said contract. And guess what? We HAVE an interim Superintendent - Terry Hilliard, former Superintendent, called by da Mayor and asked to fill in for the two months until Mayor Emanuel puts someone else in the top cop slot. And from what I remember (and this will get all the feisty cop people all up my ass, but whatever) Hilliard was well liked and did a good job. So, nothing to bitch about!!! Nothing to see here people!! Moving on!!!! Also stuck in my craw this week: People who get off on being the first with new information. For the record - Yes, I did love @mayoremanuel on Twitter. It was awesome and hilarious and creative and all that good stuff. No, I do not care who wrote it. I would have been perfectly fine never knowing who did. But hey! Now we do! ANNNNDDD I still do not care. I don't a) live in Evanston b) go to Columbia c) give two shits who he is ***notice, I'm not even going to bother naming him here*** The only good part about knowing who he is is that the allegedly assholey, uncaring, callous, Mayor-elect, the actual Rahm Emanuel is still going to *gasp* keep his promise of donating $5,000 to the tweeter's charity of choice.

Monday, February 28, 2011


I wish I could give you a delightful recap of my weekend. I will try: Friday evening was ten shades of awesome, as I spent it at Jennifer's house. I tried to smuggle out Squirmy Dog and YL (who is also squirmy), but that didn't turn out so well. I did manage to leave with a copy of "Icebergs" by one TLB, so that was cool. We had a lovely time hanging out, chatting and being snarky. I think Jennifer only hit me two or three times with throw pillows, and I know Grizzled nearly spit beer twice. (He's catching on to me). Saturday was guitar class/graduation. VonParents came to see me graduate (aka play on the big stage). We played "Hide your love away". Not my first choice, but I was actually happy with how we did. Ok, with how I did. VonDad did say that I'm getting better. No discussion as to the ownership of his guitar (that I've had in my possesion for over a year now), but that will come in due time I guess. After graduation, I had lunch with VonParents at DBAG, my favorite Bar and Grille. Both our server and bartender are friends of mine, so it was a great experience for my parents. They really like it there, and they don't eat out that much, so I was happy they had a nice time. Post lunch I had to go to a wake. Thankfully as I was getting out of my car I ran into my OTSFM co-worker. We headed in together. My friend/boss (who's father's wake it was) cried because I had shown up. That made me tear up a little. I'm a sucker for tears. Spent some time there, then finally headed home. It was a loooonnnngggg day for me. Cancelled my Saturday night plans, and had zero plans on Sunday. I blame winter and h1n1. I have zero interest in leaving the house until a) It's not snowing b) There's no chance it's going to snow or icestorm c) I don't have to wear 18 layers of clothes. Sorry, but I'm a winter wimp, and I've had enough. My couch/books/ds are all the company I need until spring. Though, I'm having a huge hankering for some Olive Garden. That I would leave the house for in a blizzard. Did watch the Oscar's, kinda. I wasn't really interested, so I had it on while I read the latest book club book. Went to bed early, had to get up for work today. Why, yes, I am a wet noodle lately. Thanks for noticing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday Funday

Baseball predictions: Go: And yes, this is totally going to be used to make my fantasy team WINNERS. P.S. I'm going to hang out with Jennifer, Grizzled, EL and YL tonight. So so so excited. Guessing you might be so so so jealous. * and yes, you will likely be discussed*

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ha has from the hospital

A few times last week, while in the hospital, certain things were said or done and I thought to myself - Damn, that would make some good blog fodder. So, here's what I can remember: In the ER: ER Nurse: Is there any chance you are pregnant? Me: Nooooo. -she walks away and quickly comes back- ER Nurse: Are you not pregnant because of any surgery or condition that prevents pregnancy? Me: *sigh* No. I just haven't gotten any in about a year. ER Nurse walks away, quickly, but didn't get far enough before she busted out in laughter. I think I made her night. Day 1: Indian Med student asks many many questions. He walks away, remembers to ask something, comes back...... IMS: Do you have any other STDs? Me: Nooooo IMS: Ok and turns to leave Me: Excuse me? IMS: ? Me: You should be careful how you word things..... IMS: ? Me: Well, you said any other STDs. This indicates that I have a STD, which I do NOT have. IMS: Sorry, my English is not so good. Me: Well, for future reference..... IMS: Thank you. I will remember that. I'll bet he will. *ring ring* Lady: Food service? Me: I'd like some food? Lady: Of course! What do you want? Me: x y z..... Lady: Don't you want some dessert? Our ice cream is very good! Me: Oh, and some chocolate ice cream! **I then realized I kinda liked this part of the stay** The missing Gibb brother was my Transport dude. Not once, not twice, but three times. I wanted to ask him about his delightful hair style and very 70s clothes each time, but I realized my very sick self was in his hands. He could have totally dumped me on the floor at any point. So I left it alone. But I swear, he was the missing Gibb. My NCT (nursing care tech) was TOTALLY hitting on me. Though married, he dug me. And my h1n1 self. He was chatting with me while I was waiting to get the final heave-ho. He came over, gave me a half-hearted kinda awkward hug, and said "Maybe I'll see you at Walmart some time." Um....Walmart? Not likely. I'm a classy, refined Target kind of girl, mister.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Funday

So, I began talking to my toaster today. I think it's time for me to get back out there and interact with humans. I did have a nice visit with StepSis1 yesterday. She brought me orange juice, and pop chips, and nail polish. AND she came inside and visited for a bit. No one else has done that this week. IT was soooo nice. ANYWAY Friday Funday. So, I had me some H1N1. Aka Swine Flu. What would you re-name it to? TO better suit me? Or, if you were to get it, what would you call it? aaaaannnndd scene.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


And the results are in: H1N1. Go me! I mean, go big or go home, right? Thankfully, all of the other things have resolved - blood pressure and oxygen back to good, fever gone. I'M HOME Still under quarantine for the next few days, no work, no human interaction. I'm still contagious. But, I'M HOME! And clean, and in clean clothes, and warm, and doing laundry, and reading magazines, and sitting, not lying, down. Man, I'd love a good coloring book right about now. :) I'll be taking the rest of the week off, as being in the hospital and now in quarantine it's pretty boring, so not a whole lot of inspiration, but I'll be back next week. Thanks again friends!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


SO, what's worse than being alone on Valentine's Day? Being in the hospital, alone, on Valentine's Day. That's right friends, I'm in the hospital. Likely the flu & pneumonia, no confirmation yet, still waiting. I've been here since about 1am Sunday morning. Blood pressure and oxygen level need to go up, fever needs to go down. I'm 10 shades of miserable. Hope to go home tomorrow, but there are a lot oaf ifs and maybes around that. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Funday!!!

Today's topic? Words and the spelling of them. There are certain words I avoid using when blogging, mostly because my spell checker is a fickle bitch and only works when it feels like it. And, as we all know, there are a few grammar/spelling police around the place, so..... My word that I avoid most is: definitely I can never ever spell it properly, and YES I did go to and look it up before writing it here. Today question - ok, well, two questions - What word(s) can you absolutely definitely not spell correctly every freaking time you use it? OR What word(s) are you convinced you've spelled incorrectly every time you use it, but it's actually correct and it just looks funny to you? Extra points for profanity - you know how I roll. Have at it, frenz.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

mah luma lumma lums

When I was a little girl, a little younger than my precious God-daughter is now, there was only one person I wanted to be. My favorite show was Kids, Incorporated. I wanted to sing! I wanted to dance! I wanted to kiss cute boys! I wanted to work in this magical place that was all kids and no silly grown ups! I wanted to be Stacey Ferguson. Oh, did she have pretty curly blonde hair! And a great singing voice! And look at that hair! Man, she had the bestest clothes and jewelry, all neon and slouchy and awesome! Flash forward a number of years Sunday night, watching the Super Bowl with J & T, two of my most favorite people on Earth. I found myself saying it again. I want to be H E R. Fergie = Stacey Ferguson (in case you lived under a rock or something) Or do her. I can admit it -she's top of my If-I-was-I-would list. Me: I want to be her. T: Me too. Me: But I'd totally divorce her man, Josh. T: No, he's hot. Me: Agreed, but there are hotter men out there, and as her, I could schtup ALL of them. Being married would just be a road block to that. T: Agreed. Me: I'd do her. J: ? Me: I would. She's that hot. T: Me too. J: This. This is why I like hanging out with you two. But GOD FORBID when precious God-daughter told me a couple of years ago that she "loved and wanted to be like that lady". Me: Which lady, precious? GD: The one that sings and dances and wears the clothes. Me: ? You gotta help me out here. What does she sing? GD: Mah lums! Mah luma laalie lumms!! Me: Oh, hell NO!! Sorry kid, over my dead body! GD: pout and stamp feet. Sorry, but the Stacey Ferguson of today is NOT the Stacey Ferguson of yesterday.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Another multi-topic post.....or a Mish Mash

Dear Troll: Just so we're clear, and you aren't all confused: I am indeed a woman. A woman through and through. So we don't need your kind around these parts. Scurry back to where you came from now, as your comments will be deleted. I don't play nicely with needy pitiful things like you. KTHXBAI Von My favorite Super Bowl commercials? Toss up: I LOVED the Volkswagen mini-Darth one. Super cute. Strong second was the Chrysler/Detriot commercial featuring Eminem. I've always had a thing for drrrrty badddd Eminem, but he almost seemed like a grown up in this spot. Sure, an angry grown up, but that's ok. My least favorites: The one with the fake baby smashed against the glass for whatever reason, and the doritos finger licking one. BLECH. I don't think Omar Epps is too upset he lost the Super Bowl. I think I saw him say "It's cool, I'll just go back to that whole acting thing. Once I shave off this weird beard/mustache thing." Had a weird experience in guitar class on Saturday. Right away as we were warming up to "Our House", all of the fingers on my left hand went numb. I couldn't even form a C chord. Tom (teacher) looked at me quizically, as I kept trying. I didn't feel like interrupting the class, but for real, about 20 minutes this week and last, right out of the gate, my fingers went numb. I'm guessing it's some sort of nerve thing. Must investigate. I play a mean "I want you to want me" now, just so you know. Over the weekend, I added a shit ton of Heart to my iPod. Why I had never added these CDs before is beyond me. I've had a Heart craving for a while now. A little Barracuda never hurt anyone. And since I was adding CDs, I grabbed some Guster and threw it on there too. I don't know why it's taking me so long to get my CDs on the iPod. I think I'm still skeptical. It's an ongoing project. I also bought some songs on iTunes. Some Linkin Park, Seether, Genesis, Rush and Sting. (I'm nothing if not eclectic). Stumbled upon a fantastic documentary on Saturday. It's called "Don't you forget about me." and it's about four Canadian film makers who are travelling to Chicago to try to meet with John Hughes and talk to him about his films. Of course, they did NOT get an interview, but they did get a surprising number of Hughes film cast members to chat on camera, as well as people that worked with him, and even Kevin Smith (who I sometimes like, and sometimes don't) who was very respectful and honest about his thoughts on all things John Hughes. I highly recommend this movie. Of course, also on on Saturday was "Road House" and y'all know how I feel about that. I dedicated some time to RH (ok, the Sam Elliot scenes), but was pretty committed to the documentary. Received a notice from Netflix today that "Human Centipede, the director's cut" is on its way to me. I've been told by many many male friends that I will not be able to watch this whole thing start to finish - well, um, have you met me?!?! That challenge alone, to prove them wrong, is about all the motivation I need!! Not going to lie, though, I'm a little nervous about it. But I'm so intrigued as to how he breaks the legs to make them look like they do in the preview.....stay tuned on that, my friends.

Monday, January 31, 2011


sigh Sometimes, blogging is hard. I mean, anyone can post pictures and you tubes of songs, this takes very little thought. Which is why I don't do that. I try to come up with things that are not so boring, and not so dull to entertain. And sometimes, that's just h a r d. So, for today, a mish mash of what is in mah brainz Yesterday, Book Club, the awesome that is TLB. Not only did she rock book club's world, she's been invited to join, as she was unanimously found to be one cool chick we want to hang out with. She's accepted the offer. This is a delightful development. Saturday night, I re-made friends with Jameson. Good ole Jameson and I had a *ahem* falling out right about oh, Shannon and TheMarty's rehearsal dinner, when Jameson and I were so much in love that I *cough cough* might have over-indulged by about seven shots......Any who, new year, new friends. We're taking it slow, only enjoying each other's company for two shot's worth of time. Looks like it could be a lasting friendship. Oh the heals of Saturday night, you might want to know that Burger King breakfast can fix just about anything. For realz. I worry about little things a little too much. Like how I don't feel my guitar callouses are developing at the rate they should be. People (strangers) often find me staring at, nay, inspecting my fingers tips on my left hand.... If I had a shot of Jameson for every teh fb post/status/comment about the impending snow storms, I could probably be in an alcohol induced coma until the spring thaw.